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Super Mario Bros. 2 'Super Buck II'

Estradasphere's cooked up a swinging version of the Mario 2 main theme, whose main highlight is lots and lots and lots of brass, including a great sax solo early on. And damn, does it sound good! These are real instruments people (i'm 99% sure they are, at least), and IMHO, OverClocked ReMix is honored to be graced by this remix. *Does Jedi hand motion.* You WILL download this mix.

  • 3 weeks later...

I really think this is one of the best mixs on the site. Estradasohere does indeed cook up a very swinging jazz song complete with sax solo and chello solo. I came on this site one day thinking to myself "I could use a good jazz version of SMB 2", and bamn i get this and I have no complaints what so ever, its exactly what I invisioned and more. I really wish these guys would do anotehr song for us Jazz fan out there because they ahve raw talent. I give this song a 10/10 easy. Highly recommended.

  • 2 weeks later...

Being in a jazz band myself, I can tell you right now, I loved this one from the start. And I how it focuses around the tradional theme (and not going into different beats and stuff). Nice solo section too! :D

Great mix! :)

  • 2 weeks later...

This song actually inspired a friend and I to make an arrangement of Super Mario 1 and 2 tunes for a group combo of our high school jazz band. We played it when we went on tour, and every crowd went crazy. Who dosen't know the Super Mario Brothers theme? Anyway, this song is mad stupid crazy, to say the least. It should be played on every major radio station world wide... but perhaps that's taking it a bit too far, I'm not sure.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I don't think there is a person on the face of the planet who could not enjoy something as well crafted and classy as this. Great Jazz, it not only hugs the original theme, but does it so well it works by itself. Even people who didn't grow up with mario will dig this, and for those of us who remeber the good old days of turnip tossing its just a blast. One of the best remixes on the site in my opinion.


This remix can be described by only one word. Perfect. Everything about this mix is incredible, from the brass to the bitchin' solos. Not to mention the instruments are real. A nice break from the ordianary. Even if you're not a fan of jazz, you should download it anyways. This is a definite 10/10. Download it now...

  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is definetly the best Super Mario Bros. 2 remix in existance. It doesn't mess around with doing (them) fancy techno tricks and just sticks to giving the melody everything it deserves. I can't stop cynical self from thinking that there's something missing in this remix... though my complete and utter lack of music knowledge keeps me saying exactley what it is :x ... 7/8

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

I was just downloading songs the otherday from OverClocked, yknow, listening to them until you got sick of the regurgitated themes, (essentially it was the original song with a drum beat in the background) and then I stumbled onto THIS. I don't know how they did it, but this not only has one of THE SICKEST bass solos I've ever heard, but keeps the original tune so hopping and fresh that it merely entrances me everytime I listen to this. I've heard it probably 20-30 times so far, and all I have to say is: "By far, the sickest song on OverClocked to date." A must see for anyone that's into jazz or has played Mario 2.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

incredible. awesome. amazing. kool in all the sense. the swingy mood and the brass lines are real cool. the sax solo is A-WE-SO-ME. the bajo solo is awesome too. you just cant go wrong, this thing is an amazing piece of swingy jazz. and the band perform it flawlessly, and with a real emphasis in FUN!!! a classic. if you ever played this game, it will bring tears and a fuckingly big grin to your face. if not, it will do it, too. this piece is so good that it could have been there 40 years ago when some band played dixieland. get it NOW.


one of the best songs in OCR, and deffinately, the best Mario 2 theme by THIS far.

  • 2 weeks later...

Whoa, what an awesome song. And so well-recorded. It's everything you caould ask for in a big band rendition of the Mario 2 song. It's funny cuz I tried to get my band to do a jazz version of this song as well, with a guitar oriented focus. It didn't pan out, so I'll just have to listen to this song until I can maybe pull that project back together...

Very Nice Work. :nicework:

  • 1 month later...

Wow! I love jazz and this song just does it for me. This is some good stuff! I love this! All the different instruments and everything all playing along with one of my favorite mario beats! I tell ya, when we play in our jazz band at school, this is what i think of. I've already downloaded this. To tell you the truth, i think this is the song that dragged me into ocr community. Wow, this is a great song!

  • 4 weeks later...

being a fan of jazz, i was a bit skeptical. i thought it would be some crappy midi remix.

then i heard it. and i have never felt so gitty any time recently. it almost made me cry it was so fantastic.

to be blunt, i need more. please. more.

  • 2 months later...

Hi, I'm a Music Ed/Composition major at SUNY Geneseo. This song is truly awesome. Seriously, when I heard it I was in shock. So much shock that I arranged it for Big Band. If anyone wants to use my arrangement, you can e-mail me at mrm12@geneseo.edu and I can send you the Sibelius file. Everything is all written out, including the exact alto sax solo and the bass solo, the solos are transcribed note for note. My high school is working on it currently. So if anyone wants a copy, just email me and I can get it to you.

  • 2 weeks later...

A brilliant song.

Now that it has been put in jazz it all seems to perfect :)

These guys obviously know what they are doing musically, and it's great to see some awesome solos knocked in.

One of my favourite songs on ocremix.


Hi, I'm a Music Ed/Composition major at SUNY Geneseo. This song is truly awesome. Seriously, when I heard it I was in shock. So much shock that I arranged it for Big Band. If anyone wants to use my arrangement, you can e-mail me at mrm12@geneseo.edu and I can send you the Sibelius file. Everything is all written out, including the exact alto sax solo and the bass solo, the solos are transcribed note for note.

Isn't the point of solos supposed to be that they're improvised? :P

But yes...amazing arrangement. It's been forever since I've actually heard a real bass solo. They should be proud of what they've done here.

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