djpretzel Posted November 20, 2005 Posted November 20, 2005 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Bummer Posted November 20, 2005 Posted November 20, 2005 WOOOH, I´m out first. Okay, okay, get serious. A new pianoremix from Zelda 3, excellent, listened two times too it, very beautiful. But to describe it, hmmm. Well for a start, it goes out gently, no rushing here. It takes a while to recognize what kind of theme this really is, but around 0:30 it starts to pick up the melody, and then melody slowly begins. It gets faster after a while, still very skilled played. Then the melody changes, and here comes the dungeon, played with care, almost silent, then it gets louder, and then releases a litle more power to the melody and then comes to the dark point, Ganon himself, dum dum duuumm or something like it. Then it almost starts from scratch, soft play that´s somehow makes me depressed, tries to pick up some more pace, succeeds, but then goes down again. ¨ Very beautiful pianoplay overall, Zoola didn´t just stick to the notes on the paper, but instead made some freestyle and played more freely, tried different speeds and varied the volume a bit. It had an overall sad mood to it, at some points he just let his fingers walk over the keys. Skilled, very much indeed, and welcome to OCR dude. Quote
Bobwillis Posted November 20, 2005 Posted November 20, 2005 What's with the volume? I had to turn up the speakers to max volume in order to hear this in entirety or I would've missed a couple of spots. That aside, I did enjoy this remix in spite of the fact that it is a medley. I get really nostalgic when I hear the introduction to LOZ:LTTP. On a different level, however, I think this remix is lacking in inspiration. I was hoping for a bit more of the introduction and perhaps some expansion on that introduction piece, not a cheap medley. Each part of the medly sounds good, but there isn't any expansion in any of the particular parts of it. Each piece seems to be note for note the original in piano form, which isn't a bad thing, but it's hardly an improvement on the original. The last part of the medly did bother me, and I think this is the biggest complaint I have about the volume issue. I think it was kakariko melody, but I couldn't really make certain because it was barely audible. That's a serious flaw, and I think it should be rectified. I'm not sure what the policy on re-recording music is, but if the Pretzel allows it, you should definately try to increase the volume of this piece. 4/10 Quote
OmegaDonut Posted November 20, 2005 Posted November 20, 2005 John Torkington? Does someone in your family happen to own a VW Beetle with the license plate "DIVEBUG"? Quote
zylance Posted November 20, 2005 Posted November 20, 2005 John Torkington?Does someone in your family happen to own a VW Beetle with the license plate "DIVEBUG"? Woah. Yeah, we have a red truck with it on it now. It use to be on the beetle but we sold it. I do notice you also live in mesa... PM me, why don't you? ...Anyways, glad some of you enjoy the piece. A actually am well aware of the volume thing; I was mixing it with my headphones real loud and didn't realize it until I submitted it. I actually wasn't expecting this to get in, at least not this super quiet version. If there is any way to re-submit, I would be glad, but it's not really a big deal. At any rate, I can't help but feel somewhat proud for joining the so called "big leagues". ¡Viva OCR! Quote
RocketSniper Posted November 21, 2005 Posted November 21, 2005 I'm pretty sure I saw it somewhere that you could update the song if it's over somthing minor, such as removing some clipping, or increasing/decreasing volume somewhere... Dunno, I might be wrong. Quote
Navi Posted November 21, 2005 Posted November 21, 2005 volume don't bother me too much. nice stuff, here. very emotional piano. Quote
HyperZell Posted November 21, 2005 Posted November 21, 2005 I CRIED FOR THIS MIX. I'm surprised this didn't come earlier. Way to take the bait. Nice little mix we have here, by the way. Although I did notice the low volume right away, I also noticed the underlying talent behind the progression and flow of the mix. Keep up the good work...we can't get enough piano mixes, right? Quote
Heyjohnny Posted November 21, 2005 Posted November 21, 2005 I'd have to say that I picked up on the melody very quickly. The song is an outstanding work of art. The original just happens to be one of my favorite Link to the Past song . Ok, I'm sorry this is an abrupt review, but awesome mix buddy! Quote
progressive Posted November 21, 2005 Posted November 21, 2005 I would say that the quality of this piece brings the phrase "talented improvisation" to mind. But not much else. Quote
zylance Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 Yes, yes, it was mostly improv. Well, sort of. I played it strait from my head, but after learning and analyzing each part. It's not like I just sat down for the first time and played it; it took about 2 months to get my ideas compiled into what you hear. Quote
PhantasyHero Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 It's very nicely done, but the range of volumes is far to large, I had to consistantly adjust the volume on my speakers to not blast my ears out, or to hear it, depending on the time of the song. It's actually beautiful, the only flaw is the volume. Personally, I'm a great fan of the chords around 0:50, they just sound so smooth on the piano, but the piano does sound a bit too loud on the attacks in some part. Other than this, great piece. Quote
Zipp Posted November 22, 2005 Posted November 22, 2005 Very nice, but what's with the volume? It's mostly too quiet and then there are some over the top loud sections... there was a FF mix with the same problem, also a great mix... I think it's called Sweeter than Honey. Anyways, I've got to wonder if there's a way to fix the volume here, because it is a beautiful mix, and I want to be able to enjoy it. Quote
OmegaDonut Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 You can use Audacity to compress it and even out the volumes. Just load the file and use the Compressor tool (under the Effects menu) with a threshold of -31 dB and a ratio of 3:5:1. The result is a bit more pleasant to listen to, and has no detectable (at least not to me) clipping. Quote
Thornless Rose Posted November 23, 2005 Posted November 23, 2005 An extremely haunting Zelda piece.. even chilling at moments. Quite a delight to see that OCR is getting some classic mixes again. First Tepid brings us "A Rose For Zelda" and now Zoola brings us this! I have high hopes. Quote
zylance Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Thanks, will. Glad you enjoyed it. Anyways, I have the revised version done with the heightened volumes, where / how do I submit? Quote
Salluz Posted November 26, 2005 Posted November 26, 2005 Excellent composure! I fascinate over the effort put into various chords. Nice work,man! Not too much to say, but that is all. Quote
Zipp Posted November 27, 2005 Posted November 27, 2005 Thanks, will. Glad you enjoyed it.Anyways, I have the revised version done with the heightened volumes, where / how do I submit? Great! Could you send me the MP3? I'm PMing you the address. Quote
Spoom Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 Thanks, will. Glad you enjoyed it.Anyways, I have the revised version done with the heightened volumes, where / how do I submit? You should submit it as you did before I would assume (looking at the submission guidelines), just make sure to state it as a revision. Quote
OmegaDonut Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 The thing is, OCR doesn't really accept revisions once songs have been posted. The submission guidelines say "one second audio glitch", but the volume boost affecting the entire song is a much bigger change. I don't think the resubmission will go through on this one. The best thing you can pretty much do in this situation is send the revised version to people who really want it, or just host it somewhere and put the link somewhere in the topic. Quote
Liontamer Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 The thing is, OCR doesn't really accept revisions once songs have been posted. The submission guidelines say "one second audio glitch", but the volume boost affecting the entire song is a much bigger change. I don't think the resubmission will go through on this one.The best thing you can pretty much do in this situation is send the revised version to people who really want it, or just host it somewhere and put the link somewhere in the topic. Currently in the judging process]Minor fixes that do not alter the arrangement itself (e.g. eliminating clipping, new encoding, fading out a track with an abrupt cutoff) are acceptable. John didn't change the arrangement or sounds here, he just raised the volume where needed. Since he let us know about that very soon after the mix was posted, we replaced the OCR version. The Supertux version will be replaced as soon as possible as well. Quote
Master Harpuia Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 Great. Your piano playing was fantastic, Zoola! I'm looking forward to more like this. Quote
zylance Posted December 13, 2005 Posted December 13, 2005 Thanks, Larry. I'm sorry I had to trouble you with this. Glad everyone enjoys the tune. Quote
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