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Will you buy the shirts?  

119 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you buy the shirts?

    • I would buy the OverClocked university shirt.
    • I would buy the Instruments shirt.
    • I would buy both shirts.
    • I would buy neither shirt.

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So after a bit of handbags in IRC I just want to reiterate my point publically.

OCR University makes no sense, relates to no joke that I'm aware of, misrepresents what OCR is to people who don't recognise it, isn't funny to those who do, and imitates a trend we have no relation to.

As official merchandise it serves no purpose whatsoever, and an hour-ish of debate gave me absolutely no solid reasons to suggest otherwise.

It is marginally more stylish then our current t-shirt, but that is not a good enough reason. All I managed to get out of people was a sort of 'why not' attitude. Why not sell t-shirts with just pictures of Dave on it? I think that as a community we can do far better and that is a better reason not to do it then any reason I've heard for it.

Regardless of how this turns up, I _really_ like the idea of putting the mission statement on the shirt. Find a way to do that if the university shirt gets replaced with something please. :P

Agree totally there. Great to see the statement but it could be on a far more useful design.

OCR University makes no sense

Like Darkesword said, there are literally hundreds of fake university shirts, and frankly I think OU makes a lot more sense than most. From the about page:

Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is www.ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans.

Part of this site's purpose is education about video game music, its past and musical appreciation of it. There are a number of university courses on music appreciation. Granted, the site is primarily about rearranging vg music, but I think it's a stretch to imply that no one has ever learned anything here.

relates to no joke that I'm aware of

Exactly. That YOU'RE not aware of. Most people are though.

isn't funny to those who do

I think you're projecting your own opinion just a bit there.

Part of this site's purpose is education about video game music, its past and musical appreciation of it. There are a number of university courses on music appreciation. Granted, the site is primarily about rearranging vg music, but I think it's a stretch to imply that no one has ever learned anything here.

We aren't a University. If you don't know what OCR is, you will be mislead by this t-shirt. Terrible marketing for official merch.

Exactly. That YOU'RE not aware of. Most people are though.
I think you're projecting your own opinion just a bit there.

Sorry but you can't say I'm projecting my opinion of 'people don't get the joke' and then counter it with 'people do get the joke'. They're both opinions. Agree to disagree and all that.

We aren't a University. If you don't know what OCR is, you will be mislead by this t-shirt. Terrible marketing for official merch.

I never said we were literally a university...Saying two things bear a similarity is not the same thing as saying two things are identical.

Like I said before, the site's primary function is rearranging music, but it has an educational component to it as well, and is certainly invested in the musical appreciation of video game music. Musical appreciation is taught at a number of universities in different forms. We have workshops where people can learn about creating music or creating better music, and even our judging system provides helpful feedback which can help an aspiring artist develop. This site is chock full of educational opportunities.

Sorry but you can't say I'm projecting my opinion of 'people don't get the joke' and then counter it with 'people do get the joke'. They're both opinions.

Uh, what? It's an objective fact that a lot of similar shirts exist. Are you suggesting that people buy those shirts because because they don't get it?

As for projecting, you very specifically stated that if you don't get the joke, then others won't:

If I don't get the joke then anyone who doesn't know OCR will just get confused about what OCR is.

Other people have different opinions and find different things funny. I think others will get it because there are similar shirts and people get them. You said you don't think people will get it because you don't get it. Do you understand the difference?

Agree to disagree and all that.

I can agree with that.


You all have bad taste.

(except for the guys who voted for the instrument one or both)

@jason: Whether you like it or not, the University shirt is indeed an inside joke. OverClocked ReMix isn't something that a lot of the people in the world know about. It's far from it. OCR is not so popular that the joke will make sense to people who haven't been on the site before, and that's an infinitesimally small fraction of the people you're bound to see IRL. The second shirt is way more plausible in terms of ACTUALLY REPRESENTING OCR (which I think a shirt is supposed to do).

I never said we were literally a university...Saying two things bear a similarity is not the same thing as saying two things are identical.

Like I said before, the site's primary function is rearranging music, but it has an educational component to it as well, and is certainly invested in the musical appreciation of video game music. Musical appreciation is taught at a number of universities in different forms. We have workshops where people can learn about creating music or creating better music, and even our judging system provides helpful feedback which can help as aspiring artist develop. This site is chock full of educational opportunities.

You missed my point a bit. I was oversimplifying your comparison on purpose. We do have an educational element of course. That isn't however the point of the site, and is a missed opportunity for proper advertisement of the mission statement in a clearer format that everyone will get.

Uh, what? It's an objective fact that a lot of similar shirts exist. Are you suggesting that people buy those shirts because because they don't get it?
As for projecting, you very specifically stated that if you don't get the joke, then others won't:
Other people have different opinions and find different things funny. I think others will get it because there are similar shirts and people get them. You said you don't think people will get it because you don't get it. Do you understand the difference?

Yes the fact other designs exist is objective evidence of your point. But Will is objective evidence that not everyone gets the joke. People either get it or they don't, there is no difference. The only debate is the ratio of those people, and that is opinion until someone proves it (and neither of us are able to). (Also I'm aware of the fallacy you point out, and that is my fault for not phrasing it properly - but the point I just made properly stands i think).

Just fyi that last line could be construed as patronising, but eh. I can take it. (EDIT: this sounds douchey on reflection, I'm not being serious here just to clarify)

I can agree with that.


We aren't a University. If you don't know what OCR is, you will be mislead by this t-shirt. Terrible marketing for official merch.

I would think the SNES controller might give it away.

If you people pick the other design over the university one, I will leave OCR forever and build my own remix site. I'll call it www.meteocremix.org and steal your thunder by posting remixes of public domain songs, nursery rhymes and ancient plainsongs.

And I'll build it in fucking Geocities 1995!

Maybe it would be cool to have a version with the original OCR logo on the front, and the instruments on the back? ^-^

I've never been fond of fake university shirts and I like Jill's idea.

As for shirts for us gals, I highly recommend this (NSFW) shirt by American Apparel. Various t-shirt sites like Design By Humans often use this particular one. I'm very picky when it comes to how shirts fit and this is the best one I've worn.


@jason: Whether you like it or not, the University shirt is indeed an inside joke. OverClocked ReMix isn't something that a lot of the people in the world know about. It's far from it. OCR is not so popular that the joke will make sense to people who haven't been on the site before, and that's an infinitesimally small fraction of the people you're bound to see IRL. The second shirt is way more plausible in terms of ACTUALLY REPRESENTING OCR (which I think a shirt is supposed to do).

I agree that few if anyone is going to see the university shirt and immediately reach a complete understanding about OCR as a site, but I don't think the second shirt accomplishes that any better. I don't think that the purpose of the shirt should be to completely explain the mission of this site either. The purpose of the shirt, in my view, is to catch others' attention and get them to look it up for themselves. Frankly, I think both shirts can do that just fine. I prefer the first shirt because I like it better personally.

We do have an educational element of course. That isn't however the point of the site

Someone better tell Dave then, so he can take it out of the mission statement. On a more serious note, I've said many times the primary purpose of the site is rearranging game music. That doesn't render all other intentions, especially ones explicitly stated in the mission statement, completely meaningless.

Yes the fact other designs exist is objective evidence of your point. But Will is objective evidence that not everyone gets the joke. People either get it or they don't, there is no difference. The only debate is the ratio of those people, and that is opinion until someone proves it (and neither of us are able to).

No matter how funny a joke may be, there will always be people that don't get it. You are correct that it's the ratio that's at the heart of the matter. The fact that there are so many shirts suggests to me that a lot of people get it and get it very easily.

Just fyi that last line could be construed as patronising, but eh. I can take it.

I was concerned about that, but I couldn't think of a better way to word it while still getting the same idea across. Maybe, "Do you see the difference?" or a statement like, "That's the difference," would have been better. Regardless, it wasn't my intent to come across as patronizing or condescending for that matter. Sorry if it seemed that way.


I think we've reached an understanding.

I've never been fond of fake university shirts and I like Jill's idea.

As for shirts for us gals, I highly recommend this shirt by American Apparel. Various t-shirt sites like Design By Humans often use this particular one. I'm very picky when it comes to how shirts fit and this is the best one I've worn.

Might want to put a NSFW tag on that, as the first related link I saw was a girl wearing socks and no bottom, and one off of that had titties :P


For what it's worth (& to clarify on my earlier post), I get it, but I also think it backfires - I've seen those fake university shirts and the first thought that comes to mind when I see someone with one is "trash" due to the nonsensical branding of [insert topic/brand/etc.] as a university for the sake of parody, especially for someone familiar with many universities. I know I'm not the only one with that viewpoint, as I've asked my brother for his thoughts and he thought it was bad because it wasn't a sports or university related shirt. He wouldn't wear a shirt with logos anyway, but the university approach adds another negative as far as fashion goes.

The trend is one of those polarizing fashion trends, and I definitely know a lot of people with a strong distaste for those shirts. As is evidenced, I posit that there's no good reason to print such a shirt as official merchandise at all. I'd much rather have a black or navy blue polo shirt with a small OCR logo or Larry's suggestion of possibly replacing the SNES controller with an NES or Genesis or some other console controller, or something intricate like a concert-like shirt.

The purpose of the shirt, in my view, is to catch others' attention and get them to look it up for themselves.

Besides the first result, tell me what you see here.


I see absolutely nothing that pertains to OverClocked Remix. Overclocking is a computer term and putting that next to an education term like "university" and it will give barely any indication of what OCR actually is. At best, I would have thought it was some sort of technical computer school.

I was concerned about that, but I couldn't think of a better way to word it while still getting the same idea across. Maybe, "Do you see the difference?" or a statement like, "That's the difference," would have been better. Regardless, it wasn't my intent to come across as patronizing or condescending for that matter. Sorry if it seemed that way.

I think we've reached an understanding.

No worries. Like I amended with an edit just before you quoted this - it was my fault for not voicing my point properly. You were right to point out the fallacy, but it was one that was carelessly implied by my rushed argument and not what I was trying to imply.

I do love this forum. It is definitely one of the more reasonable collections of video game enthusiasts.

Besides the first result, tell me what you see here.


I see absolutely nothing that pertains to OverClocked Remix. Overclocking is a computer term and putting that next to an education term like "university" and it will give barely any indication of what OCR actually is. At best, I would have thought it was some sort of technical computer school.

I see a robot building team at a university. That's the second result. We're the first result. I'm sorry, but I don't see the problem. If anything, the fact that there is no real Overclocked University is a good thing -- no one to confuse us with. And again, we are the first result. I know you are concerned that people won't know what the site is based on the search terms, but I don't think that'll be a problem when those same search terms lead them directly to the site.

I do love this forum. It is definitely one of the more reasonable collections of video game enthusiasts.

Agreed. One of the most reasonable forums period.

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