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What a shame:roll:

inorite? That virus/spyware infested place should have been brought down ages ago. And i'm sorry i'm not crying over the loss of all the streaming anime a lot of people seemed to have suffered but i am very much Anti-Piracy. This was coming with or without SOPA. The timing is a coincidence. A good one though


Lol, the fucking "Mega Conspiracy"

So glad 50 year olds who don't know anything about the internet other than newfangled email are trying to be in charge of the internet.


and now I can rub it in movie theaters' faces that the reason no one goes to movies isn't because of piracy but because of the overly expensive bullshit that going to a theater is.

Wait, what am I thinking!? Of course, piracy is killing the industry!

and now I can rub it in movie theaters' faces that the reason no one goes to movies isn't because of piracy but because of the overly expensive bullshit that going to a theater is.

Wait, what am I thinking!? Of course, piracy is killing the industry!

and despite theater's expensive bullshit, Dark Knight Rises, Paranormal Activity 15 etc. will still roll in millions of dollars at the box office despite the piracy.


I'm a little confused. Wasn't it really the site's users who were engaging in copyright infringement and not Mega Upload itself? Yes, I'm aware that the site's staff may have been in the wrong, but I still don't really see any reason for the FBI investigation or the criminal charges of conspiracy against these people (although I do have to question why they were arrested in New Zealand).


I'm very curious as to where they are coming up with this $500 million in lost profits figure. No way all of those people who downloaded the files were actually going to go see it in theater or buy it. As far as I'm concerned, they pulled that number out of thin air.

EDIT: I'm going through the indictment right now. I just came across this little tidbit and was very amused...

"In exchange for payment, the Mega Conspiracy provides the fast reproduction and distribution of infringing copies of copyrighted works from its computer servers located around the world."

Um...whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty?

I'm very curious as to where they are coming up with this $500 million in lost profits figure. No way all of those people who downloaded the files were actually going to go see it in theater or buy it. As far as I'm concerned, they pulled that number out of thin air.

not to mention the people that downloaded something then bought it later

A download does not equal a lost profit. Something is downloaded because it's not worth buying, or it's worth sampling before buying.

There was a movie that came out a while back that was poorly reviewed and failed hard at the box office, but was heavily pirated. Well, the film company decided to sue people who had downloaded it.

"Experts" said that if something like just 10% of all the people who downloaded the movie were sued, the film company would have made like more than 3 times the amount of money the film made at the box office.

Step 1: Make shitty movie

Step 2: Blame Piracy for failure

Step 3: Sue fucking everybody

Step 4: You make money....lots of money.

There was a movie that came out a while back that was poorly reviewed and failed hard at the box office, but was heavily pirated. Well, the film company decided to sue people who had downloaded it.

"Experts" said that if something like just 10% of all the people who downloaded the movie were sued, the film company would have made like more than 3 times the amount of money the film made at the box office.

Step 1: Make shitty movie

Step 2: Blame Piracy for failure

Step 3: Sue fucking everybody

Step 4: You make money....lots of money.



Actually I think in most cases piracy exists out of convenience. Valve has more or less proven that this is the case for videogames; stuff on Steam still costs money, but it's much much easier to just buy and download it there than having to find a torrent and crack it. Hell, they turned RUSSIA into a profitable market for their videogames.

I bet that if more people had access to something like Netflix, and Netflix had a wider selection of movies viewable online, that would do more to counter movie piracy than anything else (including SOPA).

Steam does what others don't; offer games for ridiculously low prices and in bundles. That's what will defeat piracy.

This is only partially true. Prices for new games are comparable to many other services and stores, and sometimes even higher. Steams success stems mainly from the fact that you can buy, download and install all your games within a single interface which doubles as non-intrusive DRM, which altogether makes it much more attractive than piracy. Saving money is rarely the main factor that drives pirates, convenience or avoiding intrusive DRM is much more important.

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