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Is that the round in which we make it through the Wily castles only to find that the real culprit was actually an some lame alien which prompted me to shelf MM2 for years?

Because that'd be ok.

Hey ASS, if you'd've finished the damn game, that green alien thing was Wily the WHOLE TIME (in the words of geoffio)

Hey ASS, if you'd've finished the damn game, that green alien thing was Wily the WHOLE TIME (in the words of geoffio)

Hm, I never saw that bit because immediately after killing the alien, I was too busy kicking my NES across the room as I am inclined to do whenever I feel as though the console has slighted me.

I usually end up hurting myself more than I do the NES. I mean always.

Is that the round in which we make it through the Wily castles only to find that the real culprit was actually an some lame alien which prompted me to shelf MM2 for years?

Because that'd be ok.

N0oooo00000000bb0b0bbbbbbb0000000oooob!"!!111!!!111 U DUN KNO MAGAMEN!

He's on a holodeck, controlling a flying ball(?!)... it's obvious!

That's three mixes per participant. I was hoping to be able to make at least one more mix for this, actually.

Yah I'm kinda excited about my final mix. It will be the last in months worth of planning, from the GRMRB when I had the idea to do Splash Woman in specific musical genres. Y'all should be able to guess what my last genre is that I haven't covered yet. I've done orchestral, acoustic, electronica, metal... ;-)

All my songs are gonna be fixed and released on an ep called 'The Wettening'... including an exclusive instrumental version of Liquid Metal z_z

N0oooo00000000bb0b0bbbbbbb0000000oooob!"!!111!!!111 U DUN KNO MAGAMEN!

He's on a holodeck, controlling a flying ball(?!)... it's obvious!

Those colors remind me of how my TV screen looked upon delivering a deathblow to my NES.

Tenth round where all the teams collaborate on a mega-mix?! :D

See, I know exactly what you mean, but I'm having more fun envisioning a 36-man collab. Cue Yakkity Sax.

Y'all should be able to guess what my last genre is that I haven't covered yet.

'bout time we got some real Gregorian chant on OCR. Thanks, Brandon!

Y'all should be able to guess what my last genre is that I haven't covered yet. I've done orchestral, acoustic, electronica, metal... ;-)

Polka? Disco?

All my songs are gonna be fixed and released on an ep called 'The Wettening'... including an exclusive instrumental version of Liquid Metal z_z

Sounds moist. :razz:


I was envisioning a "There Can Be Only One" round, where each person has to make a mix using the themes of all three team members, no Wily theme.

In other news: Nice job this week, everyone. There's an abundance of excellent mixes this week. Nothing that makes me jump up and go "whoa!", but very, very solid performances all around. Good production, great arrangements, excellent use of the source material. I'm having a very tough time voting. Too bad I don't really care for this Wily theme....

'bout time we got some real Gregorian chant on OCR. Thanks, Brandon!


Also, if you never stuck around to see what happens after you beat the alien (who, remember, was Wily the WHOLE TIME) HOW DID YOU KNOW IT WAS THE END OF THE GAME

Seriously dude, sometimes I don't even...

Edit: Gario... I respect the hell out of that


Also, if you never stuck around to see what happens after you beat the alien (who, remember, was Wily the WHOLE TIME) HOW DID YOU KNOW IT WAS THE END OF THE GAME

Seriously dude, sometimes I don't even...

Edit: Gario... I respect the hell out of that


But it's no lie that I kicked my NES the first time I got to that boss... and died... man, I did not think that one through...

This thread is much more enjoyable when it's off-topic!!!

Scores and tallies are updated.

I noticed one small error:

You attributed Ben Brigg's team as "The Mega Ballers" when he is actually part of The Hard Men.

That doesn't affect The Mega Baller's ranking this round, but it does affect both The Hard Men's ranking, and the Bad Guy Robots from Mega Man's ranking.

I.e., The Hard Men should have 53 points instead of 50, and therefore are placed ahead of the Bad Guy Robots from Mega Man, instead of being tied with them.

You attributed Ben Brigg's team as "The Mega Ballers" when he is actually part of The Hard Men.

That doesn't affect The Mega Baller's ranking this round, but it does affect both The Hard Men's ranking, and the Bad Guy Robots from Mega Man's ranking.

No, you see Ben had just agreed to give us all of his points to help us out :)

No, you see Ben had just agreed to give us all of his points to help us out :)

Normally, we'd all find that funny. But the way things have gone in this thread, that comment is likely to start a three page long debate on the rules.

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