Liontamer Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 In the interest of feedback, I'd suggest, if something like this were tried again, do it simultaneously with the trailer announcement, or even before. Have the Facebook announcement kick things off, then start trickling in other stuff, like the trailer, and maybe a preview track or two as time moves on. We listeners have been conditioned to expect an album release shortly after a trailer. Anticipating the album all weekend only to be hit with another "loading screen", as it were, was a bit jarring for some. Thank you for the ONLY constructive, practical feedback I've seen in this entire thread. It's a nice change from negative absolute nonsense basically saying "You have no right to do a Facebook campaign to promote the album." I actually learned something from you Bagel, thank you. Because we've conditioned people to expect the next news after every trailer so far to be "HERE YOU GO" since album #14, and this changed that, it felt like waiting in line at Disneyland, seemingly reaching the front of the line ("Trailer!"), only to turn the corner and see another line they're now at the back of ("Dohhhhhh!"). Even though that shouldn't be the reaction, since this was my idea, I'll own that. Thanks for that insight. It doesn't justify OTHER unjustified reasoning behind people's negative reactions, which are just insane and assuming bad faith in ludicrous ways, and have been most of the negative reaction, but your insight was eloquent & helpful, cheers!
AngelCityOutlaw Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Requesting "likes" for the album is a lot like teenage girls taking provocative pictures of themselves and captioning it with, "tits 4 hits!" like they did on this social networking site that was around when I was 15. In short, it comes off as a desperate cry for attention. Carry on.
JH Sounds Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Mirby and 34 others like this. We need a share-button for this conversation.
djpretzel Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Requesting "likes" for the album is a lot like teenage girls taking provocative pictures of themselves and captioning it with, "tits 4 hits!" like they did on this social networking site that was around when I was 15. In short, it comes off as a desperate cry for attention.Carry on. Okay, let's see what's wrong with that: Awful example, because that shit WORKS. Case in point, you're alluding to it knowingly. From a purely promotional perspective, you've just made our point for us. Tits sell things. Almost anything, really... tits sell pork futures, white-out, automobiles, office furniture, and garden gnomes. The fact that we are NOT employing tits should in this light be held AGAINST us, but Larry is shy. The responses on this thread - bitching about free music on the Internet - seem far more like a cry for attention, in that regard. Furthermore, we're not crying for attention, we're politely and explicitly asking for it. Not demanding, not insisting, just experimenting with a promotional idea we had. The tits girls' actions are only desperate if you agree that she does not deserve the attention and does not need the attention. Well, excuse us, but we think artists that contribute to OCR are amazing. We love the exposure we've been able to get them so far, and we want to expand that. Done. There've been some legitimately decent ideas on the thread; that wasn't one of them.
Brandon Strader Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Thank you for the ONLY constructive, practical feedback I've seen in this entire thread. Something that might help -- upload a Youtube video about this, nothing major that will take hours to make. Put an annotation link on it to the facebook page and explain about garnering likes. This could have been handled better... - Link to the facebook with an annotation on the trailer - Put the image on - Possibly post a mix from the album with an explanation, include it on youtube There was a lot of positive feedback throughout the course of the thread
Knightofthecolossus Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Thank you for the ONLY constructive, practical feedback I've seen in this entire thread. There've been other people who haven't been overly negative here, Bagel's is pretty good. But I don't think he's the ONLY one (no offense to Bagel, your post was pretty well).
Skrypnyk Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 Anyone else think this thread is a precursor to the inevitable 'omg this album sucks *insert artist here* completely ruined *insert popular song here* these people don't know how to mix rage rage rage'?
Bleck Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 There've been other people who haven't been overly negative here, Bagel's is pretty good. liontamer only posts on the forums to belittle people
Liontamer Posted March 13, 2012 Posted March 13, 2012 liontamer only posts on the forums to belittle people That's also why I'm a judge! Gotta crush those DREAMS!
Omni-Psyence Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 "But I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams." Yep
Dyne Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 I've been hearing about this all day, and all I can say is this, if you like OCR, and you want to help support OCR, then by all means, spread the word via Facebook, Twitter, etc... and help support OCR, and more importantly, help support the musicians who made this album possible. When I see people complain about this kind of thing, I wonder to myself, what's the point if people are just going to jump down the collective throats of the staff members? Do any of you realize how long this album was in production? A very long time, two years. This is a huge album and a huge deal. Why shouldn't OCR attempt to promote itself, and its musicians, along with it? You can get upset all you want, but if OCR doesn't promote itself, how else is it going to get the word out? (Oh, and by the way, I know for a fact that this album will not suck. I have it on very good authority, in fact.)
KyleJCrb Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 (Oh, and by the way, I know for a fact that this album will not suck. I have it on very good authority, in fact.) Nah, it's terrible. Arguing over this is pointless anyway because the album SUX.
jivjov Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 It is clear the goal of this campaign was promotion for the site in general, this in itself is not a bad thing. However, the way this particular campaign was handled was done extremely poorly. What made matters worse is that many of the staff members, rather than listen to these concerns, chose to instead belittle members of the community who made their opposition to this campaign known. Not just that, but the title of this thread shows how unwilling the staff have been to listen to constructive criticisms. Instead they were all too quick to throw out the "entitlement card" without even considering why the response was negative in the first place.There are two very simple avenues the staff could have taken to avoid this backlash. #1: Announce a firm release date, and only offer to release the album sooner if the number of "likes" on Facebook met the 27,000 goal. #2: Give the people who do click the "like" button on Facebook early access to the album. This would act as an incentive, whereas now whether you do or don't, you have to wait regardless. I understand the goal of wanting to broaden your audience, but the way you've gone about it is fundamentally wrong. If you choose to keep your eyes solely focused on Facebook graphs, metrics, and figures, all while ignoring the impassioned statements from members who have spoken out against this particular campaign, you are doing a disservice to the community as a whole. I agree with this post wholeheartedly. If the website staff had been polite and courteous about this whole thing, I would have stopped at being mildly irritated at this campaign, but as it stands, I am actively upset and will be unLiking the OCR Facebook page as soon as the album is out. I'd withdraw my Like now, but I do not wish to delay the album even more for other fans. I love the music that gets put out here. I love all the awesome album projects and am grateful for them. But this whole incident has made me realize...I like OCR music. I do not like OCR.
Knightofthecolossus Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 Now, now, guys. I don't think there's any reason to be overly bitter to OCR. I really think we all just got off on the wrong foot here with this rather new and rather experimental thing going on. I think OCR was just trying to find a way to promote the site, but just didn't execute it in a way that makes everyone happy. While I think some posts on the thread have been rather passionate and sensitive I don't think that was the intention. It's a project that everyone here has put alot of time and effort into and honestly I don't think they expected this kind of uproar. Again I think this is a thing of engaging the community and working along with them. Since they didn't do this kind of thing before they haven't really had the time to really think TOO hard on how to do that. They probably just thought that we'd get alot of people easily to see the FB page or something and it'd be that. It is a little harder than that, but that's the assumption. I just say we work on getting the likes in and try to think of something to prevent this in the future.
Kanthos Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 If the website staff had been polite and courteous about this whole thing, I would have stopped at being mildly irritated at this campaign, but as it stands, I am actively upset and will be unLiking the OCR Facebook page as soon as the album is out. I'd withdraw my Like now, but I do not wish to delay the album even more for other fans. Not going to convince you to stay or anything, or even to say that the following comments are about you, but maybe the staff would have reacted more positively if a bunch of relative strangers hadn't started out on the offensive? The staff could've been better, for sure, but it's hard to remain calm when you've got people ignoring what you say about your intentions, calling it a 'dick move' in the first few posts, and so on. Some of you guys came here looking for a fight; so why the surprise when you weren't treated as if you'd calmly stated a concern?
Gario Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 Now, now, guys. I don't think there's any reason to be overly bitter to OCR. I really think we all just got off on the wrong foot here with this rather new and rather experimental thing going on. I think OCR was just trying to find a way to promote the site, but just didn't execute it in a way that makes everyone happy.While I think some posts on the thread have been rather passionate and sensitive I don't think that was the intention. It's a project that everyone here has put alot of time and effort into and honestly I don't think they expected this kind of uproar. Again I think this is a thing of engaging the community and working along with them. Since they didn't do this kind of thing before they haven't really had the time to really think TOO hard on how to do that. They probably just thought that we'd get alot of people easily to see the FB page or something and it'd be that. It is a little harder than that, but that's the assumption. I just say we work on getting the likes in and try to think of something to prevent this in the future. I like this post. Too bad that doesn't help get the album out sooner, but I do like the tone and attitude of this post.
Brandon Strader Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 You guys could have used all the energy you put into this thread out there gaining likes for the facebook! You know who else suffered for trying experimental things? The Beatles (drugs) Abraham Lincoln Jimi Hendrix (drugs) George Washington Amy Winehouse (drugs) Thomas Jefferson Whitney Houston (drugs) And now OC ReMix. But OCR will survive and grow EVER STRONGER from this, they will learn from their mistakes, and do so with the utmost humility. And meanwhile, we will all celebrate as brothers while listening to amazing new music.
jivjov Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 You guys could have used all the energy you put into this thread out there gaining likes for the facebook! I'm not going to go out and pester my friends to Like a Facebook page for a site they've never heard of. I Retweeted the original Tweet about it, and my Facebook friends can see that I Like the page. That's the extent of the whoring I'm going to do for this place.
AngelCityOutlaw Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 I'm not going to go out and pester my friends to Like a Facebook page for a site they've never heard of. I Retweeted the original Tweet about it, and my Facebook friends can see that I Like the page. That's the extent of the whoring I'm going to do for this place. Sounds fair to me.
Brandon Strader Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 I'm not going to go out and pester my friends to Like a Facebook page for a site they've never heard of. I Retweeted the original Tweet about it, and my Facebook friends can see that I Like the page. That's the extent of the whoring I'm going to do for this place. Alright, that may be fine for you. Consider your part finished, and wait patiently. SOME PEOPLE have endless love for the music and the site, and will continue to pimp in a very "street team"-esque manner, except without the street and more on the internet, as the whole "street team" thing was sort of addressed and laughed out of the thread at one point. You don't need to keep complaining about the injustice, the staff know how you feel by now. It won't make the album come out any sooner. It should only be another day. Then you'll see how great it is, how well-put together the album is and how all the aspects of it are really nice, and you'll regret some of your behavior, I can almost guarantee it.
BlackPanther Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 Internet is THE hardest place to communicate.
omnipotentBagel Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 Internet is THE hardest place to communicate. I dunno, a mental ward right before medication time has to be a close contender. it felt like waiting in line at Disneyland, seemingly reaching the front of the line ("Trailer!"), only to turn the corner and see another line they're now at the back of ("Dohhhhhh!"). That's a pretty good description of it, yeah. That was my only real issue with the promotion. Glad I could help. I mentioned earlier in the thread that it kind of sucks watching the counter slowly move up and thinking about how much longer it'll be (kind of like when you can't sleep and you watch the minutes tick by on the clock), but that's mostly a perception thing and, now that I've stopped checking obsessively, I'm starting to get excited about this again. I think every one who's having trouble waiting should sit down and try to beat as many Mega Man X games as they can before the album drops.
jivjov Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 Alright, that may be fine for you. Consider your part finished, and wait patiently. SOME PEOPLE have endless love for the music and the site, and will continue to pimp in a very "street team"-esque manner, except without the street and more on the internet, as the whole "street team" thing was sort of addressed and laughed out of the thread at one point. You don't need to keep complaining about the injustice, the staff know how you feel by now. It won't make the album come out any sooner. It should only be another day. Then you'll see how great it is, how well-put together the album is and how all the aspects of it are really nice, and you'll regret some of your behavior, I can almost guarantee it. I strongly doubt I'm going to regret making my feelings known about a hamhanded publicity stunt, and I resent your tone that I am inferior to those who will endless perpetuate this sort of stunt by begging all their friends to go like a Facebook page.
Knightofthecolossus Posted March 14, 2012 Posted March 14, 2012 I like this post. Too bad that doesn't help get the album out sooner, but I do like the tone and attitude of this post. Thanks! I think a more understanding attitude is best for the situation. I'm not going to go out and pester my friends to Like a Facebook page for a site they've never heard of. I Retweeted the original Tweet about it, and my Facebook friends can see that I Like the page. That's the extent of the whoring I'm going to do for this place. I'm sorry. As much as I didn't like how this was handled nor some of the comments some of the staff made, I don't think this is any better. We're more or less just visitors to a community voicing a concern about how we didn't think this was handled best. I don't think its proper for us to just burst in, complain about how we don't like it and then just take the album and leave everyone here with a bitter taste in their mouths about us. We're not really part of their community or anything, so I don't think we have nearly as much of a right to be outraged when we're just coming here to make a complaint. I think we should ATLEAST give some advice or try to help the cause in some manner. If not that, atleast try to be a little patient. I've been waiting for this to be finished when it started, so I know as bad it must have felt to wait. But its also important to realize just a little bit of their perspective.
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