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...And my entry is submitted!

The whole week (up until Friday afternoon) consisted of writer's block - never getting anything past 30 seconds.

Around Friday afternoon, some ideas finally started coming to me and I just started putting them in the song one after another until I found myself at 3 minutes and 12 seconds worth of material and finally finished at 2 A.M. this morning.

Overall, I'm quite happy with this one. One thing for certain - I'm really hoping that I've addressed some of the issues that were brought up with Lumitron Quadrant in the Sonic Zone Remix Competition here and not made another Glacial Age.

Either way, I'm looking forward to all of the entries, and, win or lose, it was an honor competing against you, AMT.

Thanks, man! I had to head out of town on Thursday afternoon, so I had the opposite problem with time. Best of luck and I can't wait to hear the mixes!

Posted (edited)

Remixes are up in the first post and voting is live in the social group.

Please make sure you all adhere to the voting guidelines in the first post, as well as the Competitions Code of Conduct outlined in the stickied thread in this forum.

Please note that voting ends on Saturday, not Sunday, at 2PM EDT. Make sure you vote.

Remixers should also keep in mind that match-ups for round 2 will be devised by scrambling the pool of winners from round 1. Please don't bother trying to predict the outcome of your battle in order to get a jump on next week's remixing. :mrgreen:

Edited by DarkeSword

Source breakdown:

0:00 - 0:30 : Boomer Kuwanger (BK) intro

0:30 - 0:45: Magna Centipede (MC) + beepy arpeggio from BK (arpeggio continues for most of the song)

0:45 - 1:00 : MC continues, melody from BK joins as backup

1:00 - 1:15 : MC pt. 2, original counter-melody on strings/piano

1:15 - 1:30 : BK intro, fitted with the chords from MC (<3)

1:30 - 2:00 : MC pt. 1 again, on chiptune... BK intro continues in background

2:00 - 2:38 : BK parts 2 & 3 feature, because they are my FAVORITEEEE

2:38 - 2:42 : Original megamanX-style scale run transition YEEEAHHH BOY

2:42 - 3:10 : return to BK intro, added bass for build

3:10 - 3:25 : MC part 1 again + continued BK beeper

3:25 - 3:40 : MC part 2 again

3:40 - END : Outro, BK with original chords and fadeout

(just in case you guys have a hard time hearing the source... shouldn't be TOO hard)

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