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Jillian Aversa: "Atlantis Awakening", now available! ft. Malukah, Tina Guo, Jeff Ball, DrumUltimA...

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Posted (edited)

The album is released! Get it now!

Awakening to visions of a civilization long buried beneath the sea, she begins to wonder if they are mere dreams or memories from a past life. Aletheia: in search of truth, her timeless journey begins...


"Atlantis Awakening" is the third album by veteran ReMixer, staffer, and (my) spouse, Jillian Aversa! You may have heard her previous two vocal New age/World albums "Origins" and "Through Sand and Snow", released back in 2008; this one is even deeper, richer, and more polished, with an amazing story and some very talented collaborators. If you enjoy beautiful, ethereal vocals over atmospheric textures and hybrid world/electronic rhythms, I think you'll really like this one.

Thanks to YOUR HELP, "Atlantis Awakening" was Kickstarted in 2013. We've been tirelessly working on the album since then, joined by the likes of...

* The Philadelphia Boys Choir and Mens Chorale

* World-famous cellist Tina Guo

* The illustrious violinist and composer extraordinaire Jeff "some1namedjeff" Ball

* Grammy-winning composer and new VGM legend Christopher Tin

* From the lands of Tamriel and beyond, vocalist and YouTube star Malukah

* The man with a thousand drums Doug "DrumUltima" Perry

* Duduk virtuoso Sandro Friedrich

* ... and the new hotness, Joe "XPRTNovice" Zieja on acoustic guitar

And now, Atlantis Awakening is done and released! Physical and digital copies are available on Bandcamp, and Kickstarter backers either have their rewards already (digital) or will be seeing them soon (physical).

Get the album!

Edited by zircon

Good luck, Mrs. Aversa! I'm certain you won't have trouble hitting the minimum funding.

Posting here to bump this excellent kickstarter and album back to the top ;-)

not to be an ass or anything, but it was already at the top when you posted

it was already at the top when you posted

I didn't know at the time. I left it on this page and some time went by as I got busy, I didn't realize that it had hit the top by the time I posted it. I actually said that because I bumped the other kickstarter thread above this.

I loved the concept of this album and didn't want to push it down xD. (You didn't come of in a bad way).


Hey guys, thank you so much (from both of us) for the support. We really, sincerely appreciate it - hard to believe the goal was hit within 12 hours! Jill has added some really neat stretch goals now that the goal has been surpassed, such as...

* PDF sheet music with melody, lyrics, chords and guitar tabs, free for all backers (physical bound editions for high backers)

* Music videos

* More live instruments including live strings, percussion and winds - possible collabs with ReMixers Jeff Ball and AeroZ!

* A remix album FREE for all backers, to be released later in the year, and featuring arrangements by lots of cool folks

If you want to see those things happen, definitely check out the project page and consider backing if you haven't already :)


Jake - yes, the song "Daughter of the Rain" is a heavy arrangement and expansion of "Bouzouki Groove" with almost all new instrumentation, new melody, etc.


Bumping this thread to the top, where it belongs...

Just backed your album! I'm really looking forward to more great music by a couple i really envy for having each other and doing this awesome stuff together.

Cheers, NinjaN


Hey guys! Sorry I didn't show up here sooner; Andy forgot to tell me he started a thread, hehe... Thank you so much for the support! We just hit $9,000 today (over nine thouusaaaand) - I can't believe how great the response has been so far. <(^o^)>

To answer your question, Jay (hi!):

I wrote/spoke about this on my Kickstarter page, but basically I've had very frequent dreams of tsunami since a young age. I don't know why my subconscious keeps going back to this imagery, but it felt like time to find out its significance in my life.

The legend of Atlantis was a perfect fit because Plato wrote that the civilization was "swallowed by the sea in a single day and night." The tsunami and all the mysteries surrounding it serve as an extended metaphor for my own personal search for truth. And as an added benefit, the story lends itself well to New Age/World music because earthy and watery imagery can be conjured through choices in instrumentation and composition.

To answer your question, Jay (hi!):

I wrote/spoke about this on my Kickstarter page, but basically I've had very frequent dreams of tsunami since a young age. I don't know why my subconscious keeps going back to this imagery, but it felt like time to find out its significance in my life.

The legend of Atlantis was a perfect fit because Plato wrote that the civilization was "swallowed by the sea in a single day and night." The tsunami and all the mysteries surrounding it serve as an extended metaphor for my own personal search for truth. And as an added benefit, the story lends itself well to New Age/World music because earthy and watery imagery can be conjured through choices in instrumentation and composition.

Wow, Jill! (hello :) ) That's fascinating - especially the connection with the dreams.

I'm very interested in ancient civilizations. It sounds like you've done a bit of study. I have read about many awesome and terrifying (being their demise) articles surrounding their mythos. If you have any sources to reccommended, I'd like to learn more.

I'm looking forward to hear your finished project! Congratulations on the success you are having. It is well deserved.

Posted (edited)

I've never actually contributed to a kickstarter before in my life. I guess I had to start sometime! Good luck with the project Jill.

Edit: Totally just tweeted the backing to ALL FIFTY of my twitter followers. You're going to be famous. I swear most of them aren't friends and family...

Edited by XPRTNovice

Colour me excited! I really hope you guys do a listening party like you did with identity sequence, that was alot of fun. also, will you ever sell t-shirts Jill? Im just sayin, id buy one.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 10 months later...

Just got my e-mail today for the digital download. Great job! I like the ethnic feel of the album and it's great to see Kindered making the cut.

Upon my casual listens, my two favorite tracks are Daughter of the Rain and Siren. Regarding the former, the last 30 seconds with the vocals are really cool. That bit immediately reminded me of the background melody of Zeal's Theme (Corridors of Time) from Chrono Trigger since the way it's structured is incredibly similar. Kudos if that was an intentional nod.


Atlantis Awakening is officially released!

Listen on Bandcamp and pick it up as a digital OR physical copy (+ bundle deals w/ Jill's other albums!)

Get it on Bandcamp!

A big THANK YOU to everyone who supported the album, through Kickstarter and otherwise. All KS backers now have their digital rewards and physicals are mailing out today.

Just got my e-mail today for the digital download. Great job! I like the ethnic feel of the album and it's great to see Kindered making the cut.

Upon my casual listens, my two favorite tracks are Daughter of the Rain and Siren. Regarding the former, the last 30 seconds with the vocals are really cool. That bit immediately reminded me of the background melody of Zeal's Theme (Corridors of Time) from Chrono Trigger since the way it's structured is incredibly similar. Kudos if that was an intentional nod.

Cheers, glad you're enjoying the music :D The inspiration for "Daughter of the Rain" wasn't specifically Chrono Trigger but we both LOVE that soundtrack, so it could very well have worked its way through our subconscious. On the other hand, "Siren" was inspired by another Square Enix game... props to whoever figures it out!

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