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Incredible work!

To you and all your friends and colleagues who contributed along the way, thank you! :) Needless to say, I'm loving the album.

Sadly, I've never played through Majora's Mask to its entirety...but now I definitely will.


Wow!! Man, I'm only a couple of tracks in so far but wow this is great!! I find it really impressive just how sad the music sounds, haha; seriously, all of the arrangements I've previously heard of most of these songs have been fairly... positive, I guess? But this really brings the apocalyptic feeling to the forefront. Really, really great stuff.


I'm really enjoying the album. Listening to "Majora's Wrath" makes me extremely uncomfortable. It's like I want to scream at the flute player. "Look up for God's sake! Can you not see it??" Then it occurred to me on my second listen that it sounds more like the flute player is the skull kid bringing the moon down with the music. It's been so long since I played the game, I can't remember exactly what happens. Regardless, awesome work!


This has to be one of the most perfectly crafted viral releases ever! The website was excellently designed, and I found myself staring at the mask for 10 minutes listening to the music, slowly becoming more and more despondent. The album as well moved me in a way that I haven't felt for a long time when listening to music - it's sad, yes, but it's more than that - it's utterly tragic in the purest sense, as everything is crashing down, enveloping the entire world.

Most games convey a sense of hope and courage, however Majora's Mask was one of the very few games to promote the very opposite of this, and this album just hits that feeling perfectly. I don't know what else to say - it's utterly fantastic.


It has been a long while since I have posted, but I still lurk on OCRemix from time to time. I saw this yesterday and downloaded it today. I just wanted to say that this is a great album and I cannot wait for the rest of the project to come out.

The music fits the tone of the game and I can tell that a lot of time was spent on this.

Great job!

Anyone else think about Wind Waker while listening to Track 4 - Clocktown? Excelent album so far well worth the wait this album made my day great. :)

Yeah I sorta did. That was about the only track on the record that had a brighter feeling to it, which balances out the record a bit, so that it's not completely and utterly dark the whole entire way.

Seriously, though, best remix project I've heard in a while.

Posted (edited)

I know I have posted on this thread all ready but I have to mention how omnious and dark this album sounds. All I have to do is close my eyes and imagine the game and I'm transported right into that world. I even have the crappiest headphones ever and it still sounds great...I can't wait to grab a good pair. Makes me wish I could make music :P. I might write a review out for this even though I suck at writing as well as you can tell by my posts.

*edit* What is being said in Track3 - Terrible Fate? btw doesn't A Terrible Fate make more sense?

Edited by OpSceleriVerbrechen
If this isn't the one you're already trying, go for this one: http://kngi.org/mirrors/Theophany-TimesEnd-MajorasMaskRemixedMP3.zip

Either way, these poor servers are getting hammered. It's awesome.

I'm having serious issues downloading it. If only I had some web space, I'd mirror it.

I contact Theophany asking if I could play a track or two tonight, but if I can't download the album that's kinda hard to do. Heh...

Anyway, I may just stream from bandcamp, but I want his permission first. I realize it's a free album, but I like to ask before doing stuff.

The site is getting hammered (downloading at 12 kb/sec), is there another MP3 mirror available?

I just decided to pay the measly $0.50 and buy the album from the bandcamp link. I've been severely impressed by Theophany lately, and the mirrors weren't working.


I've set up a new mirror:


The other two are sufferring, on kngi.org we have more than 1000 concurrent downloads (for a few hours now). The new one will hold for a few minutes before getting hammered just as hard I guess...

Or just be patient, things will calm down eventually.

To the people wanting to host a mirror: beware, it is maxing out gigabit links. For hours. It is generating *LOTS* of traffic and may just blow your bandwidth limitations if you have some...


This album is SOOO good, I absolutly love it's fatality, and it's epiqueness! Do be honest I don't remember that much the original, but I can say that the work as itself if worth listening even if you don't know the original. Pretty much fill "end of the world" soundtrack section in my life !

A REALLY good job, waiting eagely on the 2nd opus !



No, no no. You're confusing this with Ocarina of Time.

Am Not. I was like 9 or 10 when I first played it. I mean it in the literal sense. :P

It came out in like 2000, right?

Posted (edited)

Excellent album!

I love how emotional the songs are. "Terrible Fate" in particular is very tragic. "Clocktown" has a source I can't recognize (second half of the song). Mixing Final Hours and the Fairy Theme in "Healing the Great Fairy" is a pretty risky move, but it sounds nice. "Moon's Tear" is pretty. "Lovers Mask" is a very interesting take on the Zelda Lullaby.

Edited by jnWake

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