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Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History

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On 1/15/2016 at 9:03 PM, Stahalamora said:

If you need a singer for any of these tracks, I can sing opera which can sound pretty awesome!

for these tracks, likely a bit late ;) but for future purposes, i'd like to keep ya in mind!

  • 4 weeks later...

Alright, everyone can shut up now, I'm got a start on the website and it's looking pretty good so far. It's a theme in Wordpress that's really nice looking - modern but not too flashy or complicated. Keiiii's artwork is really gelling well here.

I'll post it at a later date. Does anyone know what sort of URL do I need to assign to it?

41 minutes ago, Meteo Xavier said:

Alright, everyone can shut up now, I'm got a start on the website and it's looking pretty good so far. It's a theme in Wordpress that's really nice looking - modern but not too flashy or complicated. Keiiii's artwork is really gelling well here.

I'll post it at a later date. Does anyone know what sort of URL do I need to assign to it?

Generally speaking, I can handle the website. We've been using a nice single-page, responsive template, no need to overthink it. If you want to take a swipe at the design, that's cool, but tbh we've consistently had to step in & clean things up a bit, so I've just started assuming I'll be covering it.

You could literally steal the HTML/CSS from the last 3-4 album sites - Super Cartography Bros., for instance - and edit that. The more important things are finalizing all track names, artist credits, putting together director comments and artist comments for flood mixes, picking flood mixes, etc., i.e. literally everything else that will go ON the website (the content), but not the layout/design.

The sooner you can get me final art assets, the better.



Updated: The main structure of the site is up and running. Rozovian has concerns it may be too fancy with superfluous animation and not functioning to its full potential. I don't agree it's superfluous as I purposefully wanted it to look fancy to fulfill the dignity of the project, but I do share some concerns it's functioning needs some work. Greg Nourse, for example, had a look about and said the bottom navigation cuts off in mobile, which I don't have to test out myself.

On my Windows 7 laptop, it works quite well with only the slightest bit of choppiness I can chalk up to just general internet use. On my desktop it works pretty perfectly. I'm only using Firefox and Internet Explorer to check it out with right now. 4GB of ram.

I'm going to keep testing it out on Chrome, Safari, and other systems with less RAM and see if I can improve it further. Getting it more responsive is a higher priority on it than anything else I feel.


Damn it Meteo nobody gives a damn about how fancy the website is. It'll look better and be more functional if DJP does it. And I'd really prefer my music not sit for 10 years, over 5 years is already more than enough. Out of respect for the music and the artists, just let djp handle the site, which generally speaking he said he can do. 

Do you realize what you're even suggesting with this Wordpress template stuff? What you're asking is for OCR to set up the configs, create a SQL database and install all that shit just for ONE album. The site doesn't need perpetual updates. They don't need to publish A BLOG for this album's website. 


I'm leaving before I get mad


Well, anyone who would've wanted to build the website had years to do so, but no one ever did. Now it's on me to do it with the tools and experience I have to do it with. Under those circumstances, I feel rather justified in doing it the way I want (within reason).

Making sure it functions right on a variety of devices is a much more important issue that I will be working on now.


Did you want DJP to come to your house and be like "OH PLEASE LET ME DO IT"

Besides that I'm pretty damn sure I've told you months and months ago how cool djp was/is about making the website for the FF projects. I'm pretty DANG sure I recommended to you that you just let him do it. 

I'm pretty GOSH DARN FLIPPIN' sure that I want djp to hostile-takeover the website right now


At the risk of sounding contentious and adding more drama to this topic, I have let other people try their hand at doing this website and no one did anything with it. Rozovian spoke to probably 9 people over the last couple years, including some outside fans of the project, and nothing ever came of it except some test pages. At that point, I can reasonably assume it's not going to get done relying on other people to do it - that's why I jumped in to do it myself.

If anyone else wants to do the website and make it more like OCR would do it, then do it. Even if the time I spent building what I built meant nothing more than getting someone else off their ass and building a function website everyone's happy with, that's still a win as far I consider - but until that time comes, the site I'm building is the site we're going with because, clearly, no one else is going to actually do it.


but djp would do it

Did you even send in the music yet? I'd say focus on the information, artist notes, director notes, websites for each artist.. send that to djp and hopefully the music has already been evaluated.. might be the difference between this coming out in 2016 instead of 2017 if you do this and stop stalling. Sorry for being upset with you but damn. 


Without wanting to add to the drama: it's not your call brandon, and what you've said is way beyond just voicing your opinion. djp had made his offer and it's up to the project management to do what they think is best; it is their album in the end, after all.

Let's not create drama so late in the game and please remain respectful to each other


No drama necessary... @Meteo Xavier, the website is usually one of the last assets to finalize, and doesn't take that long ASSUMING all the other assets - music, copy, and especially art - exist. We've got a pretty functional & flexible template that I've gotten pretty good at populating & personalizing so that it doesn't feel particularly cookie-cutter, but there would have been no point in attempting to implement that template prior to the other assets being final or VERY close to final.

Examples of the same template, customized for different projects:

If you can send me (admin@ocremix.org) what you got, along with all the art, I can 110% take this over, I will *of course* run the final version by project management (as I always do), and it should theoretically be a weight off your shoulders and one less thing to worry about.

SOMETIMES during the course of site development a need for additional artwork might arise, and that's the worst case scenario in terms of (usually minor) delays, so the sooner the better :)

Sound good?

I apologize if this suggestion is coming later than you would have liked, but I still feel like it will be the most expedient option and the option that will lead to a website that best reflects the quality of the music - from what I've heard, sounds fantastic.


A lot of this stuff should have theoretically been off my shoulders already, but it wasn't. That's why the "theoretical" qualifier is added to that sentence in the first place. I'd really like y'all to actually see the website before telling me it's not going to work. Again, not trying to sound like a contentious asshole here, but the wild lack of logical protocol here is astounding - well beyond what I was expecting.

So here's how this is going to work. I'm going to continue building the site I've got going for it - and if DJP or someone else wants to build another site that's more like the examples listed above, then go for it and that's the one we'll use. To be perfectly honest, I really did not exert much time and energy putting the site I have together. I've spent more time and energy arguing about it with Brandon Strader than I did actually putting it together, so if it doesn't get used, no big deal.

The bottom line is there is going to be a website, and it's either going to be the one I'm building or the one whoever else is building. I don't really care which one we go both, but this was supposed to be done two years ago at least and it is unacceptable to not have something workable right this minute. All I've heard is promises and theory so far - build a proof.

On 2/20/2016 at 5:32 AM, pu_freak said:

Without wanting to add to the drama: it's not your call brandon, and what you've said is way beyond just voicing your opinion. djp had made his offer and it's up to the project management to do what they think is best; it is their album in the end, after all.

Let's not create drama so late in the game and please remain respectful to each other

:D Alright no drama. I feel like a stockholder though. I have 2 songs on this album that have sat around for almost half of the time I've been on OCR, which is crazy. Maybe I went too far voicing my opinion and I am not really anything like a stockholder. I had high hopes for the songs and how they would be treated. You're right though, it's their album.

I can only hope they'll take the suggestion to email in the assets to djp... I don't honestly know why there's so much defensiveness over a website template that had less effort put into it than my tantrum :lol: 

  • 3 weeks later...

It was promised for this year, at a panel, so we'll at least make sure that happens. It's taken way too long, and that's mostly my fault. Ambition, perfectionism, and an aversion to deadlines... not a good combination if you want to get things done.

Next album I make is going to be three tracks long and have at most two remixers. No trailers or previews or anything, and the website will be in HTML 2.0. With ASCII art. Space Invaders. Coming "soon".

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