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It's always nice to hear some weird synthy happy rock. My only real qualm with this mix is the rhythm guitar sounds cheaply distorted (mainly around the 1:50-2:15 part); like Dranagen was either using one of those lame super fuzz pedals or one of those crappy 3 inch amplifiers. Kinda' sounded like me at my highschool's battle of the bands when I was, like, 16. It's cool in a garage band sort of way though.

Overall, it's damned rockin'.

EDIT: It totally sounds like Closing Time. Y'all weren't kiddin'!


Chaos Temple has got a complete make-over, and it works. This sounds almost identical with most of the pop-rock bands out there, some happy tunes that sprinkles out of my headphones along with some good drums and synths. One of the best remixes from Darangen. Good stuff. :D


Thank you, Darangen. I finally managed to resuscitate my computer after 3 weeks of horrifying luddite-ness and this was the first thing that came wafting over my speakers. Friggin' awesome mix. I haven't liked anything from OCR this much in a long time. It does sound a whole lot like closing time, but that's not a bad thing by a long shot. Rawk on, man.

Thought some of you might like this:

Finally Home - Reason File

Since this is my first release using Reason through the ReWire option in Sonar' date=' I thought I'd share it. Who knows, maybe someone is wondering how I got the sounds.[/quote']

Yeah, I do like this. Being a user of Reason myself, it's awesome to see what amateur ReMixers are doing with it.


I am unsure if this is a Daragen bash or a Reason bash... but, either way, you're such a meanie.


I agree that this really sounds like it's missing vocals, and the semi-redundant loop/repeat only reinforces that feeling. Should definitely get some lyrics up in this piece.

As a whole though, great work. It's always a delight to hear a new Darangen arrangement (Darangement?!).

No, no, no, Jeremy. Let's not try and cover up my genuine disdain for one Mr. Michael Boyd. DISDAIN! P.S. I am posting random non-mix related gibberish on the Reviews Thread I RUELLL(Awesome work, per your usual, Mike!)

Fixed! (Your 'size 0' tags were on the wrong side bro... I was about to add you to my spam filter)


I love this song!! At first while reading DJ Pretzel's review I was listening to it and finding it ok but after the song ended I somehow felt like I needed to listen to it again.... and again.... and again... I spent the whole evening/night with it lol! I even listened to it while in bed before being to tired to continue:P

I LOVE the calm of this song... it's just happy but not in a "overdose" kind of way... I just fell in love with it that's for sure...!

Thank you for making a song I'll listen to for years to come!! It's on my iPod that's for sure;)


This mix sounded like it wouldn't be out of place at the end of a movie about college, and everyone passed their courses and got their dream careers. I also couldn't help but find it similar to that Holy Grail song... I can't think of it's name now, it's probably staring me right in the face... Overall, this is a great mix, it's definitely staying in my playlist :D

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