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I've got to admit I have a huge soft spot for the themes to Quantum Leap and Star Trek: Voyager. Other favorites are the original Dr. Who theme by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop (and before they added the extra echo etc. in the Patrick Troughton era), and the theme to Land of the Giants. Also, too many Japanese tokusatsu shows to mention... those damn themes are always so catchy!

Firefly had a good one. TNG-era Star Trek is also a classic.

Seconded wholly. Also, new-gen Battlestar Galatica had one I enjoyed a lot, and Eureka as well. If I had to pick a favorite, it'd either be Firefly's or Eureka's.

I also like a lot of the new generation Doctor Who's music, but, strangely enough, have never found its actual theme to be much better than average.


unless you're a soundtrack nut like i am you might not realize it but the ST Theme songs are all part of the same suite of music crafted back for the ORIGINAL movie TNG, DS9, Voyager all had different parts of the same original piece

Love it or hate it however (And i know some hate it) ST: Enterprise may have had the best opening theme out of all of them. Both versions were very good.

Overall themes...

Sg-1 (pilot version)

Firefly. I still sometimes hum that when i'm out and about.

Season 5 Babylon 5 had by far the best of them. All were good but the triumphant feel of that one was unmatchable.

DS9 Season 5 or later (whenever they updated it) Was a very nice one.

As i stated Enterprise is on my list of TV shows.

I'm sure i'll think of more later but thats the opening number for me. Oh btw...you can set pandora to hunt out these themes. =D


Love it or hate it however (And i know some hate it) ST: Enterprise may have had the best opening theme out of all of them. Both versions were very good.

I actually love the Enterprise theme too, although I prefer the first version to the second.

unless you're a soundtrack nut like i am you might not realize it but the ST Theme songs are all part of the same suite of music crafted back for the ORIGINAL movie TNG, DS9, Voyager all had different parts of the same original piece

I found this out when I went and watched the films of the original series. It's a really cool callback.

unless you're a soundtrack nut like i am you might not realize it but the ST Theme songs are all part of the same suite of music crafted back for the ORIGINAL movie TNG, DS9, Voyager all had different parts of the same original piece

Huh. Yeah, I knew that about TNG's theme, but never knew it about the DS9/Voyager themes... mainly because I've only ever seen like five episodes of each, tbh. Cool.

Quantum Leap!!!! Such a classic theme song.

Love this theme, its the saxophone that gets me,

IF its not a saxophone then shoot me, but one part sounds like one to me, and i love that bit.

Love this theme, its the saxophone that gets me,

IF its not a saxophone then shoot me, but one part sounds like one to me, and i love that bit.

I always thought it was a saxophone too but could be wrong. No expert...

unless you're a soundtrack nut like i am you might not realize it but the ST Theme songs are all part of the same suite of music crafted back for the ORIGINAL movie TNG, DS9, Voyager all had different parts of the same original piece

I guess I'm a soundtrack nut then. :lol:


I enjoy the music from The Pretender. The title theme from '96/'97 especially.

Also, off the OST, "From the Past" is one of the most beautiful scores I ever heard on television.

googling "the pretender soundtrack" will land you the ost sssh


I'm sitting here trying to think of any sci-fi TV themes that I love more than

's, but I just can't. There's a lot of great ones out there, but I can't think of another show where the music and lyrics captured the themes and tones of its show so absolutely perfectly. Maybe
, but that isn't sci-fi.

EDIT: But as far as the composition on its own merits, completely independent of the rest of the show, I gotta go with

Yeah, it's a bit of a stretch, but it did have a lot of sci-fi themes.

EDIT 2: I take it all back... THIS is my favorite without a doubt, on both counts of fitting the show perfectly and just being an awesome jam.

P.S.: Good lord, I am indecisive.

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