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If you guys like shmups, satazius, a pretty great doujin shmup that is a lot like Gradius mixed with Star Soldier mixed with every single horizontal shooter ever is on sale for $3.

Seriously, you have bought much shittier games for much more money.

I have had lots of fun with it, and it's a pretty challenging game, with lots of different weapons to choose from to customize your play experience. The levels are nice and hard, and don't require too much memorization (meaning, while you will die at certain spots repeatedly, you can muscle your way through if your reflexes are good enough), and it's a very solid action title.

You guys should support Nyu Media, that does niche gamers a pretty nice service by bringing Japan's indie scene to the rest of the world. Like their latest release! : D


I picked up Batman Arkham Asylum (the only game I owned on Games for Windows Live so now I can uninstall that piece of trash) and Arkham City, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, Sonic Generations, and L.A. Noire.

I was also gonna pick up Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Grand Theft Auto IV, but then realized I had already bought them at some point and had no idea when. Gotta love Steam sales.


Games purchased so far:

Sonic 3 and Knuckles for 2.99!!?? Holy Hana Montanna!

I also bought the Jedi Knight Collection for 1.99, and Terraria for 2.49.

I guess I'm more of a retro gamer, and tend to not be on the bandwagon as far as new games are concerned (with the exception of Skyward Sword, I do indeed have the Golden Wiimote of Power, but I suppose that's off topic).

It seems like this type of marketing strategy follows a time proven method. Lowering the prices temporarily can bring in a lot more money, because revenue is made by the shear volume of sales.


First time buying on steam, got the Alan Wake franchise collection for $9.99. Thought about portal franchise when it was going for like $7 but missed out. Oh well...

Thinking of getting Borderlands GOTY but it has SecuRom which people seem to hate. Can someone explain why it's so bad?

First time buying on steam, got the Alan Wake franchise collection for $9.99. Thought about portal franchise when it was going for like $7 but missed out. Oh well...

Thinking of getting Borderlands GOTY but it has SecuRom which people seem to hate. Can someone explain why it's so bad?

It is an insidious piece of software that is troublesome to remove from the computer, even after uninstalling the game.


Despite the recent media overload to the point of aversion, i'm craving some zombies!

Dead Island and L4D2 are on sale right now can anyone tell me if they are still played online at all? I had the left 4 dead series on Xbox then traded them in when everyone would quit within 10 minutes of a game.

Dead island I haven't played.


There are about anywhere from 500 to 10000+ people playing L4D2 on Steam at any given point. Case in point: just now, I looked up the game, and it lists L4D2 as having a peak of over 12000 players just today. Right now, it's just under a 1000.

I play regularly, and I know there are other players out there. Even when Steam can't find an empty spot in a current game, it will let me start one, and you're going to have at least one other player pop in not long after.

L4D2 is a safe bet. Dead Island, I can't say because I've never really bothered with it.

Oh, and speaking of L4D, if you have either 2 or 2, and want to try it out but fear random jackassess, PM me. I have no problem helping new players learn the maps and tricks. Ask the other people here that play Left 4 Dead.


I'm trying to restrain myself during this steam sale, I bought so many nice things during the winter one that I never even played that much (Arkham Asylum ;_;)

So I just got Portal 2 and Skyrim when they hit their daily deals, AND THATS IT NO MORE I SWEAR


Although if Duke Nukem forever gets any cheaper I might get it for a laugh... BUT I SHOULDN'T BAD TABLES BAD

There are about anywhere from 500 to 10000+ people playing L4D2 on Steam at any given point. Case in point: just now, I looked up the game, and it lists L4D2 as having a peak of over 12000 players just today. Right now, it's just under a 1000.

I play regularly, and I know there are other players out there. Even when Steam can't find an empty spot in a current game, it will let me start one, and you're going to have at least one other player pop in not long after.

L4D2 is a safe bet. Dead Island, I can't say because I've never really bothered with it.

Oh, and speaking of L4D, if you have either 2 or 2, and want to try it out but fear random jackassess, PM me. I have no problem helping new players learn the maps and tricks. Ask the other people here that play Left 4 Dead.

I think you should show some love for Jon St Jon Tables and get DKF. :)

Thanks but used to play both of them a ton. I loved the versus games I just didn't know if the pc community was more mature about losing and played to the end. Usually once one team would have a bad round, everyone quit.

Right now I'm struggling to decide getting Dead Island and L4D2 or both witcher games. gotta love that ticking clock.


I haven't gotten anything this steam sale, myself. I've just been going through my sega saturn and dreamcast games instead. : D

Though when I get paid I'll pick up Ether Vapor Remaster (which should be coming to steam soon anyway). The link has a free demo, so I encourage fans of shooters to try it out.

And really, Duke Nukem Forever is probably worth $5 or less.

It is an insidious piece of software that is troublesome to remove from the computer, even after uninstalling the game.

Read that part, but from the sound of it people make it out like it's something that'll mess up/nuke your pc or steal your info or kill your firstborn. =P

Basically I wanna know if it's worth having on my pc if it means I can play the game for cheap. Already missed out on buying a physical copy of it once for $7 because of these concerns.

Read that part, but from the sound of it people make it out like it's something that'll mess up/nuke your pc or steal your info or kill your firstborn. =P

Basically I wanna know if it's worth having on my pc if it means I can play the game for cheap. Already missed out on buying a physical copy of it once for $7 because of these concerns.


Should give a good enough synopsis in this case. I've dealt with earlier forms of SecuROM in the past, and the hassle it gave me was not pretty. Some have had far worse experiences, running through all their activations quickly due to errors caused by SecuROM itself. It all depends on the version of SecuROM on the game as well - there are various degrees of it, partly in response to how terrible the experience was earlier with the DRM software. From a quick Google search, it appears that there is an install limit of 5 copies per purchase of this copy of Borderlands.

To be honest, you probably won't run into issues - there's a possibility since the software has known issues, but that's my guess. It's your call of course. I personally try to avoid crappy DRM like that, especially since Steam is DRM in itself.

Duke Nukem Forever is not worth the damned hard drive space it takes up

buy any of the Duke Nukem games besides that pile of shit

I have had 3 separate chances to get this for free. I still do not own this game. One of the things I think about that lifts my spirits up when I'm feeling down.


I think people have been way too hard on Duke Nukem Forever. Sure it had weak gameplay, one liners that would have only been funny in the 90's, a crap story line, long load times, a decade spent in development hell and wasn't really a Duke Nukem game at all but...

but I can't think of a way to finish this post.

This should do it:

i got this btw




........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')


..........''...\.......... _.·´


hell yeah

you guys can always support Jon St. Jon's other project,


I haven't spent much money this time around, as frankly, most of the games I want won't run on my PC... as in, not even be compatible with my graphics card. Sonic Generations, Skyrim, F.3.A.R., The Witcher 2 (though I can run the first game fine on Medium settings), Dead Island (though there is a video on YouTube with someone running it on a PC not much better than mine), Dungeons & Dragons: Daggerdale, Hunted: The Demon's Forge... it's almost disheartening to see my old P4 3.00 GHz CPU and 7800 GS being left utterly behind.

So, I've just grabbed Half-Life 2 Episodes 1 and 2 ($1.99 each), Legend of Grimrock ($5.99... big spender on this one), and Trine 2 ($3.74). I'm waiting to see if Satazius and Razor2: Hidden Skies goes on a flash sale or something before the 22nd. I'm wanting them, but we'll see about any possible special deals first.


^ Isaac is so good. Demented, though. The stuff you see down in that basement...

Good haul so far. Little disappointed in the indie bundles, but the games are individually discounted too so it's not a total wash if you want to cherry pick.

Caught Arkham City on the flash deal just now. I was so mad when it got passed over on that first Community's Choice. Go team Night Owl.


Should give a good enough synopsis in this case. I've dealt with earlier forms of SecuROM in the past, and the hassle it gave me was not pretty. Some have had far worse experiences, running through all their activations quickly due to errors caused by SecuROM itself. It all depends on the version of SecuROM on the game as well - there are various degrees of it, partly in response to how terrible the experience was earlier with the DRM software. From a quick Google search, it appears that there is an install limit of 5 copies per purchase of this copy of Borderlands.

To be honest, you probably won't run into issues - there's a possibility since the software has known issues, but that's my guess. It's your call of course. I personally try to avoid crappy DRM like that, especially since Steam is DRM in itself.

Just fyi, the Wiki article you quoted says that Securom has been removed from most of those games it lists as examples (or at least the limited activations). Other sites mention that the core Borderlands game and the 2 newest DLC don't use Securom, and it's quite possible that the GOTY edition doesn't have Securom whatsoever. I've played through Borderlands multiple times and haven't run into any issues, so as far as I'm concerned it's certainly preferable to always online-style DRM like Ubisoft or Blizzard like to use.

If you wanna be completely safe, though, just buy the game by itself and make sure not to get the Mad Moxxi's Underdome or Ned's Zombie Island DLC.

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