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My WoW friends are all talking about Spellborn too.

I'll probably keep playing until I've got my favorite classes all up to 70 just for kicks. Right now my highest is a 55 lock on Rexxar.

  • 3 months later...

Wow, this thread's still around?

Well, I started playing again. What got me to try again was the 10 free days and the changes on shadowstep.

What got me to stay was the incredible amount of fun my warrior has become. She was a classic arms/fury and then around level 52 I switched to protection. I am never gonna regret that choice. I don't mind the lowered DPS for the survivability tradeoff. (and pretty soon I'll have yet another 70 character with most talents placed in the far right tree, rogue subtlety, frost mage and prot warrior.)

i'm trying to get used to a wizard.

About being a wizard:

1: You are mainly there for the bread and water, don't kid yourself.

2: Control your DPS. In bad groups, you will pull aggro, so if you crit a lot, switch to wand for a while.

3: Fire = Good. Frost = Good. Arcane = Uh? I used to be arcane, and I realised that I ran out of mana too fast, and that a fire or frost mage was a lot better. Right now I'm full frost and I have to say, it's fun. Especially when you PVP with a fire mage close by.


I've been considering starting up for a number of reasons. The recent changes to hunters (namely nix on the dead zone and little bonuses like arcane shot dispel) sound delicious. The 10 free days is nice, and a good friend who raids extensively is replacing my old roommate so I can mooch one of those invites off of him. Only, it'll have to wait until next semester, because right now I don't have A) time or B) the discs to reinstall.

About being a wizard:

1: You are mainly there for the bread and water, don't kid yourself.

2: Control your DPS. In bad groups, you will pull aggro, so if you crit a lot, switch to wand for a while.

3: Fire = Good. Frost = Good. Arcane = Uh? I used to be arcane, and I realised that I ran out of mana too fast, and that a fire or frost mage was a lot better. Right now I'm full frost and I have to say, it's fun. Especially when you PVP with a fire mage close by.

Arcane is a raiding spec, so stick with either first or frost per flavor.

And come on, we all know pulling aggro is in. All the cool kids do it!


I play on Garithos, 70 Warrior named Sombrero (Alliance).

It's a low pop server, so there's not much ganking or World PvP activity, but we've got some good raiding guilds. There's a guy on our server who has both of Illidan's Warglaives.

I'm usually willing to help, so if you ever wanna make a character there, shoot me up with some PM action.

  • 3 months later...

WoW thread? Super. I'm bad hooked again. 61 rogue on Ghostlands named Amica. Horde > Alliance.

Just wish we could trade the Tauren for the Draenei. Too bad the WC story would never allow that to happen... :???:


So do any of you Horde players have the pleasure of seeing "The Crossroads is under attack!" spamming your world defense channel as much as we do here on Ghostlands? Seems like it's nonstop.

Also I received my biggest honor last night. I was whispered and told that I was on a Kill-on-Sight list. Yay for me! Probably from sneaking into Darnassus and killing their tree-people on a daily basis...


AHAHAHAHAHAHA! I QUIT. I realized after 6 weeks of trying to orchestrate a reliable group to run me through Strat for my pally mount that I just did not give a shit anymore. That and the fact that I consistently played with 2+ seconds of lag for over 10 months, so I realized that moving forward and trying to be worth a crap in PvP just wasn't going to work. So I quit. I've enjoyed life quite a bit more since then. That is all.


The crossroads are always under attack on my server, and I'm not even PvP. I've got a level 70 blood elf mage on Tanaris, in a casual guild. We've downed Gruul a couple times and have a large number of people who have cleared Kara, but we're not really a raiding guild. I still play pretty regularly; if nothing else, I at least log in every day to do my daily transmute and hopefully discover more alchemy recipes.


It's not that I don't like the game, I love it. But, on the internet connection I have at home, it became truly more frustration than fun to play, so I nixed it until I can find a better connection. Add to that the fact that I have no extra time and no extra money to play right now, and it was just time to hang it up. But I would like to play again once Lich King comes out.


So i got bored and decided to be a retard and go after Tyrande Whisperwind alone. I have never laughed so hard because of a game ever.


Got the ambush of without being detected, but...


Tyrande's guards decided to cluster-fuck me for some reason.

EDIT: Resized. Ouch were those big.


Anyone around here plays horde on Burning Blade? My mains are on Andorhal but I started a horde char with some friends on Burning Blade, so if anyone plays there, hit me up.

Andorhal \ Macrona \ Nelf \ 70 \ Shadow Priest

Andorhal \ Jolichet \ Draenei \ 65 \ Disc/Holy Priest

Burning Blade \ Anakleta \ Tauren \ 6 \ Warrior

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