djpretzel Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
BlueMage Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 Glad to see this on OCR. Heard it at VGMix, liked it there, still like it now. Can't say anymore than that. 7 (>85%) (Holy crap, I beat GrayLightning to first post ) Quote
AkumajoBelmont Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 Chthonic is one of my favourite mixers... and this track is just another example why i dig his mixes... There's not enough pop-style remixes these days... i'm an advocate for good pop music, and Chth knows how to create great pop-style mixes... in this case, really lush pop-trance. Everything sounds fantastic... the leads are really nice, and everything sounds fantastic. Excellent work dude... this has been on daily rotation for a while, and will be for a long time yet. Props Quote
Shhteve Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 I have to say that this is the best trance mix I've heard on OCR in what seems like decades. Very well put together mix, streams seamlessly together like fine woven cloth. I would dance to this in a shameless gamer fashion. Quote
Moppo Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 I heard this on VGMix too and it's been my favorite song since. This is something I can lose myself in and I've never had that happen before. Thanks for the excellent mix. Quote
Red Shadow Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 Quote
GrayLightning Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 (Holy crap, I beat GrayLightning to first post ) I saw this as soon as djp put it up, but I rarely comment when I already voted on it on the panel. Kudos to the first review though. Quote
RimFrost the Tourianist Posted September 8, 2005 Posted September 8, 2005 Trance remixes to Zelda games are always welcomed in my book as well. It makes me think of Temple Trance for Zelda2. Nice overall beat, good fades and most of all.. well chosen instruments with some variety to it Quote
Generic Asian Guy Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 Chthonic, keep up the trance! Great work. SPREAD THE TRANCE REVOLUTION!!! Quote
Insane2757 Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 I've been waiting FOREVER for this mix to be posted... and it doesn't disappoint! Great use of Zelda music to create a one of a kind trancey hit! Download now! Quote
The Mutericator Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 One of chthonic's best, and it's been one of my favorites for months now, since it came out on VGMix. We need more stuff like this up here - keep up the great work, chthonic, you're looking to bypass DarkeSword and Prophecy if you keep this stuff up. Only complaint is that it should have been longer, but as a non-remixer, I'm not sure if that would have made it too repetitive or if it would have been too difficult to accomplish proffesionally. Either way... Next mix should be 5+ minutes. Especially if it's this damn good. Quote
xtp183 Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 Chthonic is 3 for 3 in my books. I can't be more happy than to see a Chthonic mix on the homepage. My ears and I thank you. Quote
MaGi_TekK Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 Uninteresting, shallow, nothing particularly original. I would classify this one under video-game elevator music. Of course, you'd have to be really lucky to ever hear this one in a dentist's waiting room, since this remix will surely drift into permanent obscurity in about a week's time. Sorry but it's true Quote
Benjamin Briggs Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 Uninteresting, shallow, nothing particularly original. I would classify this one under video-game elevator music.Of course, you'd have to be really lucky to ever hear this one in a dentist's waiting room, since this remix will surely drift into permanent obscurity in about a week's time. Sorry but it's true Yes. Your opinion is true. I'm not going to bitch at you, but it tears me apart to see you describe a work of art that I created as shallow. It just feels like you are completely missing everything I put into this piece of music and dismissing it because it is electronica. I could be wrong. Sorry to dissapoint you. I will try harder. -chth P.S. Playful smilies do not make your words nicer. Quote
Jason Covenant Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 Uninteresting, shallow, nothing particularly original. I would classify this one under video-game elevator music. Actually, most elevator music is some form of contemporary or classical song and has a well thought out and complex flowing arrangement. So, "shallow" as an adjective and "elevator music" as a noun are usually mutually exclusive.(Everything has its exceptions) If you're going to insult something, please try to make sense. Also, when using the normal connotative format for the loose genre concept "elevator music", it typically brings to mind something peaceful and unobtrusive, not low quality. Once again, think about what you say next time before you say it. Thanks in advance. Quote
Syarter Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 This one went straight into my playlist. Keep up the good work (b^.^)b Quote
PlastikBag Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 Uninteresting, shallow, nothing particularly original. I would classify this one under video-game elevator music.Of course, you'd have to be really lucky to ever hear this one in a dentist's waiting room, since this remix will surely drift into permanent obscurity in about a week's time. Sorry but it's true You suck! Seriously though, those are some harsh words. And your opinion is SO true, you know, when you don't back it up with anything but nicer words for "this sucks". Learn teh constructive criticism skillz. They rawk. Anyways, this is great stuff as per usual chthonic. The AE reference made me smile. Quote
ShadowBlade999 Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 There r no words to describe thie remix. It so fluid all through the duration and the cameos fit in so well with the main theme. Plus, the finale is fantastic And to think this is your 3rd remix and u deliver this !! Definetly one of my faves. X-cellent, kick-ass, job chthonic Quote
MaGi_TekK Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 Uninteresting, shallow, nothing particularly original. I would classify this one under video-game elevator music.Of course, you'd have to be really lucky to ever hear this one in a dentist's waiting room, since this remix will surely drift into permanent obscurity in about a week's time. Sorry but it's true Yes. Your opinion is true. I'm not going to bitch at you, but it tears me apart to see you describe a work of art that I created as shallow. It just feels like you are completely missing everything I put into this piece of music and dismissing it because it is electronica. I could be wrong. Sorry to dissapoint you. I will try harder. -chth P.S. Playful smilies do not make your words nicer. No, i actually got everything you were trying to do in this piece. It's just not very exciting or original to me. But that's just my opinion. I like your older works. So yes, next time try harder just for me. <-- Doesn't make my words less harsh, yet imparts a subtle feeling of well-being. Quote
Tex Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 I think it sounds nice. The electronic drums did a very unique justice with the ethnic percussion, didn´t boring. Fun of synths, also enjoying some hippieistic concepts at 02:13, playing an indian banjo or whatever. Very creative arrangement too. Overall, chthonhtnithic did a very interesting effort with this hot shot! Uninteresting, shallow, nothing particularly original. I would classify this one under video-game elevator music.Of course, you'd have to be really lucky to ever hear this one in a dentist's waiting room, since this remix will surely drift into permanent obscurity in about a week's time. Sorry but it's true Please, get yourself nice and do a forum search for a user named chthonic. Quote
CheesemanDT Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 I love listening to game music. especially the stuff here on ocr. Unfortunatly i have no ability to make any myself, as my skills in that department are severely....lacking. However I know what I like, and I've liked alot of Cthonic's stuff, including this one(I can't wait to hear the finished version of "To The Summit"). Most usually find their way onto cds I make for driving music, and this will no doubt be one of those. The song drives me and its something I like listening to that gets me pumped, especially when I play games listening to songs like this (which i most often do). Its not "elevator music" by any means and definetly not shallow and unorginal, especially considering how more orchestral, sorrowful(in a way, especially when you see whats happening during the sequence its playing) and slow the original song is. This remix is the opposite and is an excellent remix in my opinion, at that. Quote
sum n00b Posted September 9, 2005 Posted September 9, 2005 A truly brilliant work. Now, it seems that the market is flush with an awesome crop of instruments. feels like the world is going to come rising up around you, bro. Quote
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