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OCR00465 - Final Fantasy V "ROBOVoice"


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Final Fantasy V 'ROBOVoice'

If this mix is anything, it’s a very memorable happy tune. I am noticing a pattern that the mixes with lyrics are usually the most memorable to me, although not usually my favourites. Joe Redifer has very comical excellent lyrics here, with the perfect instrumental to match. Great work here, Mr. Redifer.

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Be Afraid. Be VERY afraid.

I first heard this a day or two ago... when I was really tired... scared the sh*t out of me. After catching up on sleep, I had to listen to it again to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I'm glad(and afraid) to say I wasn't.

The computer vocals are awesome. They make the piece, and he deserves some kind of medal for pulling it off. The music behind the voice is good too, but it is only with the vocals on top that the Final Fantasy acid trip that is this remix takes off. I'm torn between the impulse to stand up and cheer, and the impulse to run down the street screaming.

Well done. :¬)


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  • 2 weeks later...
The fact anybody would use a vocoder to record their own made up lyrics for the Chocobo Theme is disturbing. Yes I like it, but I can only listen to it once in a blue moon; it's not GOOD funny like Team Gato.

-- MMF

...Despite the fact that I too enjoy the humor of Team Gato, I must admit even they have their flaws.

...Besides, would YOU, who has a chance of having a pretty bad signing voice(not saying you do, but still, you could. I know I do), want to sing it? I wouldn't. I would've probably did the same thing! I mean that means crap because I still need to save up the money to get everything I want... and a clue to what I want. :oops:

Some people don't like to use vocoders into their remixes.. but you must give the man credit where it's due, it's very catchy. :)

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My first reveiw (yaaay!)

I first heard this remix while watching that video from newgrounds after that I had to download it. People who are offened by this song really need to get a scence of humor. Great job Joe.

I especially like the part in the video where selphie eats so much suger and starts tripping out! I LIKE TRAINS! I LIKE TRAINS! :lol:

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This remix is really funny, pretty good, too, I might add. I saw the newgrounds video on saturday, I was laughing my ass off. I love the part where it shows all the different characters looking at Quistis. Made me laugh. And when Aeris beat the crap out of Sephiroth, that was nice.

Here's a secret about the video. If you click on one of the dolls that the person from FFX (never played the game) pulls out, it brings up a smaller video about the author. Check it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OMG YES! I'm so glad someone did a mix "making fun" of all the extremist FF fanboys...and I can't believe I just discovered this one. I have a whole new respect to Joe Redifer for having the balls to do something like this with a great robo voice, and most of all, hilarious lyrics. There's not much else I can say here, but "THANK YOU, MR. REDIFER!!"

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DUDE! With the exception of only listening to only ff music (I have...all the soundtracks thus far including fft) that song totally describes me. I like..downloaded it and I listen to it..everyday. I downloaded it a while ago but just registered so I can..blab about the songs. And this one like rules.


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