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Music today is better than it has ever been but it's just very tough to find the new wave of great bands and artists. They're mostly unknown or tough to find because the advertising companies keep pushing these inane female dolls to sell discs to the last people stupid enough to still buy them.

You know you're right. But we still have a loooong ways to go to catch up to Japan!


I know she's fake! That's the best part!;-)

I'm 20.

My collection of tapes and CDs from the 80s and 90s prove that mainstream music was superior at that time.

Absolutely. Pop music was awesome in the 80's and 90's. And I agree, as disposable as a lot of the tracks were, they still were composed well and had a lot going for them. Still, there's a lot of people out there bringing those 80's & 90's sensibilities back. Lady Gaga, Grum and more. I'm enjoying the resurgence of the 80's sounds :)

eg. Grum - Turn It Up:

Modern top 40 production trends are fucking terrible. Hip Hop/R&B is the worst. They've all but abandoned their soul/funk roots and instead draw their inspiration from the cheesiest European dance music. At best, it might be a poor imitation of minimalistic 808 beats from the 80's.

See, that pop dancey/new R&B stuff I can tolerate, if only for the fact it's easy enough to sing along to because it's melodic...

Absolutely. Pop music was awesome in the 80's and 90's. And I agree, as disposable as a lot of the tracks were, they still were composed well and had a lot going for them.

Now, not so much.

You see alot of this attitude in gaming as well as music. "Something is missing from today's music/games that stuff back then had in spades." Or something along those lines.

What's missing is you haven't had any time to develop any conceptual thought around what you are listening to or playing. So what's new always seems fake and lifeless compared to what you already know you like. As soon as I hear the theme for Fresh Prince of Bel-air, which i never liked, I remember people in dumb hats, Gack, Sonic the hedgehog on Saturday mornings, Ren and Stimpy, the other stuff that gave it life to me. Hence the business of nostalgia.

give it 10 years, I'm sure you'll be youtubing Nicki Minaj thinking "Remember back in the good days when OCRemix was still around and we spent all day talking about the general crapiness of Nicki Minaj? Rozovian was on top of the world, Willrock didn't yet sell out, and Lion Tamer wasn't arrested for being confused with an Italian midget crime lord? Gosh those were the good ol' days!" :)

You see alot of this attitude in gaming as well as music. "Something is missing from today's music/games that stuff back then had in spades." Or something along those lines.

What's missing is you haven't had any time to develop any conceptual thought around what you are listening to or playing. So what's new always seems fake and lifeless compared to what you already know you like. As soon as I hear the theme for Fresh Prince of Bel-air, which i never liked, I remember people in dumb hats, Gack, Sonic the hedgehog on Saturday mornings, Ren and Stimpy, the other stuff that gave it life to me. Hence the business of nostalgia.

give it 10 years, I'm sure you'll be youtubing Nicki Minaj thinking "Remember back in the good days when OCRemix was still around and we spent all day talking about the general crapiness of Nicki Minaj? Rozovian was on top of the world, Willrock didn't yet sell out, and Lion Tamer wasn't arrested for being confused with an Italian midget crime lord? Gosh those were the good ol' days!" :)

Not quite. I should have clarified that I still listen to a lot of Mainstream pop - but it's more Euro-stuff than anything else, so it's not exactly mainstream for the average joe here in Australia, but to me, it's pretty by the numbers.

As for new pop-stuff, I've had 'time to develop my conceptual thought around' the fact that I really like PitBull, anything RedOne, Lady Gaga and David Guetta's stuff :)


Well, I know of at least one #1 album here in Canada that I loved the shit out of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MItj1nKOtmQ

...and everyone hates on them lol

give it 10 years, I'm sure you'll be youtubing Nicki Minaj thinking "Remember back in the good days when OCRemix was still around and we spent all day talking about the general crapiness of Nicki Minaj? Rozovian was on top of the world, Willrock didn't yet sell out, and Lion Tamer wasn't arrested for being confused with an Italian midget crime lord? Gosh those were the good ol' days!"

So basically, the world just gets worse all the time?

  • 8 months later...
Plus, hip-hop in the 90s compared to 2010...really...if I need to explain AGAIN why DJ Premier's east coast tracks are way better than what the south puts out, I'm going to have to just submit a remix explaining why in Chris Martin's format.

Do this, please, I beg of you. I'll help you, even.


Can I just say, I don't hate that Nicky Minaj song on page one, but by the like ratio, it seems I'm a minority? What are we all worried about again?

Yeah pop music sucks these days but to me that wasn't the best example. Obnoxious female rapping a la Missy Elliot is a style I seem to have more tolerance for than the average person. :tomatoface:


Nothing happened to music. If you can't find music you like that was made within the last decade, you're not looking hard enough.

People only think music was better in the past because they're looking at the classics, while ignoring all else. The same with movies, television, and video games. There have always been your Rebecca Blacks, the only difference being it's now more visible, thanks to the internet.


The problem as I see it for why so much crap gets so popular, is that a lot of people don't actually care about the music itself, they care about irrelevant crap like how "cute"/"hot" the singer is and other nonsense. The actual music itself barely matters.

People are also too easily swayed by "popularity" (whether real or perceived). Even if an "artist" is a complete nobody who can't sing or rap or write music worth a crap, all it takes is a slick music video that presents him/her as a cool new hip awesome somebody who all the cool people like, and/or for some already established artist/actor/what-have-you who people think is cool to endorse them, and suddenly no matter how crappy they actually are, they'll make millions and have tons of fans.

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