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Do you think the thread would benefit from having a list of applicants otherwise not in teams? I'm sure it may help a lot of us that still don't have partners/a stable lineup yet.

As for me, I have 2 offers so far, but neither of them want to work with each other. So I guess I'm going to struggle in regards to putting a team together. :/

(and before anyone asks about the 5am post, I can't sleep o.O)


You can also try and contact some of the previous GRMRB mixers, that's what I was going to do anyways. Off the top of my head: Prototyperaptor, Theguitarheroe, Anti-Syne, Hylian Lemon, BlackPanther, Mainfinger, Pixelwave and Rozovian haven't shown up yet and they all were in the previous competition.

jordan we both know that you're not even good at LoL, let alone this musicking thing :<

D: My heart is broken.

Do you think the thread would benefit from having a list of applicants otherwise not in teams? I'm sure it may help a lot of us that still don't have partners/a stable lineup yet.

Yeah I think that'd be good. I'm relatively new around here and don't really feel comfortable asking around to peoples, so being on a nice little list would help with recruitment I imagine.


I will take you on, if you want crappy ol' me.

Hey I'm no superstar myself, so we can give it a shot. Guess we just need a third then.


I'm so down for this

I'm in. Who needs meeeeeeeee

Hello Ecto, I lieks ur sexy-tune-chippies, wanta team wif me?

Pretty much anyone who wants to team with me I'm down. I just want to expand my own repertoire a bit and pay homage to some kickass games. If you want listens, I have links, just PM me


Charge Man

Tengu Man (Saturn)

Stone Man

Dust Man

Wind Man

I'm very much interested in this but would be pretty much out of commission most of December. After the first round of mixing, are you going straight to the second, or will there be a full period of voting in between? (And I'm assuming the rounds are one week, yes?) Basically, I'm trying to figure out if it's feasible for me to contribute enough without leaving a team hanging at the end, or if I'm just going to have to enjoy the awesome music from the sidelines this time around.

You only have to mix for one round in a set of three rounds. Rounds are every week.

Also I'm serious about the team names. Gotta be something from Mega Man, not a combination of your artist names. This is not difficult. If you can't think of one I'll give you one.

First post is updated with rosters and picks, just for my own tracking purposes. Check the sheets, make sure it's all correct.

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