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The PCReMix Initiative ~ Let's put the PC in OC ReMix!

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What's great about it is that you don't have to wait for a full album to be done; mixes from this initiative are going to hit the front page sooner or later.

Yup! I've already finished one of my claimed tracks and I'm planning on submitting it to the panel this week. =)

Excellent. :-) Which one, if I may ask?

The introduction to Eye of the Beholder II. You can check the list of claimed tracks in the first post. I keep updating it, and there's a couple of links to WIP threads as well if you want to listen to the tracks and maybe post a comment. =)

If Diablo 2 from 2000 is ok, how about Deus Ex (also from 2000)? I have a fairly complete PRC mix from the UNATCO theme, which I've been tinkering with lately.
^ This. If the game is allowed, you can definitely sign me up for a Deus Ex medley of sorts. :-D

Of course it's allowed. It would be pretty hypocritical of me to allow Diablo 2 and not Deus Ex, hehe.

Just let me know when you've chosen your source tunes and I'll put you on the list. =)

2). I'm not quite at the point where I can notate music by ear.

This could be your opportunity to try doing something by ear. It's not a project, so there's no rush or deadlines or directors. =) Lego Island is definitely a great suggestion, so if you decide to remix it, you have my full support!

"It is with great pride that I dedicate this new school, sports arena, or attraction."

(read: I fully support this initiative, I'll post some songs to suggest later)

Thanks! You're welcome to hop on board if there's a specific tune you'd like to arrange.

(read: I fully support this initiative, I'll post some songs to suggest later)

We never had a computer at home; I was raised on console gaming and will always feel more comfortable with a controller in my hands and a TV in my face. But I also support this. As for input, I don't have any of my own, but I did just come across this post in an old thread: quoted below for the lazy

Most of you goddamn punks had consoles growing up to feed into your atavistic need to look at shiny things to draw your attention.

I was bereft of console systems. My mind was refined and honed on PC games, which is why I hold so very many of you in contempt. I loathe you OCremix. You need more PC soundtracks

FX Fighter

Betrayal at Krondor

Gabriel Knight

King's Quest 7 (whichever one has you as the princess)


Zephyr (really obscure, incredible soundtrack)


Jazz the Jackrabbit


Max Payne 2

TES: Daggerfall

American McGee's Alice (not really a good euphonic soundtrack, but wildly inventive and unusual)

Giants: Citizen Kabuto

Heroes of Might and Magic 2 (really all the Heroes of M&M, but 2 had music that ranged from haunting to soaring to sweeping to awe-inspiring)

Might and Magic, The Mandate of Heaven (the Mandate of Heaven had this one song, snowy wilderness I believe, that was particularly beautiful)

Mechwarrior 2

Wing Commander 2

Lands of Lore: the Throne of Chaos

aaaand I think I've exhausted myself. Maybe after this next remix I'm working on, I'll be the champion of PC soundtracks. Lord knows YOU ALL aren't doing your part!!!

Looks like someone needs to get out and do some recruiting.


I've got a lot to work on as is, other mixes and school and whatnot, but I think this thread has convinced me to add a Warcraft 2 song to my to-do list. I absolutely loved that game as a kid and played it for hours on end.

Once I have time I'll give some of the other PC gems mentioned a look. There's some great stuff out there, I just haven't had a chance to play many of the games that have been suggested, so I'm not as familiar with their music.


Nobody's mentioned Lode Runner: The Legend Returns/Mad Monks' Revenge?

Come to think of it, I'm strongly convinced that the music in TLR/MMR is perfect as it is, but what the hey, I'll take a shot at it.

gonna try remixing this:

Lode Runner: The Legend Returns/Mad Monks' Revenge: Crystal Hoard

with which I have the strong desire to mash up with the Pokemon G/S/C Dark Cave theme for some reason.


Cool to see this support and activity!

Silpheed has a great soundtrack, at least the couple of first songs. But it's really not a PC soundtrack, but a PC-8801 soundtrack. :) The MS-DOS version is a port. Another similar case and a thoroughly great soundtrack is

. Alas (for the purposes of this initiative), it's not an original PC soundtrack.


The introduction to Eye of the Beholder II. You can check the list of claimed tracks in the first post. I keep updating it, and there's a couple of links to WIP threads as well if you want to listen to the tracks and maybe post a comment. =)

Finally have enough time to do this up. I'll get right on listening!

As for input, I don't have any of my own, but I did just come across this post in an old thread: quoted below for the lazy Looks like someone needs to get out and do some recruiting.

Ooo, it's great to see there are more people who are disgusted by the lack of PC music here. =P I've always liked The Wingless' arrangements. According to his profile, he hasn't been on the site in quite a while, though. Too bad.

I've got a lot to work on as is, other mixes and school and whatnot, but I think this thread has convinced me to add a Warcraft 2 song to my to-do list. I absolutely loved that game as a kid and played it for hours on end.

Don't feel obligated to start working on another track if you're busy. There's no rush, and you're welcome to join any time. When/if you've decided to remix a track, just give me the title and I'll put you on the list. =)

gonna try remixing this:

Lode Runner: The Legend Returns/Mad Monks' Revenge: Crystal Hoard

with which I have the strong desire to mash up with the Pokemon G/S/C Dark Cave theme for some reason.

I'll put you on the list, so welcome aboard! Great choice of source, but if you're planning on remixing it as part of this initiative, don't mash it up with Pokemon tracks.


Also, I've submitted my Eye of the Beholder II track to the panel today. The initiative has thus officially started!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Oh snap. This might finally get me out of my fear of letting people hear my stuff. I may just have to get comfy with Ableton (finally) and crank out a Solar Winds mix (already had one started in Reason for a student animation project).

No promises. But childhood obsession [with that game] may compel me.


Oh sweet! Somebody remixing Necros. Approval++.

Oh snap. This might finally get me out of my fear of letting people hear my stuff. I may just have to get comfy with Ableton (finally) and crank out a Solar Winds mix (already had one started in Reason for a student animation project).

No promises. But childhood obsession [with that game] may compel me.


Oh sweet! Somebody remixing Necros. Approval++.

I only got to play the shareware version of Solar Winds as a kid, but I remember being captivated by it. I approve of this proposal.

  • 2 weeks later...
As soon as I get enough spare time, gonna pay tribute to the good ole
. ;-)

I hate to say it (as I do love Flashback) but I think it was originally for the Amiga and then ported to PC, Sega etc.

On another note, I think I'll get started on my mix for this in the next few days (maybe even today).

I hate to say it (as I do love Flashback) but I think it was originally for the Amiga and then ported to PC, Sega etc.

You're absolutely right. Flashback hit the Amiga first in 1992, then the MS-DOS one year later, in 1993.

But technically it's still eligible for the Initiative, since it saw a proper release on the system.

Maybe Archangel can chime in on whether ports are allowed or discouraged all together.


Just thought I'd tell you guys, I support this idea wholeheartedly. All my years at OCRemix I've noticed a stunning lack of PC remixes, hopefully this'll bring some freshness to the table. Godspeed to everyone involved.

Oh, and if anyone were to do a Space Quest album or any other Sierra-related thing, they'd be in my good graces for life ^_^

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