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OCR01381 - Final Fantasy X "Journey's End"


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...I don't know what to say. I listened to this and it was like a five minute long tingly feeling in my spine. Very atmospheric. I love it.

Although I do have to say that at points, I felt it was too minimal. There wasn't enough going on to keep my attention. On the other hand, it may have served to put emphasis on the parts that DID have stuff going on in effect making them sound that much more awesome. Either way, you still have a great mix here and I heart you for making it.

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You should go for American Idol or something.

Oh dear God, NO! She should not waste her talents on such a foolish show. She should waste her talents on videogame remixes. :wink:

Anyways, this remix made me go searching around for some of her other stuff. I heard some great WIPs. Keep singing, you rule!

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You should go for American Idol or something.

Oh dear God, NO! She should not waste her talents on such a foolish show.

I agree. Too many losers out there who think that because they sing "Respect" with some sass makes them a musician or something. :evil: Always good to hear some actual attempts to brave the widely uncharted waters of gaming.

Suffice to say, I am once again blown away by the vocal beauty of this one. Pixietricks really has that kind of voice that I could listen to for hours, just watching some picturesque landscape and going 'ah, here's the beauty of life.' I love it, I love it, I love it. :D

And, the chill groove placed under it instantly lowers my blood pressure 5 seconds in. Nice pocket, superb use of an uncommon time sig, and it really sets in well with the overall feeling Yuna would have been feeling; in my humble opinion, this could have easily been used in the game, maybe when she's whistling on the pier....at least, that's where I'd put it. :oops:

Overall, beautiful stuff. Never ceases to amaze, when several talents get together.

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Haven't reviewed in awhile, ugh...stressing out like crazy lately. :lol:

ANYWAYS...after listening to this I actually felt quite satisfied with the listen. Production is mostly very well done, nice musicianship, good uses of synth and ambient textures, and an overall nice rendition of the tune. However, although Pixietricks did a fine job singing, the recording and mixing of her vocals were poor. I was listening on monitor headphones, and still couldn't understand the words. The recording also sounded hollow and raspy, with a lack of a pop filter, or a de-esser plugin on the track. The voice is what helps this mix shine a lot, and is why I am critiquing it so much. Vocals are tricky to mix if you're no engineering expert (myself included), but I still felt it could've been a bit better even for an amature effort.

From listening, this came out to be a pretty successful collaboration. I still enjoyed the tune, even with the repetitiveness. It had nice thick textures, riffs, and layers that kept things interesting throughout the piece. Keep up the good work.

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This mix is very good and yet again isn't good at all. All the technical aspects of this piece are executed flawlessly. The vocals were very good for this piece which is hard to do for a remix IMO. The part where this piece fails is from the 6/4 timing. I had to really concentrate to try to pick out the original melody and I could barely make it out. "People of the North Pole" is probably my favorite track from the OST and this mix just didn't feel like it did the original any justice. Unless you told someone what this was a remix of, they'd never be able to figure it out themselves, and that's where this remix fails IMO.


Worth keeping.

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Be-a-utiful! I've seriously listened to this almost all day long...and I'm still loving it! Sephfire did a great job arranging the piece and GrayLightning did just as great a job mixing. pixietricks though...well, she tried...and the results are some of the most heavenly sounds I have ever heard. When listening to the piece, I can easily imagine an angelic creature sitting on a rock with her toes barely in the water of a lake, singing sweet melodies and thinking of innocent little what-nots. Pixie, Jill, you have a great voice. I think I'm falling in love with you. (Just kidding...don't take me TOO seriously...sheesh!) But yeah, keep up the great work. I'm definitely loving it.

And to those that dislike the song because of the lyrics, look at it this way: These words are coming from the minds of Yuna and Tidus. Jill did a great job of capturing the emotion that those two characters felt and then portraying it. That's my take on it, at least.

Once again, great job you three. Keep on sending in remixes like this and I'll die a happy man. :)

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Just to avoid confusion, mostly for myself, I'm going to refer to the three of you as a single person... anyways.

I thought this was great, so I went and listened to the original, and wow. You really did change it up a lot. Saying that you can't tell what this is a remix of unless you're told is a little extreme. I've heard the original a few times and I could have linked them together. -sigh- I wish I could mix stuff as well as you. The music is great to listen to, and the lyrics hit me, not to mention the voice is incredible. Great job. Give us more!

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I really loved her "Prayer" remix, and after listening to this one, I can say that the quality of it was no accident. I feel that she is incredibly talented, and the only way to improve on this was to bring in Gray and Seph with their take. I am thoroughly impressed, and if I ever managed to have half of the talent that has been shown in either of pixietricks' remixes, I would be amazingly lucky and rather happy. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys good music!

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This is some of the finest work I've ever heard from this site. It takes a lot for music to make my cry, but I think it's as much from how it matches my current situation (deployed and away from my love) as it is the amazing remix. But that doesn't do it justice, I know how hard it is to write lyrics for music and make it seem to fit and not forced, kudos on that. But the whole remix (of one of my favorite tracks ever, BTW), was a quality bit of work.

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Holy Crap for brians. This is most definitly one of the better remixes that I have heard in quite some time. Whom ever sings this song I just have to tell you that you have an increadably beautiful voice. If your as beatiful as your voice then you would have to be the most gourgous girl in the world....Um...anyways yeah nice job guys i really love it. Keep up with the good work.

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Thanks for the comments everyone. It was a pleasure to work with Sephfire and Pixietricks. I'm glad I was allowed the opportunity. I hope to be able to collab with either of them again in the future.

As far as the contentious parts of this mix for some; I may be biased, but I personally really liked the lyrics pixie wrote for this piece. I think it worked wonderfully well in this context.

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Thanks for the comments everyone. It was a pleasure to work with Sephfire and Pixietricks. I'm glad I was allowed the opportunity. I hope to be able to collab with either of them again in the future.

As far as the contentious parts of this mix for some; I may be biased, but I personally really liked the lyrics pixie wrote for this piece. I think it worked wonderfully well in this context.

I second that.

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Man, whata a trio, I'm astonished with your talent guys, especially Jill's voice, I'm not a really fan of "slow" songs, but your voice....it cought me tight, and the BG Music is also perfect, it has all the spirit of the whole FFX game...I'm amazed, hope to listen more of your works, I do not comment really often here, but this song....it would be a sin if I didn't...

C Ya... :wink:

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I really like this. It's not perfect (is anything?) but it's close enough that I spent about a week with this song constantly playing in the background.

The vocals are beautiful, and I love the harmony, especially on the chorus. The chorus is definitely my favorite part of the piece.

Awesome job guys. I hope to see more from you, especially pixie, soon.

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