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OCR01435 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Falling Back"

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey man, just want to throw in my opinion about this piece that you've remixed.

First of all, I LOVE the Gerudo theme song. The acoustic guitar theme rocks. You took this song and made it even more amazing.

The guitar intro was well played. Then we pick things up a notch or two. I liked the transition. Throughout the guitar solo, the bass line needs to "walk". The bass doesn't always have to stay on the root of the chord. Let it play different notes of the chord, too.

Everyone here has a slight problem with your vocals. You need to be aiming for a big, open sound. Take a deep breath, open your mouth, and let the air flow through your diaphragm.

I think that you're having a problem with not knowing what you want to sound like just yet. Sure you need some training, which I'm sure you have been doing, but there's more to it than that.

What you need to do is listen to various artists to get a good idea of what you want to sound like. Recommendations: Breaking Benjamin, Chicago, Daughtry, Disturbed, Evans Blue, My Chemical Romance, Queen, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, SR-71, and 30 Seconds to Mars.

Listen to these artists, pick out what you like and don't like about them. Match their tones. Create your own voice style.

Keep it up, and I hope to hear more from you!

  • 9 months later...

Very different style here from what Darangen has done in the past. Electro-rock is definitely a popular style now on OCR. I've been a fan of everything that you've done and instrumentally, this is pretty unique, but the VOX pulls me away from this one. The idea behind the vocals is cool, but it's execution is a bit too weak for me. It's quite pitchy and a little off tempo at times. However, it's important to realize that I'm very particular in vocals, so just remember that I'm very critical for all of them! The rhythm guitar has more meat in this track than the others have had, and I like it. The lead guitar sounds GREAT in the solo section! Overall, it's not my favorite Darangen track, but it's still pretty cool!

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I love this mix with a passion. Especially that "I'm falling back to where I used to be" part. This is an beautiful mix that I didn't know about until a few months ago and seriously wish I had known about this sooner.

Guitar Intro = Pure Awesomeness.

A lot of people have criticized the vocals here, but I think they're fine and perfectly suited for this mix.

I've never claimed to have a musically trained ear, but it's evident that he had a lot of fun while making this, which I feel makes up for any critiques of style.

I will admit that the ending is lacking in closure though; it just sort of dribbles off...

Still, you definitely should be listening to this. Don't let it slip by.

  • 5 months later...

Unfortunately as some people said, the vocals are sort of weak.

However, the idea behind this mix is fabulous, despite what I thought a Gerudo Valley + lyrics mix would sound like. If the vocals were powerful, this would be one hell of a song. Congrats, and I would suggest re-recording the vocals since its been 5 years. You could make this song even better. Keep up the good work!

  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

The vocals are a bit weak in this, unfortunately. :-/

Don't get me wrong: it's not that they are completely unlistenable or anything, but it does detract a little from the overall performance. On the other hand, singing is an extremely tricky skill, especially for the untrained, so props to the mixer for having the guts to do it anyway. And everyone that takes some serious interest in singing at some point faces technical issues, it's normal.

But now to the (more numerous) good points: the lyrics are fine, the vocal melody is catchy, and the song DOES rock, so no big deal.

I hope the mixer didn't just give up his vocal training along the way, because by now he should be doing quite fine.


Vocals are the focal point here, and they'd be pretty good, but they sound a bit buried and there are some rhythm and pitch issues in spots. Regardless, props to anyone who is willing to put their vocals out there. I'm certain that your singing skills have only improved in the past 5 years.

Lyrics and arrangement are great, and the guitars are strong as always. Good stuff. :-)

  • 3 months later...

Love, love, love this song. I really do. The amazing arrangement that gives this ReMix more life than the original had really sold this song. I'll be completely honest here, I think this is the best Darangan ReMix I've heard. Yes, even the voice work was well done in my opinion. Sure, the vocals could be a bit stronger here, but he gave it a damn good go and I can't fault him for that, especially when the lyrics are that damn catchy. Plus, I've heard an acoustic version/cover/whatever of this song on YT, and his vocals really fit the lyrics and feeling of the song there, so I don't necessarily think the voice was the issue, so much as it just may not have fit the way the song was played here. Minor voice bit aside, really awesome ReMix and credit to the site's awesomeness.


I enjoyed this song. I have some gripes about the vocals, but seeing as that's been covered, I'll let it be. I also enjoyed how this song was put together, I've always been interested in hearing Gerudo Desert songs, and vocal tracks are no exception.

  • 8 months later...

this is wonderful. being a singer myself, i appreciate the difficulty in some of the notes you hit, and think you've done an excellent job. the rockyness of the mix is very fitting, and the words you've chosen i find to be fantastic, considering i find them, well... pertinent. keep this up, i adore lyricals

  • 5 months later...

Assuming he didn't stop vocal training, I think it would be pretty cool to hear Darangen redo his own song with a stronger lyrical performance. I love the song and lyrics, so it would be pretty sweet to hear an "upgraded" version. It's been quite some time since this mix was posted, anyhow.

If you're reading this, Darangen, I meant this in the most positive way possible!


I've love this song ever since it got posted. It blew me away as beign one of the first really good lyrical songs backed by great Zelda music.

I admit I would LOVE to see it updated, but it's such an awesome song that I've been able to look past the amateur singing- I've heard worse from actual bands, so props!

  • 1 month later...

I have to say, I have always loved this remix ever since I first heard it when I first found OCR. The music is catchy as all hell, the lyrics are easy to follow along to, to the point I've found myself singing it in college breaks - The only other mix with that questionable honour being For You by AkumajoBelmont.

Others may have issue with the vocals but for me they elevate it from simply catchy rock to the kind of ReMix alongside Sixto,Willrock and Disco Dan that I would happily play for non-VGM fans to show them the power of VGM.

I also would be in favour of a return to this mix for a Remaster of sorts with the skills you have learnt since the original was accepted.

  • 7 months later...

You know, I actually like this song more because of its imperfect vocals. The song, therefore the underlying emotion, feels more real to me due to the lack of pitch correction. The image I get is of someone who has something very important to say and it matters to him so much that it overcomes any fear of criticism, he just belts out his joyful noise because he knows it is right. What's more, this song makes me feel better about myself and my shortcomings, to the point where I'm unafraid to sing along even though I know my limitations and that I might be ridiculed for the attempt. A perfect-pitch remake of this track would not mean as much to me.

The image I get is of someone who has something very important to say and it matters to him so much that it overcomes any fear of criticism, he just belts out his joyful noise because he knows it is right.
After thinking about it a bit more, I realized that there's a word for this: ardency. :shock:
  • 2 years later...

Two points of concern:

- The syllables in the first and third quarters of the chorus (pre-"I'm falling back...") go by a bit too fast. I can decipher every lyric just fine by ear, but it's almost like some of the words' potential impact is lost due to being rushed. Then again, it does provide some contrast with the more relaxed lyrics, not to mention that rising arpeggio is a practical cornerstone of Gerudo Valley (leaving it out seems almost unthinkable).

- It's been touched upon before, but the mix ends with a prolonged undulating synth that latches onto the final lyric and slowly swells in volume before deflating abruptly. It makes for a weird and goofy outro, contrasting with the general mood.

Interestingly, both these issues have been fixed in Darangen's acoustic upgrade (an amazing revisitation, might I say, and a testament to the musician's growth). Back to this song - the guitar work and basic instrumentation are so easy on the ears I can't find fault with them if I tried. Plus, it's always a good sign when a vocal mix is clear enough that I don't have to refer to the written lyrics to know what's being said AND I can feel the emotion behind the words themselves. This could totally pass for a mainstream love song on the radio.

  • 4 months later...
  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR01435 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Falling Back"
  • 2 years later...
  • 5 months later...

I know it's been years at this point, and it's probably not going to happen, but I wish that this could be posted to iTunes so I could listen to it at any time while I'm out and about, it's such an amazing remix, and I've listened to it *many* times since it was used as the theme for Tauberpa's Phantom Hourglass Abridged series over on YouTube.

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