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FF6 Balance & Ruin Kickstarter RELAUNCHED (and FUNDED)!

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All the pledges cover shipping to ANYWHERE in the world. Antarctica? Covered. Yes, really.

Nice thanks just pledged $50.

Here's hoping it turns out fantastic.

Posted (edited)
Q: The first kickstarter had a target of $15K, this one is TWICE that - what gives?

A: Good question! We didn't just arbitrarily increase the total; the new adjusted cost factors in the fifth disc from the get-go AND includes licensing/royalties for Square-Enix.

So if 4 discs was $15k, bump that 25% for disc 5 = $18,750.

$30,000 baseline - $18,750 adjusted cost = $11,250 for Square Enix, huh?

I hope that's all, that it's a flat rate based on the printed discs and not a scaling 37.5 percent of whatever the Kickstarter takes in. As of this post that would be $23,344.50 for nothing more than saying "OK" (after imposing other requirements which we'll probably never hear about, including not using SE mascots on the front page).


EDIT: I want to make abundantly clear it's SE I'm bitter toward, not anyone at OCR. I love this project and this community and wish you nothing but success. Probably half my iTunes library is OC ReMixes.

Edited by Jansu

Man, I don't want to jinx this project, but there's some insane support going on right now. 62K is an EPIC number, and there's still 27 days to go. I honestly thought that the relaunch will hit a roadblock because of the debacle the first one had, but I think that by now it'll definitely break the record of the first one and then some! Keep up the pace, guys.

So...any other surprise stretch goals planned?


@Jansu Doubt it, negotiations are a process. Which these clearly were by the time it took. They were handled relatively quickly but kickstarter put a wrench in the whole thing. Several concessions were made by OCR for the ability to put these on physical copy.

No doubt OCR wanted the lowest rate it could get. In which case SE said we need you to do this, this, and this. After some haggling OCR agreed. What it probably equates to is a flat rate per unit. At the base of 35k Probably (your 11k number/2000) equates to 5.62 dollars per unit. I cant see OCR agreeing to such a punative cost (that percentage royalty) for a hard copy production. They could have gone pure digital and been 'fuck SE' SE could have gone pure legal in that circumstance but this place has been around a long time and SE's known about it AWHILE Plus the list of people now remixing on this website has become a bit of a whos who in the VG music world. It would be a very ugly battle. This was settled fast and amicably.

If more copies are required it'll probably be at that 5.62 rate. Any real excess i believe is gonna probably going to website support :)

Man, I don't want to jinx this project, but there's some insane support going on right now. 62K is an EPIC number, and there's still 27 days to go. I honestly thought that the relaunch will hit a roadblock because of the debacle the first one had, but I think that by now it'll definitely break the record of the first one and then some! Keep up the pace, guys.

So...any other surprise stretch goals planned?

Definitely surprises + stretch goals planned. Stay tuned. As we are doing things with a level of additional oversight we need to plan what we say + do carefully!


Just dropped $100 into the pot. FFVI is one of my favourite Final Fantasy games, and some of the demos in the video on Kickstarter are just superb.

Add to that the bonus Sound of Speed album, and I was sold. Thank you kindly, and looking forward to hearing Balance & Ruin in December ^_^


Yeah, pretty much back up to where they were before the first Kickstarter was taken down, and then some. I was a little concerned that some of the momentum would be lost after the morale drain from the first round, but obviously I had nothing to worry about!

Yeah, pretty much back up to where they were before the first Kickstarter was taken down, and then some.
I'm glad we're at this point despite the lack of $5000 backers. I believe there were two before. Instead we get around two hundred more $50 backers, and I'd prefer to have more people at a lower level than a handful at a high level. Also, I don't remember going beyond $80K before, and right now we're 10% beyond that at $88K, with three weeks to go.
I'm glad we're at this point despite the lack of $5000 backers.

Yeah, I've been wondering what happened to those two donors. *shrug* Still, it's great that OCR's gotten as much as it has already.

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