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Pokémon X/Y and OmegaRuby/AlphaSapphire (Gen6) (3DS)

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Posted (edited)

So, I just got my copy of Y. There was an insert about getting a Torchic from Mystery Gift. I was already planning on starting with Fennekin, but now clearly I have to pick Charmander, too, so along with Torchic, I can have ALL THE FIRE TYPES.

It's either that or get one water, one fire, and one grass type as my starters. Hm, Froakie, Bulbasaur, and Torchic? I could see it. That would get me six different types between them, by the time they all hit their final evolution, too. I think I like that better than ALL FIRE, ALL THE TIME.

Edited by Native Jovian
"I've sent out 1 shiny charmander into wonder trade, because I wanted to actually do something good with it as I was just about to restart my game for a nuzlocke. Got a fletchling named wiener in return."

Can't. Breathe.




This is a patch for a known save file issue with Pokémon X/Y. In Lumiose City, the ring road that makes up the outer edge of the city is bugged, and saving on the street may cause your save file to load incorrectly. If you already have saved there, there is a way to get it to load properly: just keep trying. It will eventually load and you can save somewhere else.

The patch also fixes certain GTS issues, like the filter system.

If you don't know how to scan QR codes with a 3DS, open the camera on your Home screen, press either shoulder button, and there's an option in the camera menu.

Or just hit the eShop, and it will prompt you to do it. But QR codes are kind of cool, so... you know.

Does the patch actually work for those with physical copies, or...?

Yeah, I guess I could have specified that.

This patch works on both physical and digital copies. The patch is applied to the SD card you have in your 3DS. The digital copy, which is also stored on your SD card, is patched directly, it seems.

Also, it seems that you have to patch each version, digital or physical, separately. If you had both X and Y as digital copies and then also had both physical copies (for a total of four separate games), you would have to get the patch for all four.

Why you have four copies of the game, I don't know. Maybe you're a sharing kind of person and let others play their own copy when you're not using it. If so, that's awfully considerate of you.


I agree that it isn't the most exciting location. The music is great but the towns aren't all that interesting to me. There are a couple of great cities toward the end but overall, there's too much 'cafe' and 'hotel' stuff for my tastes.

So I can't be the only one that thinks the Kalos region is particularly bland... At least before the second gym. I really think Unova was more interesting and varied. Also better music, but I still have a ways to go.

Unova was a blast, but Kalos is still streets ahead of Sinnoh

Posted (edited)

I thought Sinnoh was fantastic with so much to do. There were so many side-sections and things to do post-game it's not even funny.

In contrast, Johto felt like a chore, yeah. It was so linear and many of the newer Pokemon were few and far in between. Game would've been better if the old-to-new Pokemon ratio was reversed.

Anyway, I'm enjoying Y. Is it me though or is there an absolute abundance of shinies? Klang, Floette, Bibarel, Eevee x2, Skrelp, Poliwhirl and Corsola x5 (the first 2 were on different days, and the second pair of Corsola were back-to-back pulls the next day. Today I found one in the Friend Safari. So weird).

Edited by Cody Wedel

I just think there's something very off when I have close to 100 pokemon in my pokedex and I still haven't gotten my second badge. Also most of my team is already well past lvl.20. I think I may be doing something wrong.

If there's one thing Kalos has taught me about France, it's that it's probably pretty boring...


it seems clear to me the game was designed, unlike past pokemon games, to let you easily swap out your party pokemon for new ones by changing the way you get experience (instead of splitting it between active pokemon, it gives everyone the full amount, and exp share applies to everyone, plus the active pokemon STILL gets the full amount while party pokemon get a split anyways). so if you keep the same six nearly all game, you're going to be able to beat pretty much anyone.

if you want to fix this, keep rotating in new pokemon. which is honestly more fun anyways. if you want your party, then you're going to be crushing people in levels pretty hard.

Posted (edited)

I've not been bored with any Pokémon game, honestly. Hoenn would probably be my least favorite of the six, though.

At this point I'm looking for more safaris, and people who want to do rotation battles with me. 0232-8252-8549 is my friend code. My safari is steel with Skarmory, Ferroseed and Bronzong.

Edited by Binjovi
Posted (edited)
it seems clear to me the game was designed, unlike past pokemon games, to let you easily swap out your party pokemon for new ones by changing the way you get experience (instead of splitting it between active pokemon, it gives everyone the full amount, and exp share applies to everyone, plus the active pokemon STILL gets the full amount while party pokemon get a split anyways). so if you keep the same six nearly all game, you're going to be able to beat pretty much anyone.

if you want to fix this, keep rotating in new pokemon. which is honestly more fun anyways. if you want your party, then you're going to be crushing people in levels pretty hard.

I personally prefer it this way. Way less grinding to do, which is a relief with the amount of pokemon there are (there's already so much catching, trading and breeding to do). I kept changing half my team often, either because I'd find a new favorite pokemon, I'd use one that's more effective or I'd wait before using a certain one until later in the game when they finally get better moves. I've been switching between, Florges, Pangoro, Gogoat, Pyroar, Aegislash, Golduck and, much later, Charizard a lot throughout the game depending of my needs.

BTW if anyone wants Friend Safari, mine is Fairy with Floette, Mawile and Kirlia, and my code is 2423-3212-6224

Edit: If anyone needs berries and such, I've been mainly growing, mutating and hunting wild berries since I beat the game. I'm also happy with grabbing your unwanted Wonder Trade pokemon (weedles, zubats, fletchlings, etc.) because Loto-ID :3

Edited by Vilecat
Posted (edited)

I'm addicted. I need more safaris though.


ALSO ADD MY WIFE she needs those too.


I'm sure its redundant but please, do it for me. She kinda whines when I have people she doesn't. Also apparently she has all the berries and o-powers or whatever.

This is what happens when I stay away from the forums for too long and recess back into high school gamer mode.

Edit: oh yeah forgot there's a whole thread for friend codes. I guess I should post it there. I'm a horrible OCR Staff.

Edited by Level 99

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