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Steve Jobs voted most influential game developer of our time...

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... at an iOS/Android developer conference.


Miyamoto got 7%, Gabe Newell got 16%, and Jobs got 26%. In a related poll, he was listed in the top five people in the games industry by 46% of poll-takers.

So, to recap, a survey at a heavily-Apple oriented conference shows that Apple fans, staff and iOS developers think Steve Jobs is the biggest thing to hit the games industry in years.

That's some good surveying there, guys. Sounds totally legit. :roll:

And for good measure:



This is more about how he opened up gaming to a large mass of people, more than the DS did, and how 'his' platform made it possible for business men and middle-aged women to fling colored birds on their phone while they wait on the bus, rather than him actually having any part in creating a game.

Unless you wanna talk about Breakout, and his lack of involvement there as well!


Most developers are interested in funding their passion for development. Sales are a good way to approach that. iOS and other mobile platforms are incredibly accessible and lucrative marketplaces for developers. Jobs had a hand in developing the iOS.

... which makes him neither a game developer, nor necessarily the mastermind of iOS, but that's probably the logic the developers applied.

Or they didn't apply any and are blinded by teh death.


Xenon has it right here.

Jobs opened it up to a scale even the creators of the Gameboy couldnt imagine. No longer was it just a kiddy toy.

That has had a HUGE impact. For game players like us he doesn't have the impact a Miyamoto or even a Nobu would.

Still its a biased poll.

Jobs opened it up to a scale even the creators of the Gameboy couldnt imagine. No longer was it just a kiddy toy.

I would have said it was the work of the various staff members in the various departments inside Apple, but fuck them, STEVE JOBS, MAN!

I find it funny when people talk like he was personally responsible for every single thing that happened in Apple and he was the man that designed all their products. They obviously have no idea how a company like that works.

It's not Jobs, it's the designers, programmers, marketing, research and development people that made Apple what it is. Jobs was a corporate figurehead. He had about as much say over things as you or I do.

His main duty was to show up at the press conferences and talk the next product up, not to design hardware or lay out the next several years of products. He didn't write iOS himself (or even part of it). He didn't decide to make gaming a part of the iPhone/iPad suite (in fact, by his own admission, he didn't think it would work at all, and it was the efforts of various Apple department heads that made it happen).

It was all the workers at Apple. He was just the face everyone saw.

I doubt the guy that designed the processor for the newest iPhone has people wearing t-shirts with his face on it, despite the fact he did more to make it happen than Jobs ever did.

But but but... STEVE JOBS, MAN!

I would have said it was the work of the various staff members in the various departments inside Apple, but fuck them, STEVE JOBS, MAN!

I find it funny when people talk like he was personally responsible for every single thing that happened in Apple and he was the man that designed all their products. They obviously have no idea how a company like that works.

It's not Jobs, it's the designers, programmers, marketing, research and development people that made Apple what it is. Jobs was a corporate figurehead. He had about as much say over things as you or I do.

His main duty was to show up at the press conferences and talk the next product up, not to design hardware or lay out the next several years of products. He didn't write iOS himself (or even part of it). He didn't decide to make gaming a part of the iPhone/iPad suite (in fact, by his own admission, he didn't think it would work at all, and it was the efforts of various Apple department heads that made it happen).

It was all the workers at Apple. He was just the face everyone saw.

I doubt the guy that designed the processor for the newest iPhone has people wearing t-shirts with his face on it, despite the fact he did more to make it happen than Jobs ever did.

But but but... STEVE JOBS, MAN!

I personally think that Steve Jobs was the Dimebag Darrell of technology. They're both over-rated and nobody cared about them until they died.

Sounds mean to say, but it is the truth no less.


for anyone who *didn't* read the article pretty much the entire article was talking about how the poll was taken at a small conference pretty much only populated by social games/iOS developers

obviously this is going to happen

I would have said it was the work of the various staff members in the various departments inside Apple, but fuck them, STEVE JOBS, MAN!

It's not so much that they're idiots, which may or may not be true. In film there's this thing called auteur theory, which basically says in spite of the sheer manpower required to make a movie happen, the director should get all the credit. It's his 'vision' that makes the product what it is, after all.

Yeah, it's pretty crap. But over time, it's become accepted by the masses, and creeped into other fields. Like tech.


Clefairy, if I could capture you a ball and hug you at night as I feel asleep, I would.

But the courts have prevented me from traveling across state and federal borders without an escort and/or monitoring device.

You're right, and it makes sense that way. But it still annoys me. I doubt he had any "visions" about anything Apple has made or done in the last decade.

steve jobs was a great guy and all but this is some high class bullshit

There's really nothing else to say, except don't hold a survey like this with a conference full of Apple fanboys who've only ever played Angry Birds and Cut the Rope and probably have never heard of a gameboy.



That's what you get when people are riding the coattails of his death and doing a poll where they include him for some odd reason. It's not a surprise that people would take the bait.

IMO Steve Jobs is kind of a sweat shop master of suck but what do I know?

Let the fallout settle and then all this Steve Jobs bs will be history :J


That's what you get when people are riding the coattails of his death and doing a poll where they include him for some odd reason. It's not a surprise that people would take the bait.

IMO Steve Jobs is kind of a sweat shop master of suck but what do I know?

Let the fallout settle and then all this Steve Jobs bs will be history :J

Not if fanboys have their way, they'll be putting up altars in his honor.

Jobs must be laughing in his new caterpillar form. Or maybe laughing as one of those foxcon employees going mad.

Too Soon?


Semantic nightmare... I always thought that in order to be a game developer, you had to be a game developer.

Thing is, even when I think Miyamoto, I think more game DESIGNER than developer... developer as an individual role, with regards to gaming, would I suppose be more about coding than actual game design? I would have thought "Best Game Developer" as a title would be more appropriately given to a team/company, not an individual... but maybe I just smokin' cracks.

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