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Either way, I realized when I was still playing that by having compilations, I ended up with 25 different mods I did not want. My main was a rogue, so all the caster related mods weren't used at all. CT raid assist is good, and I enjoyed Nurfed HUD, the rest however, is tailored to a specific set of needs.


You should see my friend with her priest, she could almost bind her left click to one macro/mod and the right click to the another, and she would be instance ready.

She no longer takes any counscious decision when she plays, it's only the macros that do the job.

Another reason why I quit. We were talking about DPS (a couple of rogues) and one said "get this mod (some energy managing thing), I increased my DPS by 5 with it."

Ya know, you are running mods in a game so that the game almost plays by itself. I wish WoW was not moddable.

You should see my friend with her priest, she could almost bind her left click to one macro/mod and the right click to the another, and she would be instance ready.

She no longer takes any counscious decision when she plays, it's only the macros that do the job.

Another reason why I quit. We were talking about DPS (a couple of rogues) and one said "get this mod (some energy managing thing), I increased my DPS by 5 with it."

Ya know, you are running mods in a game so that the game almost plays by itself. I wish WoW was not moddable.

Unfortunately mods can't make you a better PVPer, or better at high end raid content. There are decisions that HAVE to be made by a human.

christmas? holy shit.. last i heard it was supposed to be out like late spring early summer.

well we have 2 more patches pre expansion and with about 3 months per patch with 1.10 just coming out a couple of weeks ago...yeah expansion should come out around christmas/early jan.

You should see my friend with her priest, she could almost bind her left click to one macro/mod and the right click to the another, and she would be instance ready.

She no longer takes any counscious decision when she plays, it's only the macros that do the job.

Another reason why I quit. We were talking about DPS (a couple of rogues) and one said "get this mod (some energy managing thing), I increased my DPS by 5 with it."

Ya know, you are running mods in a game so that the game almost plays by itself. I wish WoW was not moddable.

Unfortunately mods can't make you a better PVPer, or better at high end raid content. There are decisions that HAVE to be made by a human.

Not in most of the guilds I have seen.

Taking decisions often mean "not following the walkthrough linked 25 times on the forum." I have seriously seen some guild leaders complain about someone making decisions during a battle... There is a plan and we must follow it. If we die, we are not following it enough.

These macros are more often than not used in high end PVE gaming to be sure that no one makes the wrong decision. The leaders say which macros you need and which settings you should have.

You should see my friend with her priest, she could almost bind her left click to one macro/mod and the right click to the another, and she would be instance ready.

She no longer takes any counscious decision when she plays, it's only the macros that do the job.

Another reason why I quit. We were talking about DPS (a couple of rogues) and one said "get this mod (some energy managing thing), I increased my DPS by 5 with it."

Ya know, you are running mods in a game so that the game almost plays by itself. I wish WoW was not moddable.

Unfortunately mods can't make you a better PVPer, or better at high end raid content. There are decisions that HAVE to be made by a human.

Not in most of the guilds I have seen.

Taking decisions often mean "not following the walkthrough linked 25 times on the forum." I have seriously seen some guild leaders complain about someone making decisions during a battle... There is a plan and we must follow it. If we die, we are not following it enough.

These macros are more often than not used in high end PVE gaming to be sure that no one makes the wrong decision. The leaders say which macros you need and which settings you should have.

You're talking to someone who does MC, BWL, AQ40, and outdoor encounters. I know the endgame. Macros cannot win difficult battles. You need to be able to adapt in the middle of a fight; that's how the hard encounters work.


The guilds that rely on, and worse, force macros on their members are the ones who are always months behind, not to mention in a somewhat poisoned environment.

I've yet to encounter a guild of this type on my server, but there are a few that regulate specs.

If your guild doesnt trust you, why would you even want to be in the guild? There are so many MC/BWL groups that it's not really an issue to get into a different one.


The problem with WoW anymore is people make it a way of living. You now have farmers that ruin the economy.(Come on.. low end rares costing 180 gold) Not to mention your pvp whores who mod like mad.. I've seen players that the only thing they do is run and jump around in combat as their programs read off commands and use the skills it finds appropriate, he just uses his other UI's to swap equipment as he sees fit while the UI does the rest.

I'm a 30 rogue on Alexstreza and my guild doesn't care one way or another either. I was first full combat dual sword, and then I've switched to dagger and sword.. then full sword.. and at 20 I was a full assassination build. Yet they didn't roll their eyes at me and complain. Seeing modders anymore makes me want to quit the game entirely.. especially after running Deadmines with a priest who was just running UI's set it on auto follow and went to get himself something to eat.

Yeah, my guild's really cool about stuff. My mage is 31 arcane/12 fire/8 frost. I specced just enough into frost to be somewhat useful when I need it, like the shortened casting and +critical damage. My guild doesn't mind if I'm fire; hell, I've still got Arcane Missiles, eh? We've also got a feral druid in the guild, and she even picks up on some of the tanking sometimes. Some of our priests are/were shadow, and our main tank went arms/fury for a whole week just for fun.

The only thing they really encourage is having CT Raid, and that's not -necessarily- a requirement; it's just a "you should really have this, because it really, really, REALLY helps" sort of situation.

It's funny how guilds try to copy other guilds when they do their own runs; the same strategies don't necessarily work with different people.

Haha.. lemme just tell you a couple things real quick about unusual specs ;)

1. When I was specced shadow with about MC level gear, I topped the damage meters. Shadow priests own.. HARD.

2. There's a guild on my server that has a Feral druid tank the Broodlord in Blackwing Lair, one of the more difficult bosses in the game.

3. All warriors in my guild save one (who is only the tertiary main tank) are Arms/Fury/Prot, all the way down to 31 in Arms. I'm on a PVP server so almost all warriors are specced this way.


1.10 has made all the players on my server scared shitless of the new 5-man instances. I'm a level 57-priest - and I can't get anyone to take me to the end-game instances.

Never mind that I can SHOW them all the various pieces of the Tier 0 sets that I'm wearing from the few instance runs that I have done post-patch. Never mind that I first sucessfully ran UD Strat at level 53.

If you're not 60, you're not going to those instances, unless you get a group together that is actually smart. Players in WoW are such cowards, I swear.

I wouldn't care about being told "You can't go to Scholo" if I hadn't run Scholo last night without wiping once.

1.10 has made all the players on my server scared shitless of the new 5-man instances. I'm a level 57-priest - and I can't get anyone to take me to the end-game instances.

Never mind that I can SHOW them all the various pieces of the Tier 0 sets that I'm wearing from the few instance runs that I have done post-patch. Never mind that I first sucessfully ran UD Strat at level 53.

If you're not 60, you're not going to those instances, unless you get a group together that is actually smart. Players in WoW are such cowards, I swear.

I wouldn't care about being told "You can't go to Scholo" if I hadn't run Scholo last night without wiping once.

did they make the instances harder or something? i started doing UBRS/Scholo/Strat at like lvl 55...


What they did to the instances was reduce the number of mobs in them and made them 5-man only. So, all the players that completely REFUSED to run these 5-man instances without 10 people are now refusing to take anyone under level 60 on their instance runs.


^ I seriously thought he was a Troll for a while.

Anyways, I am officialy out of The League of Fabulous Ninjas, and into the Legion of Discord. Same as as the former, but they have a rule about cursing. Mainly because the leader of the group (it spans across multiple servers and games, apparently) is an uber-Christian (despite the guild's demonic-sounding name). Our ACTUAL guild leader is a pretty nice guy, and he despises excessive PC as much as I do.

Yeah, my guild's really cool about stuff. My mage is 31 arcane/12 fire/8 frost. I specced just enough into frost to be somewhat useful when I need it, like the shortened casting and +critical damage. My guild doesn't mind if I'm fire; hell, I've still got Arcane Missiles, eh? We've also got a feral druid in the guild, and she even picks up on some of the tanking sometimes. Some of our priests are/were shadow, and our main tank went arms/fury for a whole week just for fun.

The only thing they really encourage is having CT Raid, and that's not -necessarily- a requirement; it's just a "you should really have this, because it really, really, REALLY helps" sort of situation.

It's funny how guilds try to copy other guilds when they do their own runs; the same strategies don't necessarily work with different people.

It is a fact that forcing a certain spec isn't necessary for raiding but no one can deny that it doesn't help. When you are learning encounters having every single tool at your disposal to help you down X boss makes a difference. Granted if you aren't racing to down a boss then it really doesn't matter or if you just have a guild group of knowledgable and highly competative individuals then I'd say spec doesn't matter

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