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Seiken Densetsu 3: Songs of Light and Darkness - History

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On 3/25/2016 at 0:39 PM, Rozovian said:

It was promised for this year, at a panel, so we'll at least make sure that happens.

Ha, I complained about it not being at the panel at ConBravo (earlier in this thread), and then I went to MAGFest and this one showed up at the panel there.

Even so, I'll believe it when I hear it. :P

  • 1 month later...

'"THE" Joys of Youth', huh?

Anyone else want to change anything? Artist name, song names, bio, species, track notes, tracks? Dunno any final cutoff date after which we can't make any further changes, but the tracks aren't mastered yet so you should still be able to change them, and probably everything else as well. Better do it asap. Let me know.

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On June 23, 2014 at 3:57 PM, Meteo Xavier said:

It's done! It's actually fucking done!

Usa turned in a final .WAV today and no more changes are needed on it - meaning the project is now 100% complete in terms of tracks!

We still need to get our shit together for everything else, and now I can start building an additional PR plan (which I will still bother some for help with, whether you like it or not, :P) but the main point of the project is finally over!

I'm actually so excited I want to post this on the main Community page. Do you think they would let me? I want to start building some buzz and hype for it. :D:D:D

This project has been finished for over 2 years. And we've just gotten to mastering? Is this going to come out this year or are we hoping for 2017 now? Def not going to hold a track for an album again.


Sorry you feel that way, but that's just how it worked out, dude. Some of it has to do with human error and a majority of it has to do with life simply getting in the way for a lot of people in involved.

Sure, we could've looked at the incredibly slow progress and said, "well, we're not getting this done as quickly as other people who made multi-artist, multi-disc projects on OCR are doing it so, fuck it, let's just quit." - but we didn't. We could've just cut out a lot of material other artists worked hard for to get it done already, but we didn't. Neither Rozovian or myself could've foreseen it taking this long and it wouldn't have mattered if we could - life would've still gotten in the way. That's just how it happens sometimes.

I myself would rather not dwell on things we could've done better or how it SHOULD have gone - I'd prefer to keep going ahead even if its at a snail's pace. This is a passion project and we aren't asking any more of you than just some patience as we keep going forward (except maybe to virtua-sign some red tape, need to confirm with DJP on that). I can't tell you the exact month it's coming out, but it is - we got the music all in and there's just no point in reminding you over and over again that we're working on the administration behind it if we weren't still moving forward to some degree. 

If it's any consolation of any kind, I'm almost done digging myself out of the personal hell this whole year has given me and I expect to have some better time and availability to get back on things that have slipped down my priority totem pole like getting shit back together behind the scenes for SD3. I could give you a lot of specific details as to what those obstacles were for me and Rozovian, but that would be very impolite on a number of levels as well as not being constructive. Please just be patient with us - this isn't like a bad installer that creeks by at the 97% mark and then just freezes up, we will get to the finish line! :)


AF, you make a good point. We'll just cancel and let the remixers release their tracks on their own. That'll be best for everyone.

Seriously though, I'm sorry it's taken this long. I wouldn't have taken over the project had I known how much work, how much difficulty it involved. I joined, way back when, to help out, but I ended up in charge. It's been a great learning process, but I would rather have learned this from someone else's mistakes than from my own. I know it's been frustrating to wait, especially when we've talked about how the big, ostensibly difficult parts have been done for years. I know. Don't you think it's been frustrating for us too? Especially when we know exactly how it's our fault that it's not released yet?

Life happens. We didn't give up on this despite its glacial pace and a general lack of interest from the community (with much appreciated exceptions). We (project and ocr staff) are looking at a specific date for release. We know we're being vague about specifics. This time we know how far from release we are. This time we have a deadline. This time it's real.

Your choice: be annoyed, or get hype.

11 hours ago, audio fidelity said:

Think of it as some tough love

But you still seem to be asserting respective staff for this project have just been lazy and letting remixers wait, and I'm still telling you this has not been the case. While I do have an obligation to you and the other artists on here to answer for the "comical" delay and perform humility for it, I also have an obligation to stick up for the project staff who have continued, at their availability, to provide for this project pro-bono in an entertainment era where no one in game audio takes a shit without getting paid $300 a minute for it.

You don't need to tell me it's comical, I know it's comical. That's just how it goes sometimes. Dwelling on its difficulty is not constructive, so all I can do is accept it, crack some "Seiken Densetsu Forever" jokes in self-detriment and keep moving forward as availability allows. Even now I'm typing this response as I talk to our mastering engineer about the appropriate loudness for audiophile qualities and retaining dynamics. Our mastering engineer will have a two week vacation coming up soon, but since we're asking him to master 4 CDs worth of music for free (some of it not even .WAV files) and he agreed, no one's in any position to complain on that.

We thank you for the "tough love" to help provide some extra motivation and remind us how people still care for this project even after its "comical" production length, but we're already on it, dude. I don't know if we can live up to the time-designated hype for it by now, but I'm still very confident you'll like the release. Stay positive - it's worth it. :D


Take a few steps back from the situation, and you can gain a bit of perspective. It's likely a large majority of the people download this album (when it is eventually released) will have no idea that it took years longer than planned. They'll just be thankful to OverClocked ReMix for providing an awesome multi-disc remix album for a game that doesn't receive too many remixes.

As for those involved behind-the-scenes, you can just chalk it up to a learning experience.

1 hour ago, Calatia said:

It's likely a large majority of the people download this album (when it is eventually released) will have no idea that it took years longer than planned.

I sure hope that's the case! My finished mixes on here still sound kinda "dated", but I think they'll work all the same. Even if I knew I had two more years after I George Dubya'd the FINISHED post, I probably wouldn't have had time or energy to keep updating mine (oddly enough, my autism says no to that kind of stuff), but I'm still personally satisfied with them and I think they'll sound even better after mastering.

Speaking of which, I'm still discussing mastering with relevant parties and Rozo is talking to our artist right now - just a further reminder that, yes, we are still actively working behind the scenes. :)

On 8/2/2016 at 10:19 AM, Meteo Xavier said:

I don't know if we can live up to the time-designated hype for it by now, but I'm still very confident you'll like the release. Stay positive - it's worth it. :D

It lives up to the hype, and I'm almost certain it'll be even better once it's fully mastered.

I'm still excited to listen to it once it's posted on the site, so stay hype, peeps.

  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/31/2016 at 4:11 PM, audio fidelity said:

This project has been finished for over 2 years. And we've just gotten to mastering? Is this going to come out this year or are we hoping for 2017 now? Def not going to hold a track for an album again.

My main one has been on youtube since 2011

Should I comment on the other stuff said...... hmmmmmm...... probably not. Though I do want to point out my stuff is already mastered, so if it saves time, feel free to skip those. Especially since changing it would probably mess them up, and you can't actually affect perceived volume to a noticeable degree without editing it so drastically that it becomes garbage.



Dude, your track isn't mastered for the album. If its levels, frequency balance or other things about it aren't in line with all the other tracks, and/or if there's too little/too much silence at the end of the tracks in regards to the following track on the album, then it needs to be mastered. I don't think you seriously think mastering equals loudening, nor that loudening is the only thing mastering is about, so why suggest that?

Also, we had a thing in the first post about not sharing your tracks. Not cool, 2011 Brandon.


Remixers, we still want track notes and bios and things like that. We have some. From surprisingly few of you.

And if you're concerned that we might be mastering and including the wrong version of your track, get in touch asap, preferably with a wav of the track. Long-running, big projects managed by amateurs, sometimes have problems getting the right file in the right folder. So that has probably happened here at least once. 'Nuf said.

Next project I'm running will require wips and wavs and things to be properly marked with versions and dates and stuff. And all communication consolidated to one place/format. And a much smaller project. Like, three tracks total.

On 31.08.2016 at 6:54 AM, Rozovian said:

Remixers, we still want track notes and bios and things like that. We have some. From surprisingly few of you.

And if you're concerned that we might be mastering and including the wrong version of your track, get in touch asap, preferably with a wav of the track. Long-running, big projects managed by amateurs, sometimes have problems getting the right file in the right folder. So that has probably happened here at least once. 'Nuf said.

Next project I'm running will require wips and wavs and things to be properly marked with versions and dates and stuff. And all communication consolidated to one place/format. And a much smaller project. Like, three tracks total.

Funny.. I don't remember where I keep my tracks. 6 years. Not sure I'll find a propper version of my first "not bad" ReMix.


We haven't lost your wavs. Getting us a new one is an option if you're worried that we're using the wrong version. If you've updated the track since you gave us the wav, or if you've given us so many wavs that you're not sure we got the latest and best one, you might want to find that latest version. Otherwise you're probably fine.

I've been thinking a bit about the remixers whom we lost touch with, some of whom had some great tracks that just weren't finished. I'm primarily thinking of Luhny and Jormungand, but there are others. Maybe we could do a mini-followup-album with those tracks, if the main album being released gets them to come back. I have a few arrangements I never finished that could be included, too. It's a thought.


How about release some kind of "Demo Album"? This project has a long story and lot of background. Unfinished tracks, lost remixers and other stuff. Show everyone how much work ppl made, show their progress. First WIPs, different versions of mixes, art etc. Everything that ppl never see/hear in main release. Of course with permission. 

Just a thought. 

  • 1 month later...
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