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SITE HELP: OCR Sheet Music/Tabs/MIDIs

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  • 1 month later...

Might anyone have some sheet music for F-Zero: The Flood Plains?

Edit: I actually dont think there is sheet music for this song that is currently circulating the Internet. If you do happen to have one though, it'd be great if you could post it.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I thought I'd drop by and share my transcription of Roggah's Older Promises. Unfortunately Notepad is kind of limited so my marking of the 1/4 bar is incredibly inelegant, but hopefully it gets the point across.


MUS (Finale)


I'm back with a transcription of Kabukibear's "While San d'Oria Sleeps. I tried converting the part into TABs as well but it was really wonky in Finale so there's just the standard notation version. But I threw in a piano version as a bonus!

Guitar: pdf MUS (Finale)

Piano: pdf MUS (Finale)

  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Rose of May/Loss of Me: 163.3 KiB JPEG / 965.5 KiB PNG / 453.4 KiB TIFF / all 1700 × 2200

I made this in February 2009, and it was my first attempt at doing sheet music. I think it turned out reasonably nice. I'm particularly proud of my quarter rests. :350: I remember it took me about eight straight hours, and I used scratch paper to practice my handwriting and to try out different ways of writing things before copying to my final. Sorry about the strange choice of clefs: the left hand uses a G clef transposed down an octave. It just felt more comfortable to me... Also I wonder if I did the time signature right... something tells me I got half the speed I meant to write. Not sure.

I was pleasantly surprised when The Rose General was posted just a couple months later. :razz:

  • 2 years later...
  • 1 year later...

Looks like a good number of the links are broken.  I'm desperately looking for a copy of Reuben Kee's "The Place We Knew"

Has OCR considered hosting sheets itself if provided by the remixer?  I love playing OC ReMixes, but over time people neglect their personal sites so the sheet music is lost.  If OCR doesn't host, having a central hosting on Google Drive or dropbox would make it a little more permanent than trying to scour the internet or rolling the dice with the waybackwhen machine.  Thoughts?

On 12/7/2016 at 9:55 AM, Koriantor said:

Has OCR considered hosting sheets itself if provided by the remixer?

@Koriantor Yes.... actually, we've built out a "remix_attachments" table and the requisite functionality, we just need to upload what we've got, incorporate it into the front-end of the site, and do a call for sheet music, MIDI files, etc. from artists.

The same mechanism is also intended to eventually provide lossless FLAC versions, when we're sure we can handle it.

19 minutes ago, Dhsu said:

Okay, I've fixed the Reuben Kee links. Some central/cloud hosting sounds like a great idea though!

@Dhsu We can & will centralize everything here & host it ourselves, permanently... and we're close to doing so.... what we could use right now is someone willing to gather everything in one place for us so that when we ARE ready to roll, we can pull it all in. Any assistance in this regard is greatly appreciated!


A little off-topic, but I'd like to provide some project files as well, if you think that's fine for the remix_attachments thing. Most of my Renoise project files happen to be self-contained, in the sense they work without needing any plugins or sample libraries apart from Renoise standard stuff. I realize this is not the case for most project files. Most of mine are also quite small in file size.

  • 1 month later...

I've been trying to collect sheet music for OCR's piano mixes for years (though I'll admit if I don't recognize the source, I've been less inclined to do so). I'd love to see them made official and given some prominence on the remix pages themselves.

Looking through this thread, it looks like I've even found some sheet music that hasn't been posted here yet:

Chrono Cross: Time's New Scar (gutzalpus, transcribed by Seung Park)

Parasite Eve: Beauty's Abomination (Reuben Kee, transcribed by Delldongo)

Shenmue: Reflections (Reuben Kee, transcribed by Delldongo)

I also noticed a few songs have transcriptions through the thread, but haven't been included in the first post yet:

Donkey Kong Country: Lost in Jungle (Intro)

Radical Dreamers: Older Promises

PDFs of several MIDI songs (Beyond Midgar, Into the Golden Sunset, Nayru's Love)

Final Fantasy XI: While San d'Oria Sleeps

Link's Awakening: The Feather's Reflection

Crash Bandicoot: All for Wumpa

  • 1 year later...
  • 1 year later...

Since I do literally everything in notation first, THEN record, I actually should have sheets for everything I've ever done.

Just looking through old files, I have these scores:
Metroid Title Screen is Cazador De Recompensas
Underwater is Reflecting Pool (to be posted soon)

As Blew the Winds So Forward Marched Time - Full Score.pdf Metroid Title Screen - Full Score.pdf Underwater (Horns) Double - Full Score.pdf

  • 1 year later...
  • 2 months later...

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