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OCR01425 - Sonic the Hedgehog 3 "Aquatic Pressure"


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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow. This is absolutely freaking awesome. I loved the original song (Especially act 2) and this does a VERY good job at staying true to the original song and still keeping varied. It never really sticks with one style, but somehow manages to keep the original beat almost intact. Definitely going on the favorites list.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This may be my favorite Sonic remix on the site. It's definitely in the top 3 at least. When the theme finally kicks in at 1:28, I get shivers. This has variety, stays close enough to the original without being a carbon copy, and it just sounds incredible. Absolutely amazing.

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I absolutely love this remix. I've grown up with Sonic, and everytime I pop in Sonic Jam to in my Saturn, and play Sonic 3 locked on to Sonic & Knuckles, I ALWAYS love getting to Hydrocity Zone and listening to the music. ALWAYS.

With this remix, I no longer have to play the game to hear the music. It is similar to the original, but has such a twist to make it into a song I can love more. What I ABSOLUTELY love though (even though I know it's not intentional because it's kinda my mind's judgement)is how at around 2:50-3:00, I ALWAYS think that it's the end of the song. But then I look at my CD Player, and omg I have about half of the song left. Hell yes.

But I'm not sure how I would judge this on terms of those who haven't played the game. In terms of music, I'm not skilled in trying to see things from the other side. However, for fans of the game, and the Hydrocity Song, this remix is STRONGLY recommended. Very good work, does the original justice.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know what I can add, but this mix is great for the most part. Some of the more abstract sequences in between the more conservitive coverage bore me a little, but I've always enjoyed a straighter cover to a song then a really abstract mix. The Hydrocity Zone is indeed one of my favorite game tunes of all time, and this is some excellent and much-needed coverage of it.

A big thumbs up. 8/10

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  • 3 months later...

I'll be perfectly honest - this did not appeal on first listen. Not that the production was poor, or the arangement horrible .... it just didn't click for me initially.

Well, I listened to it a few more times, and it grew on me considerably. The gunshots are cheesy-awesome. There's a flow to this that builds and fades at least twice throughout the track.

And it's decently suited to walking at a relaxed pace.

Comfortable 6 (>75%).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

Im pretty sure this was the first OCR track I heard :P

Excluding the Hedgehog Heaven remix album, since I downloaded that from elsewhere

Yeah, this track I thought was pretty okay at first, and actually couldnt remember what it was from (I had only briefly played Sonic at that point, and couldnt get anywhere in Hydrocity Zone) but it eventually became a favourite on my commonly played tracks. You could say this track is what made my initial dislike of the Hydrocity theme into lov xD

Great track, clearly

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  • 1 year later...
  • 6 months later...

For me, early Sonic (read: not the drastically modified soft-rock moods of the 3D games) were always about catchy 90s electropop. So the lesser quality samples in this mix are totally redeemed by the fact that they suit the source material. Whereas if you did the same thing to something like more traditionally inspired music like Super Mario Bros., it would seem more out of place.

However, I'm not a sample freak. If it is arranged well, then sample quality shouldn't come into it. And the mix is arranged more than well enough. Never boring, very Sonic, very Hydrocity. The break in the last third might have seemed completely tacked on if it wasn't so charming. Nice work all round. I'm a fan.

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