djpretzel Posted January 7, 2013 Posted January 7, 2013 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
WesternZypher Posted January 7, 2013 Posted January 7, 2013 The title's clever, but I didn't take it as any kind of play on words on the common street-slang euphemistic phrase traditionally looking askance of a man of African-American descent....I could almost see Belthasar working on the Epoch, and giving this command to a friendly servant Nu. Oh, and the mix is good, too. Don't hear enough takes on the Battle theme, instead of just being inundated with Schala everywhere... Quote
Magnetic Ether Posted January 7, 2013 Posted January 7, 2013 Chrono Moonstone is pretty much my favorite piece on this site, so this doesn't quite beat that, but it's neat to see Sam redoing the Chrono trigger theme. This piece is way more medlyish than usual for OCR, but it's incredibly well arranged and performed. How anyone is be able to perform those Gilgamesh arpeggios without any flubbed notes is beyond me . Edit: Also, those strings sound really good, and the instruments are mixed really well. Quote
XPRTNovice Posted January 7, 2013 Posted January 7, 2013 Chrono Moonstone is pretty much my favorite piece on this site. This. Yeah, it's tough to beat. But this is still Shnawesome. I don't hear a whole lot of string quintet accompanying a piano, and it creates a really neat soundscape. And, of course, the sheer piano skills make me look at my inadequate, clumsy hands and cry. OH SHIT GILGAMESH. That just happened. I almost never look at the source list because I love getting surprised, and that was cool. Quote
Nase Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 MORE LIKE TRIGGER CHEEZE The finest cheese available, directly from the moon. <3 Do you still hate Thorazine? (pretzel mentioned it) Quote
hikaricm Posted January 8, 2013 Posted January 8, 2013 This is honestly my favorite remix of all time, ever since I heard it on DoD. So well arranged, so well performed: immensely skillful both on strings and piano, yet very emotional. If you keep on making stuff like this I can die happily. Quote
Brandon Strader Posted January 9, 2013 Posted January 9, 2013 Yeah I agree with Kuolema, this is DEFINITELY more Medley than OCR usually allows, but it's also Shnabubula. So I can understand how that happened. This is a great ReMix, I don't remember it from MAGFest, but it's nice hearing now as if it were fresh. The strings seem sequenced but have good articulations. The piano seems quite dry, which is really noticeable during the arpeggios at 3:09. As a whole, I think more could have been done with the effects and EQ to make the mix more refined. Quote
nobodygetshurt Posted January 10, 2013 Posted January 10, 2013 haven't been back here in almost 6 years, but this mix just jump-started my love for remixes again! holy shit, this is so freaking good! Shnabubula, you are amazingly gifted! Quote
ambient Posted January 10, 2013 Posted January 10, 2013 Chrono Moonstone is pretty much my favorite piece on this site. This. You can say that again. But yeah, this mix is very good too. It's got a serious case of medleyitis, but is still very enjoyable thanks to the brilliant execution. Great work! Quote
Crulex Posted January 15, 2013 Posted January 15, 2013 Hehehe, nice title. The whole mix sounds beautiful and classical with the piano going on in the beginning, but then it picks up so nicely with the strings. I think it helps not having much a lot of familiarity with Chrono Trigger's music (besides some obvious ones) that helps me avoid noticing any melody form here, and it is cool to hear this kind of arrangement for the battle theme. From classy to almost old-timey, nice work all around. Quote
CausticBleach Posted November 10, 2014 Posted November 10, 2014 Wow. This mix is quite something. I love the strings, love the piano, and the entire mix moved fluidly, adding each theme well. Quote
Black_Doom Posted December 22, 2014 Posted December 22, 2014 This one is a true work of art. Starting off with something mellow and dreamy, it transforms several times, being very dramatic. I love every second of this piece. But I love that moment at 1:19 most of all. It sounds both playful and melancholic. Super awesome! Quote
headscrab Posted August 2, 2016 Posted August 2, 2016 Six years that im a big fan of ocremix community,i just want to say thanks for ur work. And thanks for that beutifull mix ! Quote
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