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With PROTO·DOME put in the right category (oops), there's clearly enough interest on both sides to get this started. I'll continue to gather input and discuss options in this thread, and plan on starting a "real" compo thread with more-or-less finalized rules on Monday, July 2. One week to collect entrants, two weeks to mix, 1 week to vote. If this becomes a regular thing, I'll probably stick to the first Monday of the month to start the thread for each new episode, which means there will sometimes be some overlap between voting and gathering participants for the next episode, but that should be okay.

You might want to wait a little longer (maybe at least a month or so) to kinda let the idea settle in. I know it's exciting and all, but it'll give time for more people to check this thread out for details to see if they're interested. It'll also give you more time to figure out all the rules and guidelines (there are a lot of other topics I've thought of even since I first posted my suggestion below, such as point scoring, picking themes, etc.), not to mention the logistics of hosting a compo. Where will you host the music, how will you setup voting, etc.? There are a lot of details to think about. For example I first started floating around the idea of the Sonic compo back in February and didn't start it until May. Part of that was to avoid conflicts with any of Darke's compos, but also since I wasn't as established in the community as other compo hosts, it helped build hype.

It also might help to get a larger roster too. Those people in the first post probably won't all be available at the same time or right away. I know I at least, would probably be interested in this at some point, but not anytime really soon given some other obligations I have.

Unless I completely misunderstood your statement and you're just going to create a new thread on July 2nd and not actually START the compo on July 2nd (which is how I interpreted it) :razz: In that case, carry on :-)

It'll also give you more time to figure out all the rules and guidelines (there are a lot of other topics I've thought of even since I first posted my suggestion below, such as point scoring, picking themes, etc.), not to mention the logistics of hosting a compo. Where will you host the music, how will you setup voting, etc.? There are a lot of details to think about.
I noticed from Darkesword's example that many of these decisions are pretty arbitrary. But my answers:

  • Point scoring: Vote for 3, award 3/2/1 points, kind of the default for this sort of thing.
  • Picking themes: I will rule with an iron fist. Er, clicky-finger. Mwa ha ha. Maybe later we can do something where the winner picks the next theme, but at a 1/month schedule it'll already be tight for time, plus I really want to make sure the themes are broad enough to appeal to everyone (some of DoD's are pretty specific, like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles).
  • Hosting the music: I have my own site, not a problem. Should be able to do this the same way Darke does, with auto-ID3 and whatnot. I don't want to do ThaSauce, it's a bit of a barrier to entry, plus with two contributors it could get a little confusing.
  • Voting: Okay, here I need help, since it seems I can't create a social group myself. I'll probably have to go begging to Darkesword, unless someone else has the right privilege and wants to volunteer?

The other issue is, what other compos are on the table right now? Sonic is wrapping up in a couple of weeks, so it would be nice to coincide the start of this with the end of that, but I believe we're due for the next Maverick battle, and if that starts right away, this should at least be offset from that one so that a round or two worth of people have been eliminated before I start recruiting.


Darkesword introduced another possibility regarding themes: Making the themes based on the style or genre of the remix rather than of the source. I have some mixed feelings about that idea.

On the plus side, it would definitely force people to try different things. It would also reduce voter bias based on genre, and make comparisons between the remixes easier.

On the minus side, it might not be as fun for the remixers to do something in a style they don't care for. Perhaps more importantly, I think it would be a bit fatiguing for the listeners, being given six or more remixes that are all, say, heavy metal, or all evoke an "underwater" feel.

I could do a mix of both types of theme, I suppose. For instance, a "Racing" theme could allow a dubstep remix of Mario Kart, but a mix like "On the Highway" from Maverick Rising would also count, not being from a racing game, but rather evoking the feel of one.


On the minus side, it might not be as fun for the remixers to do something in a style they don't care for. Perhaps more importantly, I think it would be a bit fatiguing for the listeners, being given six or more remixes that are all, say, heavy metal, or all evoke an "underwater" feel.

I don't think so... just because the theme is a genre, the mixers can still choose any source they want, so it's not like all the mixes will sound the same. Radio stations categorize their music by genres "rock", "pop", "jazz", etc. and that works out just fine.

Plus it wouldn't hurt to have a genre theme one month, then do something non-genre theme the next month.


Such a cool idea. I know I've been around the community for a long time and I dick around with music, but I'm not much of a musician. But I really enjoy making it and want to learn how to make better stuff. So, I would definitely be interested in this. I'll have time for this if it happens this month or next, but after late August my schedule probably won't allow time for participation.

I did almost no work for that mix, just vocals that i didn't write, so that's why I wasn't sure. But I'm ok with being in either category.

Hehe yeah it'd be like them putting me on the expert remixers list after having "Monkeys Disarm Their Kremlings" posted. :lol:

Expertness shouldn't be determined purely based on posted status.

Having said that I think wildfire proved she can get posted with her recent works.

Maybe like, a posted mix or job in the industry.

Like working at two studios, having a music degree, been playing guitar and piano for 15 years and done the drums even longer? :P

Having a posted mix, even if it's a solo mix, doesn't mean ppl know what they're doing, it could just be dumb luck in a genre that lets you get away with more. If supposed stars aren't comfortable critting and supporting a novice, and would rather be novices themselves, that's fine. No need to overcomplicate things, ppl can choose for themselves.

But if things need to be formal, I suggest the minimum requirement for the star category would be a solo mixpost (past or pending), or one where you were the primary arranger and mixer. I think most of the folks here prefer the novice category over the star category, so what are the rules regarding eg Palpable from being a novice?

You can be posted and not have the slightest clue how to mix stuff. >_>

It's been brought up that part of determining whether somebody is a 'star' or a 'novice' should be up to the remixer him/herself. If you don't know how to mix stuff....don't sign up to be a 'star' :D

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