djpretzel Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
DjMystix Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 Awezome!!! I always wanted to remix GIJOE (NES). This mix is friggin epic! Excellent work! Quote
HitoriJaNai Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 When I first saw Nutritious AND G.I. Joe AND Cobra, I thought, this should be interesting. And interesting it is. Far more than interesting, really. When I watched the album trailer, this track stood out to me as rather patriotic, almost. Which, to be honest, makes sense. Certainly, these songs are all boss themes, but what's a boss without a hero to best him/her/it/them/etc? All that aside, this song really is badass in its own right, and I would definitely like to see more of this side of Nutritious. Job well done, sir! Quote
Liontamer Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 This game actually has some pretty good cuts on it! Checking out the original tracks makes you really appreciate the depth of the arrangement here. Awesome work, Justin! Quote
Mikeaudio Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 This mix is sick! This is movie trailer worthy, honestly. Listening to this, without thinking about it, I feel like I am listening to a trailer for a top notch action film. Keep up the good work! Quote
Rexy Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 Ever since the PRC days, I've trusted that Nutritious would work really well with more obscure material. So I'm glad to hear he regularly checks out the Requests forums and works on material from there; good to see it making its presence on BadAss as well! The sudden genre shifting here similarly worked a treat; to see him break out of his comfort zone and try something unusual is something that worked ridiculously well here. I can see how he might've wanted to make the electric guitars more subtle, but for what it is it managed to blend well in the orchestra just fine as it is. I however don't seem to be too much of a fan of the over-reverbed drums though; it's still got the energy from the programming, even if the writing feels a little auto-pilot, so maybe to try and give them less of a wet presence might've made them form a much clearer presence in the mix. All in all, a return to form and a big risk to boot that may pay off as a more obscure gem amongst the tracks - nice going Quote
Chernabogue Posted December 6, 2011 Posted December 6, 2011 Very cool track from one of my favorite artists! The samples are sounding very realistic and the arrangement is very well executed. Loving the end since its usage in the BadAss trailer. Quote
ad.mixx Posted December 7, 2011 Posted December 7, 2011 I'm actually a huge fan of this. The reverbed drums mixed with the orchestra + guitar remind me a lot of the Super Smash Bros. Melee soundtrack. Like, a lot. That's a good thing though, I love Melee's music. Good job on this. A+ Quote
Crulex Posted December 7, 2011 Posted December 7, 2011 An interesting orchestral rock ReMix for sure. Sounds like the final fight of an action movie, which completely fits right in with G.I. Joe. Epic arrangement that really pumps you up in a heroic way. Funny enough, I got really into this the first time I heard this while doing something else and didn't know it was getting to the end, so when it cut off I was like "Aww, man, done already?", only to find it was over three minutes long. So it's a good ReMix to get immersed in. Nice work. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted December 7, 2011 Posted December 7, 2011 I remember this being put together piece by piece as it was worked on, and it really came together well. I think the secret to the expansive sound is just a sheer number of layers, and the tuned percussion. For some reason I wouldn't expect that sound to meld with guitars and drums, but somehow it does, and actually really improves everything. Pretty interesting, and something I may consider myself. Dramatic and exciting, I think this is one of my favorites from Justin. Quote
Bahamut Posted December 8, 2011 Posted December 8, 2011 More orchestral! In fact, an electro orchestral hybrid! Justin is getting quite good at his craft and combining his different styles. This particular song is short and sweet, but it is a great track to loop - I can imagine this played in a game. Quote
Inferno232 Posted December 8, 2011 Posted December 8, 2011 Not bad at all. If I *had* to find some complaint, I might say that I felt there was never a single climatic moment in the mix, but that's only because it was pretty equally awesome throughout. It does sound like something Cobra Commander would probably have playing while executing one of his bizarre, nefarious plots. COBRAAAAAAAAA! Quote
Necris Omega Posted December 10, 2011 Posted December 10, 2011 Like the Joker, I remember hearing this on the WIP boards during construction. If memory serves, Nutritious was somewhat disparaging about this piece, so I'm both surprised and elated to see this see the light of day. Now I can finally replace the unfinished versions in my music library. Thanks BadAss: Boss Themes! Quote
ryankeeton Posted December 28, 2011 Posted December 28, 2011 I liked the orchestral fake out. Drums sound great, everything seems very dramatic and movie-esque. The effect at 2:30 seemed kinda out of place. Nice ending, very heroic sounding Quote
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