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Yuck. This week's theme is decidedly uninspiring. Not bashing Darke for choosing it, just surprised that a Mega Man game would have such a crappy song.

I 100% agree with you. I'm not trying to whine and complain, but I am having little luck finding inspiration to mix this source with my RM. I am trying my best though!

Yuck. This week's theme is decidedly uninspiring. Not bashing Darke for choosing it, just surprised that a Mega Man game would have such a crappy song.

Interesting you'd say that, I've always found it one of mega mans iconic tunes. Not to say I disagree tho, I was considering going this week if the source worked with my idea... it doesn't, nutritious and I are currently talking about who's going this week so yeah.

:D UNINSPIRING?!?! I'm a minute in to my remix, and it's sounding pretty damn sweet. I agree it's a bland tune, but it really spoke to me... in robot voices. This is shaping up to be a seriously funky remix.

That's the spirit.

Aw hell yeah funky mix.

Dunno who's mixing for my team yet, but I am out until the super secret mystery round 10 it seems.


Um hey guys....I like forgot to vote today D:

And can I um.......change all of my votes or something because I feel like my votes were kinda biased in an indirect way and after listening to the older songs more, I am now regretting my life. :((((

Um hey guys....I like forgot to vote today D:

And can I um.......change all of my votes or something because I feel like my votes were kinda biased in an indirect way and after listening to the older songs more, I am now regretting my life. :((((

Part of this contest for us artists is being able to make a song that grabs you NOW. If that's what influenced your early votes, then the artists did it right. Songs that "grow on you" (and I've found a few myself which were quite enjoyable) are great, but I don't really think they're the purpose of this contest. Don't worry too much--there's nothing at stake besides bragging rights in this game. :-)


Even though it may be obvious, for the sake of completeness...

I'll be representing Energy Tank this week. :)

Just wanted to say thanks once again for the feedback, and thank you to those of you who honored me with one of your votes -- I really appreciate it! (And was really surprised too! :-o)

Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with next.


I'd like to see Mega Man 3, Wily Tower 2. One of my favourite MM3 tracks next to the intro for 3. Felt like you were closing in on an epic battle with the big baddie.

Also, Love The Megas, waiting on their, yeah, you guessed it, Mega Man 3 album.

Part of this contest for us artists is being able to make a song that grabs you NOW. If that's what influenced your early votes, then the artists did it right. Songs that "grow on you" (and I've found a few myself which were quite enjoyable) are great, but I don't really think they're the purpose of this contest. Don't worry too much--there's nothing at stake besides bragging rights in this game. :-)

I still feel kinda bad for not putting my heart and soul 100% into the votes, but you're right! I'm glad to be able to hear these wonderful remixes and arrangements :-P


A Swarm of Voxels – Just awesome. The chiptunes and the arrangement here make you visualize a swarm of voxels. Terrifying. Anyhow, this is probably one of my favorites that you’ve submitted in this and the GRMRB 2011 (“Save a Horse (Ride a Transformer)” is up there, too). This one is a serious contender for the top 3, and it easily would have made it if not for how awesome the rest of the songs are. The only possible complaint I have about it is the length. I wish there was more to it. Still, just awesome.

Totally Tubular Fortress – Nice take on Blizzard Man’s theme. I almost didn’t recognize it. And it’s a little slower than some of your other remixes. Although it’s not one of my favorites from you (Cold Dreams is probably that one for me) I really like it. Again, the competition this round is pretty strong.

WHICH ONE DO I SHOOT?! – If I remember correctly, I think the Search Snake on either makes the real one take damage. Anyhow, great mix. Really clever take on Gemini Man’s theme. Just like with Hylian Lemon’s, this one is probably one my favorites that you’ve submitted for this compo or the GRMRB 2011, and definitely a contender for my top 3. Again, just so many awesome songs this round, otherwise it would have been a shoo-in.

Megaman Awesome – I really liked the arrangement here and I liked the song overall. I think the production could have been fattened up some. The samples didn’t really seem that full, and the sound wasn’t that robust. Not a bad song by any measure, though, it just seemed to strike me as unfinished.

Call the Fire Department – We finally get to hear from Zach72. Man, this song was going so well. I wish you could finish it. I really want to hear the rest!

Wily's Ruin – More power guitar leads from AMT, with the addition this time of lyrics. As I’ve said many, many times before, I’m not a big fan of lyrics in VG music, but these are actually pretty well done, and the song sounds like my taste in music outside of VG music. A definite contender for my top three, which says a lot for a remix with lyrics. Nicely done.

When The Moon Cries – You just pulled out all of the stops with this one. See above in re: lyrics, but just like AMT’s song, they were well done here. You really did a great job putting together a very cohesive blend of a song. I’m starting to sound like a broken record, but this one’s another contender for my top 3. It didn’t make the cut, but I have no doubt that this song will be one of the top vote-collectors this round, based on how popular yours and your team’s mixes have been so far and how well done this one is. That says a lot since there are so many good songs in this round.

Black Alleycat – Like I PM’ed you earlier, you are reeeeeally good at the smooth and chill stuff. One of my favorites of the round, and probably the entire compo so far. Ever since I first listened to your EP, I’ve been waiting for you to come up with something like this. Love it. I haven’t decided yet if this gets #1 or #2, but it’s up there. Great work, and sad that this is (or at least may be) the last mix we hear from you in the compo. Hopefully we’ll see you in the Maverick one.

Float – While your ability to vary between styles so easily and fluidly impresses, even more impressive is your ability to do so while still producing excellent remixes. This is your, what, sixth Bubble Man remix, and it’s unlike any other one you’ve done. The closest one is Bubbling Adrenaline, but that isn’t that similar to this one. And as much as I liked that one, I like this one much better. One of the best of the round. It’s four and a half minutes long, but it always seems to breeze right by when I listen to it that it feels really short. I listened to the songs in order, so I got through most of the songs before yours. I thought that this was going to be an incredibly difficult round to pick my top three because there were sooo many good ones. After hearing yours and Amphibious’s, though, it was easy to pick my top two. That still left the decision of picking one to be my third, which I thought was going to be incredibly difficult, until I heard…

Halite – Loved this one as soon as I heard it, and it saved me the trouble of having to pick between the other awesome songs this round. I also loved that the entire team collaborated on it, and I would love to know who did what. Very nice transitions between the two sources, great production. Just a great song overall.

Skull Shield – Wow, this one had the unexpected effect of making me second guess my third place vote. I guess I’ve never heard any of your stuff, so I didn’t know what to expect. This is just great, though. The theme blending is just so-so, but it totally rocked my socks off. I also wish it were a bit longer. This is still pretty damn awesome, and, although a bit of a non sequitur, the sound bite at the end of the song made be chuckle. Looking forward to hearing another mix out of you in Round 9!!


Round 7 of ecto'sstreamofconsciousness reviews:

A Swarm of Voxels -- The intro is a winner. I love the thick, wide bass. 0:35 is when shit hits the fan, but in a good way (?). The energy is fantastic here. As always with your work, the harmonies get quirky and awesome soon thereafter, and as always with your work, I love it. There was a ton of attention to mixing throughout except perhaps that final, high lead at the end that was a just a tad shrill. The arrangement was tight as always.

Totally Tubular Fortress -- ALL YOUR TRACKS SOUND THE SAME!! And MAN, have you NAILED this style. I love your old-school sound so much. Teach me your ways <3. This mix is a bit muddy throughout, perhaps a bit much reverb in naughty places where it shouldn't be. The lead that comes in around 1:53ish is a bit loud and perhaps a bit hot on the highs. The drum groove is a bit repetitive as well. Despite my critiques, this was really enjoyable and the arrangement was excellent. That said, the lack of rhythmic variation made things seem like they plodded a long a bit.

WHICH ONE DO I SHOOT?! -- The intro wasn't my favorite for some reaason, then 0:45 SLIDEY SYNTH. LOVE. And then wubz? OK, I'll bite. And it tastes great. The glitchies were quite tasteful and added a lot to the arrangement. Speaking of arrangement, you did an awesome THOUGHT INTERRUPTED oh god, that gated voice. That's just about my favorite thing ever. Fantastic choice. Speaking of arrangement, you did an awesome job with Gemini Man's theme, and the way you integrated Wily's theme was slick.

Megaman Awesome -- I liked the intro until the harmonies went woo-woo :( the synth you have keeping the chords in the beginning is playing some overtly wrong notes. At 0:53, things get back on track, harmonically speaking... and back off again at 1:09. The arrangement is also quite conservative. Seems a bit like a MIDI rip with that little transitory chord jam between Heat Man bits.

Call the Fire Department -- That one Skrillex song would be quite silly if some lady had shouted "CALL THE FIRE DEPARTMENT" instead. These are the things I think about on too little sleep. Turns out I can't sleep through someone vacuuming the house. Oh well, your loss is my gain. What? The mix is over already? I wasn't even done typing random, stupid crap. Well, I suppose it was enjoyable for its length, if a bit thin.

Wily's Ruin -- Again, I'm not a fan of vocals, but man, these were well done. It reminds me of my emo days early in high school (silly days, those). I wish I had more critiques, but I was too busy nostalgia'ing at the Taking Back Sunday sound of this, sorry :P But I loved it. At times, the meter of the lyrics didn't quite work. Right at about 2:32, the vocals were noticeably out of key. Very creative and solid arrangment. <3 it.

When The Moon Cries -- The staccato string stabs seemed just a bit weak. Your breath was smelly at 0:34. Smells like Nyquil. "I will give every bit of my all" seemed to have an awkward meter to it. The vocals have the perfect amount of reverb on them and seemed to be very well-mixed. What happened to the Jason Covenant who wrote Sweet Dream Lullaby?!?! Your 3 remixes have been nothing like that gem :( Not that these haven't been excellent throughout, but it would have been nice to see you attempt different styles. What's that? There's even a woody flute like in your other remixes! "At the end of nighTTTT" is a bit strong on the T. Same with "lighTTTT". Nitpicky: at 4:28 with the filter sweet, there was no transition into the sweep, just kind of a switch to the filter being on. Was a bit jarring, but my personal preference is to have smooth filter transitions; nothing wrong with what you did. Very slick arrangement, interesting soundscape throughout.

Black Alleycat -- The drums seemed a bit weak before the lead dropped. I think the Rhodes chords could have used just a bit of variation. Maybe some color notes here and there, a little added and varied syncopation. The lead at 1:25 needs a bit more volume to it. Its frequencies seem a bit thin as well. I love the groove throughout, and the bitcrushed drums were an excellent choice. Very smooth piece, though a bit conservative, but I'm more partial to highly liberal arrangements myself. I'll be damned if the OCR judges ever pass me based on my liberal arrangements (and I made my first-ever submission a few days ago, so time will tell! :D).

Halite -- Gorgeous intro. The bass seems a bit weak. The transition into Crystal Man craziness is a bit weak. That section itself sounds nice (and verbatim...) but a bit thin. I love the filtered guitar-y thing. Very well-executed. The drum groove in the end is a bit weak. It could use a little more compression love, even some more variation, too. I like how the ending of the piece just kind of decays on the listener.

Float -- You win, teamie!! <3

Skull Shield -- The kick seems to be mixed a little funny. I think it's clashing with the bass quite a lot. The guitar playing is great! The arrangement was very conservative, and there seemed to be little variation in the soundscape, but shit, it's a metal song. Why vary what isn't broken? Welp, I enjoyed it, although it was conservative and perhaps a bit derivative, but again, metal is metal, and if it isn't all screamy and shit, it's usually pretty badass. That's the worst penis I've ever seen in my life.

Overall, the arrangements of the source tunes were somehow perhaps the most clever and yet the most conservative of any of the rounds so far. One would think those things are mutually exclusive, so maybe I just don't know what I'm talking about.


1. Wily's Ruin

2. A Swarm of Voxels

3. When The Moon Cries

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