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Posted (edited)

And round 3, here I come. Again by default, but hey, it's better than losing, right?

EDIT: It looks like BlackPanther is also moving forward by default for a second time. :)

Edited by Cash
Seriously, these rounds that I'm lining up with have been seriously mistimed with my weeks. I'll get something in, though I only have about three nights to work on it (and by night I mean past 11pm D:).

Fuck it, bring it on.

Yeah, no kidding! Either Gario or Theory of N must be eliminated after next week???

Posted (edited)

I can't sleep, so I might as well give a source-breakdown for my mix. The chord progression in my remix is made from combining elements of the chords in both songs where they share the same bassline. The main melody is the melody (both part A and B) from Magna Centipede which comes in at 00:05 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYvQ8pDTseQ It's slower and slightly modified, but it should be very easy to spot in my mix. The elements from Volt Catfish mostly play supporting roles and are less obvious. The arp at :49 in my remix is from :40 in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hln_pyBFFiA. The melody at 1:22 in the remix is the very first melody in Volt Catfish, adjusted for the chord progression. I think that covers it. I shall now test the sleep inducing powers of beer.

Edited by Jason Covenant
Fixed Link.
Posted (edited)

I'll go ahead and breakdown some sources as well... I went the Covenant route, making my opponent's track the more obvious one and having mine play more of a supporting role. And yes, I did end up adding in more sources than just the 2. Couldn't help it! Oh well. At least I'm happy with the outcome. Anyway:

0:16 to 0:33 - Wolfang melody 1

0:42 to 0:59 - Sheldon intro arps A (slightly interpreted for darker feel)

0:59 to 1:15 - Wolfang melody 1 over Metroid Title progression (NOW WITH MORE TRITONES)

1:19 to 1:34 - Sheldon melody + Torvus Bog (Metroid Prime 2) arps, with more Wolfang melody 1 at the end of the phrase; subtle Sheldon intro arps B throughout

1:34 to 2:02 - Wolfang melody 2; Add harmony at 1:50 which morphs into Tallon Overworld 2 sine break (Metroid Prime)

2:02 to 2:31 - Sheldon arps and progression under Torvus Bog melody; at 2:16, add Metroid Prime Title melody

2:31 to 2:39 - Return of Sheldon melody + Torvus Bog w/ Wolfang tag; add Sheldon intro arps B at phrase end for build emphasis

2:39 to 3:08 - Return of Wolfang melody 2 with additional harmony and Sheldon intro arps 1; harmony again morphs to Tallon Overworld 2. The bassline is Sheldon arps 1

3:08 to 3:23 - Sheldon arps 1 in the bass again, with Sheldon arps 2 overtop

3:23 to End - Return to Wolfang melody 1 over Metroid Title progression; end with Sheldon melody snippet

So yeah. Lots going on... if y'all wanna ream me for source usage, go for it, seriously!! I've made an arrangement that I'm really proud of, and if adding other sources or not treating the MMX ones the way you guys feel that I should have means my defeat in this competition, then that's the way it'll be. Just enjoy the track! Very much looking forward to listening to this week's batch :D

Edited by Phonetic Hero
Ever since Gecko in the first GRMRB and Txai in the first GMRB, people have loved the funk.

How is Gecko these days? Fire Drill was probably my most favorite track in the 1st GRMRB. I was hoping for him to return in the 2011 and Wily Gauntlet, but nope. :(

I heard he's still active on the forums though.

Posted (edited)

No mix from urdailywater ;_;? Ooorrr Mr. Snake for that matter?

I'm gettin off too easily lol, but bigger than that, two mixes that won't be heard...

Unfortunate, but it is what it is, we can't control all variables yet, if there's a such thing as "all"...

Also right now is actually the first time listening to my mix on my studio monitors, I could've brought up the bass a little bit guess I'll go and do that...

Edited by BlackPanther

Alright, time for random comment time!

Benjamin Briggs - Damn Nature, You Scary! (Magna Centipede vs. Volt Catfish)

I like this, quite creative and different from Ben here. Wish it was longer though. It has this lo-fi sound to it that works really nicely here.

Prophecy - Vector Point Volt Centipede (Volt Catfish vs. Magna Centipede)

Was this name a random choice? Solid use of atmosphere going on here. Wish it was longer though as well.

BlackPanther - Strange Place (Blast Hornet vs. Frost Walrus)

Seems like a draft of some sorts here - good foundation & ideas showing up. The dub element could use some work.

Mr. L - Snowman Sonata (Blizzard Wolfang vs. Shieldner Sheldon)

Nice piece here. The strings need some work done - they sound extremely mechanical. Somewhere around 1:45 the song sounds weird with the strings & piano in the arrangement.

Phonetic Hero - Arctic Odyssey (Shieldner Sheldon vs. Blizzard Wolfang)

Clearly a good deal of effort has been spent here. The chiptunes have a similar feel to Ben's piece, lo-fi sound, but different approach to the arrangement. Mixing could use some work in some areas, such as near the end when that low mid instrument comes in for a brief couple of moments.

Cash and Change - Ostriches and Snails Can't Fly (Overdrive Ostrich vs. Crystal Snail)

That trance synth in the beginning sounds...a bit dissonant? Something sounds off towards the tail end of the extended sound. Mixing seems like it could use some work here too, the lower end seems to be underwhelming here.

I'm too tired to really go in depth - ran 15-16 miles earlier, so my head isn't really in focus mode. As usual, thanks everyone for the efforts!


It's going to be really, really tough for me to work on something this week because I'm going to San Francisco for the next couple of days but I SHOULD have some time Friday to at least get something out. I won't go down without some sort of fight.

Plus, I'm incredibly excited to listen to this week's mixes and to think of ways to meld Toxic Seahorse and Storm Eagle together. Two great themes.


BlackPanther - Strange Place (Blast Hornet vs. Frost Walrus)

Seems like a draft of some sorts here - good foundation & ideas showing up. The dub element could use some work.

Nope, it's done lol. As disappointing as it may sound, I wasn't really feeling this around as much as I thought I was. The themes are awesome, but I had a thousand ideas swirling in my head, so I just did more of a "stream of consciousness" style of composing and arranging, and this is what stuck out of all of the ideas I had.

It's definitely done though, all I'll probably do to this is turn up the bass a little bit, and look forward to the next round seeing as how I got another bye.


So I pretty much hate Blaze Heatnix's theme (no offense Gario). Though I'm really liking what's coming out of it. Doesn't look like I'll have near as much time as I did last week, but I still plan on getting something good out.

I'm noticing the hardest part about this is realizing your own theme in different ways each round. As of right now, mine is a Blaze Heatnix remix with a slight hint to Sting Chameleon.

I'm noticing the hardest part about this is realizing your own theme in different ways each round.

Exactly... I'm trying to use the parts that I didn't highlight on my previous entry, but it's hard. Especially because Wire Sponge has like 2 real melodies in its song.

Exactly... I'm trying to use the parts that I didn't highlight on my previous entry, but it's hard. Especially because Wire Sponge has like 2 real melodies in its song.

On the other hand, my mix is mostly Wire sponge right now, and I'm 2 mins in already. Just started including Chill Penguin motifs.

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