The Orichalcon Posted December 4, 2005 Posted December 4, 2005 Doom 2: Delta-Q-Delta Completed album tracklist (final order to be determined): Track 0: The Orichalcon - megAsfear Track 01: Evil Horde - Running From Evil Horde - (To be posted to OCR) Track 02: Mazedude - Silent Healer Track 03: Jovette Rivera - The Countdown Track 06: The Orichalcon - Crushing Headache - (To be posted to OCR) Track 08: Evil Horde - The Duel Track 09: Prometheus - 31 Seconds Track 10: phoenixdk - Ablaze - (ineligible for posting) Track 20: Mazedude - Westside Archvile Track 23: phoenixdk - No Smoking Area - (ineligible for posting) Track 25: analoq - Adrian's Sleep - (ineligible for posting) Track 30: BGC, Flik - The Icon of Sinwave Track 99: Mazedude, Ailsean - The End of Hell ------------------------- DQD Artist List Ailsean analoq Big Giant Circles djpretzel Evil Horde Flik Jovette Rivera Mazedude phoenixdk Prometheus The Orichalcon ------------------------- Organiser: The Orichalcon This project is organised to follow the concept that brought forward the Ultimate DooM remix project "The Dark Side of Phobos". Much like that project, we'll be remixing all of the tracks from Doom 2 in various styles depending on the artists prerogative (There are 19 tracks.) We'd like to keep the theme to a "Dark" or more fitting "Doom" sound though. September 2007 update DQD is nearing completion. The majority of the tracks have been completed, with the rest being worked on. A few are remaining open so we're still welcoming new mixers. We'll be waiting until the FF7 project has been released before considering a release date for DQD. Plus we'd like to make sure that everything is taken care of properly, instead of releasing prematurely. We've waited this long, might as well do it right! Potential new mixers: As there are only a few tracks left, we're looking to fill them as soon as possible. If you're interested in an open track, just start a WIP and send it to me. If it sounds like what I'm after, I'll get you to finish it and add you to the list. NOTICE TO MIXERS Please do not make your tracks public during any stage in their development. This means no hosting at VGMix, soundclick or other public websites, and no posting the songs in this thread or any other. This is to keep the project classified and also more of a surprise to the future audiences upon the eventual release of the project. ------------------------------ A few of the tracks on the Doom 2 soundtrack are based heavily around certain rock songs, and it was decided not long ago that remixes of these tracks in particular won't be accepted onto OCR:Map07 - Shawn's got the shotgun - Dead Simple Slayer - South of Heaven Map10 - The Demon's Dead - Refueling Base Slayer - Mandatory Suicide Black Sabbath - Time Machine (Wayne's World Version) Map18 - Waiting for Romero to Play - The Courtyard Pantera - This Love Map23 - Bye Bye American Pie - Barrels O' Fun Alice in Chains - Them Bones Map25 - Adrian's Sleep - Bloodfalls Alice in Chains - Angry Chair So if you're planning on submitting to OCR and you've taken one of these tracks, you'll have to pass on it this time. ------------------------------ You can listen to the music files here: Doom 2 Music Archive - Right Click & Save As You can download the Doom SoundFX archive here: Doom 2 Sound FX Archive - Right Click & Save As ------------------------------ The Dark Side of Phobos was a great album, and we're looking to equal or even out-do the quality level of that album in creating this sister project. I recommend only joining if you have the ethic and love of the Doom series to create the kind of music we're after. ------------------------------
Nineko Posted December 4, 2005 Posted December 4, 2005 you know, my remixing quality sucks, but I want anyway to wish you good luck because I loved Doom 2.
Mr. Bottle Rocket Posted December 4, 2005 Posted December 4, 2005 if ya'll need someone to come up with alternative cover artwork, i'm there. i used to be pretty good at dance ejay...4 years ago...i don't think i'd fit in this project
Ichitootah Posted December 4, 2005 Posted December 4, 2005 Oooh. Doom 2 is the only Doom I ever actually played. Lookin' forward to the remix of running from evil (though I don't know who that remixer is), and good luck.
Tex Posted December 4, 2005 Posted December 4, 2005 This is an example of what I can do. I am certainly interested in this Project. I love Doom. Listen to my song. I know there have some problems of volume. But I am sure to improve it in my future songs. Tell me if I'm able properly to pick a track. If it is possible, I will do some cool stuff with a way of the Doom's Soundtrack.
The Orichalcon Posted December 5, 2005 Author Posted December 5, 2005 I'll get back to you, Txai. Need to clear it with Larsec. Reading through the comments on that mix, it sounds as though you've strayed quite far from the source, you'd need to be closer to the source for the project.
Arek the Absolute Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 Ah, so THIS is the project mazedude talked to me about. Interesting. Goodluck TO and have fun
Tex Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 I'll get back to you, Txai. Need to clear it with Larsec. Reading through the comments on that mix, it sounds as though you've strayed quite far from the source, you'd need to be closer to the source for the project. Sure, TO. I will do something close in a source of the Project if possible. It would be more easy for me in this case because I could be working in a song wider than the proposed in my example. If the only problem is the arrangement it must be dissolved. I can do it close of the original.
Internecivus Raptus Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 Sweet, I had a feeling this was coming after the Dark Side Of Phobos
Amayirot Akago Posted December 5, 2005 Posted December 5, 2005 I'd give you all a hand, if not for the fact that my remixing skills are non-existant Still, best of luck to you all and I'm definitely looking forward to the end result
ILLiterate Posted December 6, 2005 Posted December 6, 2005 Eh...didn't like the DooM ReMix Project but I've got hopes for this one since the king of DooM remixes (Mazedude) is on it
chokst~1.bat Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 Cool. Just noticed this thread. It's too bad someone already took "Shawn's Got the Shotgun", that's always been one of my favorites. Heh. I think it will be especially interesting to see what EvilHorde does with "The Dave D. Taylor Blues". I guess I could take level 2 or level 4. Not sure which one would a better idea. Level 4 has always struck me as one of the weirdest Doom songs ever, so it might be right up my alley, but on the other hand, to me Level 2 seems like something that would be alot of fun to expand upon; while still retaining the melodies and feel of the original to an extent. That Level 2 song is like a staple in my head from trying to beat that level on Nitemare mode so many times without using the saving feature. Well, I guess if someone decides to take one of those two choices, I can take the other. Or something. Seems like a blast to me.
The Orichalcon Posted December 7, 2005 Author Posted December 7, 2005 I've heard plenty of your music, Chokster. However can you show me something of yours that would be dark sounding and a little more on the norm of music.
Less Ashamed Of Self Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 I was considering posting a mock sign me up for this song... oh... no... wait... don't kinda post. Then I realized Doom is dark and disturbing which really agrees with me musically.
Navi Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 sign me up for Adrian's Asleep. do you need samples?
Rexy Posted December 7, 2005 Posted December 7, 2005 TO, I think you know how most of my stuff goes Or if you want anything in specific I could pass it down to you. Nonetheless, I'm leaning Level 3 (Countdown to Death) should you want me on.
Internecivus Raptus Posted December 8, 2005 Posted December 8, 2005 I hope Juha Kaunisto does a good job on 'Running From Evil', its DooM II's 'At DooM's Gate' And we all know what a deliciously good tune was created from that by EvilHorde
RoeTaKa Posted December 8, 2005 Posted December 8, 2005 I knew this project was gonna happen, but not so quickly, TO you should've given me a shout! Good to see I'm on the list though, yeah I'll take part. I wish I'd known earlier to pick a cooler source, but I think I have some cool ideas for track 23, should be interesting. So, yeah can I take that please? Thankies. Is there a wip date due or something, or is it a waiting matter till the tracks are all taken and such?
The Orichalcon Posted December 8, 2005 Author Posted December 8, 2005 I knew this project was gonna happen, but not so quickly, TO you should've given me a shout! Good to see I'm on the list though, yeah I'll take part. I wish I'd known earlier to pick a cooler source, but I think I have some cool ideas for track 23, should be interesting. So, yeah can I take that please? Thankies. Is there a wip date due or something, or is it a waiting matter till the tracks are all taken and such? I'll have a chat with Larsec about a reasonable WIP date for the project once we fill up the remaining slots. Rexy, I've added you to map03 for now. Just let me know if you're certain about that one. I've heard enough of your stuff to know you're good at your music. But like I'm telling everyone else, you must be prepared to go with a dark and doomy sound for this project.
CIaude Posted December 8, 2005 Posted December 8, 2005 Bold... Real bold mutha fucka. You need album art, just say the word.
Larsec Posted December 8, 2005 Posted December 8, 2005 Just realized I haven't posted in this thread yet, which is rather pathetic actually. Well, me not posting is pathetic, not the thread...
Tex Posted December 8, 2005 Posted December 8, 2005 I'm just posting here to see if you guys are interested to sign me up in the project. If my previous sample doesn't work, I have a little more:'s_Island).mp3 The link above is a WIP. I really wanna join in. I am also interested to cover the Underhalls Theme. It's a great track! Thank you for your time. -Txai
ellywu2 Posted December 10, 2005 Posted December 10, 2005 If you want me, i'm always willing to help.
BlackJackRatso Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 I never thought there could be possibly so many mixes for one game like this. I also know that there are already quite a few Doom2 remixes already at for those that would like to hear or need insperation
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