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Hey. I talked a little bit with djp at MAG X about "Modern Games" that have modern soundtracks. Because ReMixes here, and projects for the most part, mainly cover older games from NES, SNES, Genesis, and so on. Well without going into too much more detail about something that does not have more detail, I'll just open this up for some debate. What would YOU consider a modern game with a good soundtrack? Please don't just post modern games, try to stick with ones that have a good soundtrack. Furthermore, check out my list, and if you disagree then call me out. Let's try to wittle this down to a list of modern games with good soundtracks that are the MOST APPEALING from an enjoyment and remixing standpoint.

Full Spreadsheet of Voting

Assassin's Creed series (2 votes)

(3 votes)

(3 votes)

(3 votes)

(2 votes)


Frozen Synapse


(2 votes)

(3 votes)

(2 votes)

(3 votes)


Rayman Origins (4 votes)

(6 votes)

Heavy Rain (3 votes)

(5 votes)

Battlefield 3 (2 votes)

Deus Ex: Human Revolution (5 votes)

(3 votes)

The World Ends With You (4 votes)

(2 votes)

Final Fantasy 12, 13, 14 (4 votes)

Please forgive me for my overuse of bold font.

A couple rules:

* If the music is being played by soundfonts, the game is probably too old.

* If the music is a reissue of older music it's not applicable.


Great so far guys, I'll prioritize the voting so that games that get multiple votes are higher priority, such as Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2. Maybe I'll make it bold. And Skyrim, because with my vote and linkspast, that comes up to like, 7 votes.

Some of these obscure games I've never heard of, I will look up on youtube to make sure they're legit.

Also 2003 is cool depending on the game, by try to move forward a few years. It is MODERN GAMES after all.


Let me try and list a few that stick out for me.

- Okami

- Rayman Origins

- Wii Sports (don't ask :razz: it's quirky enough though to warrant coverage eventually)

- Super Smash Bros Brawl (if only for the main theme)

- Maybe Professor Layton? Should handhelds count? All I know is that my dad loves it and I'll take it in its stride. :lol:

As for games on the list, I'm in favor of Portal, Heavy Rain and the Mario Galaxy games. Hard to find an emotional connection elsewhere though.


Thanks to people voting for stuff on the list already. The idea was to wittle the list down, which will be harder with everyone saying a new game series to add to the list. :-P I'm not discouraging it, I'm just saying if you do suggest a new game, maybe plop down a vote for one on the list too, if it appeals to you. :-D Like Chernabogue did!


I'm gonna have to add another game--Starcraft II. I have the soundtrack in my car right now and it is FREAKING AMAZING. Probably one of my very favorite soundtracks of all time.

Gonna throw in another vote for Deus Ex: Human Revolution (such a good game, the music is quite good, playing through it right now) and Rayman Origins (which I have never played, being a PC-only gamer, but I've listened to lots of it on YouTube).

And, as an added bonus, I'd like to throw in our own zircon's work on the

. I've played this through on repeat several times as well.

I know it's already been said but DEAR LORD WAS NIER'S SOUNDTRACK FAKKING AMAZING! I'm not one to cry but that game got me closer than I've been in a very long time and the music was a huge part of it. Absolutely magical. Every time I listen to the soundtrack the full emotional impact of the game hits me like a train.

I also really dug the soundtrack to Mirror's Edge. Most of it was really spacey and ambient without a strong melodic structure but I felt it really meshed well with the game and they could be good remixing platforms.


From a remixing standpoint, since we are on OCR and therefore try to not stay too close to the original, I believe songs that have a strong melody or recognizable motif would be ideal.

In that light I would scratch COD, Elder Scrolls, etc.

A good example of a fantastic modern soundtrack to remix would be Okami.

Also, Xenosaga.


Sweet. Ok! If people could vote for some of the games on the list, that would be great. Let's try to get it narrowed down, and ones that don't get votes, or don't get as many votes, can quietly be swept away, perhaps... Or just italicized and put on a different list. Let's say... a List of Limbo!

Also the game Limbo has no music.


I would like to nominate Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War. It is a 2005 flight simulator with possibly the best soundtrack in the entire Ace Combat franchise. Examples include, but are not limited to:

Wardog (The music for the second mission)


Into the Dusk (melancholy rearrangement of the main theme "Razgriz")

Winter Storm (penultimate mission music)


I also give some votes to Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, Sonic World Adventure, and Sonic Colors. I would say "the Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword" but I am predicting a surplus of remixes soon to arrive throughout the year.

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