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+1 vote.

Nah, j/k, but I'll be listening for it. The soundtrack is pretty freakin' sweet.

Um, yes. Everything that dude makes is golden AND chippy. That's like gold plated gold. Shit doesn't even make sense.

And Willrock is remixing this week, no? I will outsolo you, Willrock. MARK MY WORDS. ... or I'll come close at least. MARK MY LESS THREATENING WORDS.

I think the reason it comes across feeling like it's mostly Wily, even though I know objectively that it isn't, is because of the instrument choices for the Plant Man theme

That's the point, Plant Man is a delicate Robot Master all the way down to being a shield user. So it's best that this organic/industrial clash is handled that way.

But you know, with the way this is going in regards to the mix-and-match source usage nitpicking, next time I'll see if I can make you ALL happy with Plant's usage and make 80% of it a straight cover with just 20% vague references to the Wily theme. How does that sound :|

next time I'll see if I can make you ALL happy with Plant's usage and make 80% of it a straight cover with just 20% vague references to the Wily theme. How does that sound :|

Sounds like you're taking this shit too seriously :D Stop worrying about pleasing everyone and just try to improve yourself; if you've made a piece you're happy with, no one can take that away from you

People obviously didn't like my chord progression choices and use of chordal tension and such, and I was a little butt-hurt at first, but you know what? I like my mix, and I enjoy listening to it, and I'm learning a lot and developing my style more (which is a process that I don't expect to EVER stop, and I want to be a composer after college). I don't really care if people don't vote for my mix anymore, because I gave it my all, and I personally am happy with the results. You don't like dissonance? Fine, but I'm going to keep writing complex chordal structures. You want rock and lots of solos? Fine, I'm probably not going to switch to that style just to please people. People are focusing too much on the critiques that upset them, when really, it's nothing personal. And if there's something in the critique that you see will help you improve, take it, instead of taking offense.

Yeeeee, that about sums up my feelins; it's hard to heart-to-heart!

That's the point, Plant Man is a delicate Robot Master all the way down to being a shield user. So it's best that this organic/industrial clash is handled that way.

But you know, with the way this is going in regards to the mix-and-match source usage nitpicking, next time I'll see if I can make you ALL happy with Plant's usage and make 80% of it a straight cover with just 20% vague references to the Wily theme. How does that sound :|

You really need to relax and stop being so angry about how people are voting. :whatevaa:

That's the point, Plant Man is a delicate Robot Master all the way down to being a shield user. So it's best that this organic/industrial clash is handled that way.

But you know, with the way this is going in regards to the mix-and-match source usage nitpicking, next time I'll see if I can make you ALL happy with Plant's usage and make 80% of it a straight cover with just 20% vague references to the Wily theme. How does that sound :|

I voted not based on source usage, but quality interpretation reflected in the novelty of the music, I suppose. Phonetic Hero's remix (my 1st place vote), was unusual and90 interpretive, but maintained apparent source usage. You were very liberal in the interpretation of the source, which is awesome in my eyes, but liberal in such a way that myself and others couldn't hear Plant Man's theme much. It's easy while remixing to get so creative with how you arrange the source that only the arranger him/herself would recognize it. It seems obvious to you that there was plenty of Plant Man to go around, but that's only because you wrote the remix. You have to make sure you write it so that the listeners hear what you're hearing.

That's the point, Plant Man is a delicate Robot Master all the way down to being a shield user. So it's best that this organic/industrial clash is handled that way.

But you know, with the way this is going in regards to the mix-and-match source usage nitpicking, next time I'll see if I can make you ALL happy with Plant's usage and make 80% of it a straight cover with just 20% vague references to the Wily theme. How does that sound :|

You really need to relax and stop being so angry about how people are voting. :whatevaa:

Yeah, seriously.

Your song was a contender for my top three, and AkumajoBelmont's Far From Home -- the song currently leading this round in the competition -- was not.

You never know how people are going to vote. A lot of times, they vote for a gimmicky one that seems original to them. Or they vote against the perceived favorite. Or they vote for the perceived underdog. Or they vote for friends.

This is the fourth Mega Man competition that I've observed/voted in, and many times the obviously superior mix either loses or wins by a hair.

The thing you have to keep in mind is that the voters aren't a panel of OCR judges. A lot of times, if they're like me, they have very little music training and just vote based on personal tastes.

I liked it, too! Isn't harmonic minor more pleasing theoretically because of the extra leading tone? It pleased me, anyway. In exactly two ways.

Harmonic minor is cool, but it tends to feel grating to some people due to the augmented melodic 2nd that results from the raised 7th.

Just sayin', is all.

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