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The Final Fantasy VI Remix Contest: Results are in, check first post!!!

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That's a really thoughtful system and voting on every track is a really great idea to ensure fairness to those who worked hard on submitting a track! Thanks for the hard work putting this together.


Forcing people to rate all 33 entries might deter some people who don't want to plop down >1hr of their time, but I wouldn't have it any other way...this means people will be giving real, objective feedback! Thumbs up!

I feel like I'm going to be hard-pressed to vote though...given the level of talent in this community, my first instinct is probably going to be to give 50% of the tracks a rating of 5 xD. So hyped for this!


Hmm, so you're sending out these remixes for everyone involved in the compo? Two thoughts on that.

First, if you're randomizing the list for everyone, why not remove their own track from the list? That would remove the redundant high vote from everyone, at worst, and possibly remove a situation where a mixer might not feel perfect about their mix and feels guilt for voting a 5 for themselves (or in the worst case, votes less for the sake of honesty and hinders him/herself in the process). If you're sending a private package that we need to vote on anyway then tgere's no reason not to.

Second, is the voting process going to be available to the public at all, or is it only among the participants? I feel that this competition would benefit from outside opinion as well as from the opinion of the participants, so if possible it'd be nice to see some randomized packages for people yo pick up, or alternatively allow them to PM you and request a package if they want to vote. You didn't mention the public opinion in your address there, so I might be drawing conclusions, but if you're thinking of keeping this private I'd recommend giving others a chance to participate.

Those are my thoughts - I like the system you came up with, here.


Just a thought ..

"The final results will be public. Why: Entrants deserve to know their final placement when all is said and done."

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will obviously be announced. and don't get me wrong, I compete to win, but I'm just not sure if I'd want to see that I'm last place. For example, I recently entered a competition and they only announced the 1st place winner. People commented "2nd, 3rd place?" and they replied "sorry, only the winners are announced" and I thought to myself, "hmm I wonder where I placed" but at the same time, if I saw that I was last, I feel like I'd be less inclined towards "oh I'll try harder next time" rather than "dang I suck." Ignorance can be bliss. Just saying ..

I'm not even sure which side I'm rooting for, to reveal final placements or not, .. it's just a thought.


I think you need to take a little care in defining the ratings, as in should we "normalize" our ratings so that the "least outstanding" entry gets a 1 even if we thought it was still overall really good (just not as good as everything else)?

I'm just having a hard time imagining a mix that someone would submit to a contest that is "quite unenjoyable", which means that lower end of the rating scale might be severely underutilized. I'd rather have that scale width to differentiate the mixes that are OMGWTF good from the ones that are "just" really enjoyable :)

(Just my 2 cents though!)

Hmm, so you're sending out these remixes for everyone involved in the compo? Two thoughts on that.

First, if you're randomizing the list for everyone, why not remove their own track from the list? That would remove the redundant high vote from everyone, at worst, and possibly remove a situation where a mixer might not feel perfect about their mix and feels guilt for voting a 5 for themselves (or in the worst case, votes less for the sake of honesty and hinders him/herself in the process). If you're sending a private package that we need to vote on anyway then tgere's no reason not to.

Second, is the voting process going to be available to the public at all, or is it only among the participants? I feel that this competition would benefit from outside opinion as well as from the opinion of the participants, so if possible it'd be nice to see some randomized packages for people yo pick up, or alternatively allow them to PM you and request a package if they want to vote. You didn't mention the public opinion in your address there, so I might be drawing conclusions, but if you're thinking of keeping this private I'd recommend giving others a chance to participate.

Those are my thoughts - I like the system you came up with, here.


You pretty much should've just used the current Dwelling of Duels voting system.

Though this already sounds close to it.

The question will simply be "On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate this remix?"

Seems like a 1-5 scale is going to produce a lot of 3-5 votes, which doesn't encompass much range -- though the same could be argued of a 1-10 scale since most people would vote between 5-10 since below 5 is probably beyond everyone involved. I supposed with 30+ entries being voted on, the possible combinations of votes will vary things enough.

Second, is the voting process going to be available to the public at all, or is it only among the participants? I feel that this competition would benefit from outside opinion as well as from the opinion of the participants, so if possible it'd be nice to see some randomized packages for people yo pick up, or alternatively allow them to PM you and request a package if they want to vote. You didn't mention the public opinion in your address there, so I might be drawing conclusions, but if you're thinking of keeping this private I'd recommend giving others a chance to participate.

I'm curious about this as well, though doing a package request system would probably be a very high barrier of entry and probably deter a lot of people from voting.

Voters will be asked to consider the production values, arrangement creativity and overall enjoyment factor of each remix when deciding on their rating. A rating of "1" means that they feel there are major problems with production and arrangement and the mix is quite unenjoyable, while a rating of "5" means they feel the mix is perfect (or near-perfect) and extremely enjoyable.

What if the production values and arrangement are good - but I personally don't feel the music is to my enjoyment? Do we just average it out internally? (5+5+2)/3 = 4?

What if the production values and arrangement are good - but I personally don't feel the music is to my enjoyment? Do we just average it out internally? (5+5+2)/3 = 4?

i have no affiliation with any of this but if you're judging something it's not about personal opinion on whether or not you just don't happen to like that style of music. if someone plays a beautiful piano piece and you're like 'well it's perfect and the improv was mindblowing but i don't like piano solos, 3 out of 5' then you're kind of defeating the purpose of doing any sort of worthwhile criticism at all



1. I'm not customizing the survey for each person, I'm using a 3rd party website that randomizes the question order. So, I can't think of any way I can remove one's own remixes from that list. I guess the only option is to create a custom survey link for literally everyone, and then a generic 'public' survey link... I'll see about that.

2. ANYONE will be allowed to vote. I definitely want to open it up to the general public. Also, I'm thinking the voting period will be two weeks to ensure people have time to sit down and listen to everything. Again, seems like the most fair way.


Interesting point on whether to make the full rankings public or not. However, if I (a) put them on a separate site/document so you don't HAVE to look at them, and (B) remove the point totals from the rankings, that might help mitigate the problem. But also, hey, there's a lot of talent here. If you put in an effort, you should feel proud of that regardless of how you place. When I first got to OCR I made about 12-13 remixes that were absolutely terrible. 4 got rejected, the others I didn't even bother submitting...


1. Yes, it will take some time to listen to everything, but that's the only fair way!

2. Good point that we don't want the scores to be 'inflated'. I'll point out that giving out 1s, 2s and 3s is fine, as long as you're not doing that for literally everything.


Ultimately, it's impossible to design any kind of numerical scale or score that can perfectly encompass your feelings on a piece of music. The best I can do is suggest criteria to use as you listen. If an entry is enjoyable but has poor production, I would expect that to impact your rating, likewise if it has amazing production but no 'soul'.

Interesting point on whether to make the full rankings public or not. However, if I (a) put them on a separate site/document so you don't HAVE to look at them, and (B) remove the point totals from the rankings, that might help mitigate the problem. But also, hey, there's a lot of talent here. If you put in an effort, you should feel proud of that regardless of how you place. When I first got to OCR I made about 12-13 remixes that were absolutely terrible. 4 got rejected, the others I didn't even bother submitting...

That's a good idea, giving people the choice of whether or not to look at their ranking. I personally want to see my ranking. If I rank at the bottom, it will motivate me to do better. If I rank near the top, that would be a nice confidence boost.


I'd recommend downloading all of the mixes and listening to them at one's own leisure, voting on a separate notepad and doing the survey in one sitting, if it's not possible to dedicate too much time in a single sitting. That's if you can't do it in a single sitting, that is.

EDIT: Er... we can't download them, can we?


I cannot download any of these tracks at the moment. I would suggest hyperlinks or embedded players although i'm not sure if these are possible within surveymonkey, it is a little taxing copying and pasting each link.

Will have a real go through of these perhaps tomorrow when I get the time!

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