FR Posted February 19, 2008 Posted February 19, 2008 ...3. Clarifying 3, the only way you can get a custom avatar is to have some sort of standing in the community to me. Then you'd have to make it and have me approve it. Don't wanna sound whinny or anything but that's kinda unfair, but I have no say in the matter.
Gollgagh Posted February 19, 2008 Posted February 19, 2008 Don't wanna sound whinny or anything but that's kinda unfair How? Pretty much everyone else in the community has a pre-existing avatar. (I ripped my current avatar myself and got it approved, btw)
Dafydd Posted February 19, 2008 Posted February 19, 2008 I think he was referring to what LT said - only those who have some sort of standing in the community can expect to have the avatars they suggest in the project thread added to the avatar gallery. I agree that's fair. Your standing in the community shouldn't affect whether you can contribute or not. If you post good-looking, relevant avatars, your post count (or whatever else LT was referring to) shouldn't affect whether they are added or not. This is of course unless by "custom" avatar you mean one that no one else can use... or unless I misunderstood the whole argument.
FR Posted February 19, 2008 Posted February 19, 2008 ...The only way you can get a custom avatar is to have some sort of standing in the community to me. Then you'd have to make it and have me approve it. I interpreted Liontamer's post like this:"If I don't think you deserve a custom avatar because you are insignificant to the community then your not getting custom avatar" or something around those lines but I doubt that was what he meant. Edit: This is of course unless by "custom" avatar you mean one that no one else can use... I didn't mean that at all.
Liontamer Posted February 19, 2008 Posted February 19, 2008 I think he was referring to what LT said - only those who have some sort of standing in the community can expect to have the avatars they suggest in the project thread added to the avatar gallery. I agree that's fair. Your standing in the community shouldn't affect whether you can contribute or not. If you post good-looking, relevant avatars, your post count (or whatever else LT was referring to) shouldn't affect whether they are added or not.This is of course unless by "custom" avatar you mean one that no one else can use... or unless I misunderstood the whole argument. Nah, to clarify, anyone can submit avatars to be added. Doesn't matter who you are. But if you want a custom avatar that only you can use, you need to been established in the community from my point of view. Guys like F4T4L, Dhsu, and The Orichalcon all have custom avatars because they've all contributed to OCR with their ReMixes, and they all made their avatars themselves. No offense, but why am I going to let someone have their own exclusive avatar, if I don't know that they're gonna stick around in the community or give back something in the way of music? It should be noted though that with so many avatars, if you have a pretty rare/esoteric one added, the odds that it will be used by a lot of people are low.
Dafydd Posted February 19, 2008 Posted February 19, 2008 Nah, to clarify, anyone can submit avatars to be added. Doesn't matter who you are. But if you want a custom avatar that only you can use, you need to been established in the community from my point of view.Guys like F4T4L, Dhsu, and The Orichalcon all have custom avatars because they've all contributed to OCR with their ReMixes, and they all made their avatars themselves. No offense, but why am I going to let someone have their own exclusive avatar, if I don't know that they're gonna stick around in the community or give back something in the way of music? It should be noted though that with so many avatars, if you have a pretty rare/esoteric one added, the odds that it will be used by a lot of people are low. I didn't realize Dhsu or the others had a custom avatar! Interesting. I misunderstood the meaning of "custom" avatar. I agree with your reasoning here. So, these custom avatars - couldn't these people have done what e.g. I do and posted them in the thread? Were they too ugly to be accepted? Or was it just really important to them to have one that no one else had?
Liontamer Posted February 19, 2008 Posted February 19, 2008 I didn't realize Dhsu or the others had a custom avatar! Interesting. I misunderstood the meaning of "custom" avatar. I agree with your reasoning here. So, these custom avatars - couldn't these people have done what e.g. I do and posted them in the thread? Were they too ugly to be accepted? Or was it just really important to them to have one that no one else had? Why would allow anything I thought was too ugly? Nah, they wanted them exclusively for themselves. If you ever want one, you've done some major heavy lifting on the avatar project (and mascots project); I'd have no problem giving you one. I haven't asked, because I've noticed you switch around a lot.
Dafydd Posted February 20, 2008 Posted February 20, 2008 Why would allow anything I thought was too ugly? Nah, they wanted them exclusively for themselves. If you ever want one, you've done some major heavy lifting on the avatar project (and mascots project); I'd have no problem giving you one. I haven't asked, because I've noticed you switch around a lot. Heh, thanks. No, you're right, I do switch around a lot. If I ever find something I think I can stick with, I'll let you know Besides, I think I'm alone using the one I have now... haha. Thanks for moving this conversation to the appropriate thread, btw. It was getting a little long for the one it was in. While I'm at it, I was wondering: Are there ever going to be animated avatars, even custom ones? And do the custom avatars need to be relevant (i.e. game related)? Suzu, your current avatar is a part of you. If you change it now, after - what - years (?), it'll be like getting facial plastic surgery irl. I don't see why LT would deny you one though... Anyway, I still haven't seen any comments on my last warcraft2 avatar post on the previous page.
Liontamer Posted February 20, 2008 Posted February 20, 2008 While I'm at it, I was wondering: Are there ever going to be animated avatars, even custom ones? And do the custom avatars need to be relevant (i.e. game related)?Suzu, your current avatar is a part of you. If you change it now, after - what - years (?), it'll be like getting facial plastic surgery irl. I don't see why LT would deny you one though... Anyway, I still haven't seen any comments on my last warcraft2 avatar post on the previous page. Animated ones, never. Even custom avatars should be game related, but anime/cartoons/comics/movies, pretty much anything is fair game as long as I like it. We focus on VG stuff, but we have a few others. I think Ty wants Hulk Hogan custom; I can do that tomorrow. Since he made it in the first place, that's cool. Danimal Cannon may kill him though; he's using it too! Will get to the Warcraft stuff when I have more time to sit down and add the group. It's not too laborious, but it does take a little bit of time to add them all in.
The Coop Posted February 20, 2008 Posted February 20, 2008 I haven't given up on those last four from Puzzle Booble 2, I've just been a bit busy. So fuckin' help me, I'm going to find a usable color for each of them.
Dafydd Posted February 20, 2008 Posted February 20, 2008 ? Someone might have tried these colors already. Did you consider a gradient background, Coop? About the warcraft avatars, it's no hurry, I was just worried you missed my post
Polo Posted February 21, 2008 Posted February 21, 2008 Out of curiosity, is there a way to tell how many users are currently sporting the same avatar? Would be interesting to see how many people put Black Mage before their handles, for example. Anyway, here's some more Card Fighters (first game, all Capcom): Batsu (Rival Schools) Jill (Resident Evil) Juni (Street Fighter) Michelle (Legendary Wings) LT: Bueno!
Dafydd Posted February 21, 2008 Posted February 21, 2008 Out of curiosity, is there a way to tell how many users are currently sporting the same avatar? Would be interesting to see how many people put Black Mage before their handles, for example. It would be, yes. Somone could even compile some statistics so you could see which avatar has been used the most
Dafydd Posted February 23, 2008 Posted February 23, 2008 Thanks for adding the warcraft 2 avatars up, LT! I'll be switching around a lot, I think, and then go back to my mmgb one. Ok, so I noticed the Peon, Ogre and Ogre-Mage () were not added (nor the cursor, which is fine). Was is because of the cropping or were the images just plain ugly? Here are the original images: LT: With those crops, the images don't really look like anything in particular, so I didn't add those. EDIT: Does that mean I can crop them differently and maybe they'll be added? LT: For the paired faces, you'd have a better shot yes. You could probably even 2 each from those two pics. The peon, you'd have to scale down to fit more of the face into the dimensions though.
FR Posted February 24, 2008 Posted February 24, 2008 Um yea these are from Capcom vs. SNK 2 From left to right: Zangief (Series 1 design), Shin Gouki/Akuma (Series 2 design), Sakura (Series 2), Sagat (Series 2 design). LT: Sakura's good. Akuma's not sharp enough. The other two are really sloppy and stretched. Sorry double post:Ryu (Series 1 design), Morrigan (Series 1 design), and Dhalsim (Series 1 design). Most of them suck but I tried so just call me out on their suckiness and I'll fix them. Don't ask me why buy thought of Zyco when I made the Dhalsim one. Edit:I was gonna do all the characters but they just don't look good e.g. Dan. LT: Morrigan crop was way too close. Sharpen the others. More: From left to right: Apollo from Apollo Justice:Ace attorney, Phoenix from Apollo Justice:Ace attorney, and Godot from Phoenix Wright:Ace attorney trials and tribulations. LT: Apollo's good. The others are slightly not sharp/clean enough. I'm particular.
Arek the Absolute Posted February 27, 2008 Posted February 27, 2008 Is it possible to get Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn avatars or is the size limit too small to make one that actually looks appealing?
FR Posted February 28, 2008 Posted February 28, 2008 and Marth from Fire Emblem:Radiant Dawn. Meh I tried Arek. Edit: Megazord from Mighty Morphing Power Rangers. Edit 2: Zhou Tai from Dynasty Warriors 6 Edit 3:I'll take requests if my current avatars get accepted/don't suck. LT: Everything's too blurry except the Megazord, which I just don't like. The cropping on the Megazord is a bit too tight. I'd probably shrink the image to fit more of that upper torso of the robot in there.
Arek the Absolute Posted February 28, 2008 Posted February 28, 2008 I reallllllly like the second one. I hope it gets accepted. Thanks bro!
FR Posted March 2, 2008 Posted March 2, 2008 Metal Gear Awesome: Solid Snake and...EgoRaptor Edit: Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and Kratos from God of War 1 LT: All are too grainy, except Kratos, which is just a little too dark. Jurassic park's a raptor Edit: and No Name (no default name in game) or Minato Arisato (Name given in the manga) from Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3. Man I'm bored LT: The Raptor pic is lame (not your fault), but the Persona 3 ones are excellent. Thanks!
Polo Posted March 28, 2008 Posted March 28, 2008 Wow, I noticed each avatar in the roster is in its own Hollywood Square. Way to better define the boundaries, LT! Castlevania Legends: Alucard Dracula Sonia Belmont (intro) Sonia Belmont (cutscene) Super Mario Bros. 2 enemies: Mega Man 2 - Sniper Joe: LT: Danke.
Dafydd Posted March 30, 2008 Posted March 30, 2008 Do the guy who throws a ball of string while you're at it! I think he's on Snakeman's level... Also, did you know Mega Man's face is actually an individual sprite pasted on top of the rest of his head? True! Well, in the NES version anyway.
Polo Posted March 31, 2008 Posted March 31, 2008 Do the guy who throws a ball of string while you're at it! I think he's on Snakeman's level... You mean Hammer Jack? He can only fit the 32x32 limit in this pose (after throwing his weapon): LT: Well, as long as it's not egregiously large, let's see how Hammer Jack looks in a standard pose. And while I'm at it, here's some alternate crops of the Warcraft 2 Peon, Ogre, and Ogre-Mage: LT: Excellent. Thanks for trying different crops to get these in!
The Coop Posted April 4, 2008 Posted April 4, 2008 LIQUID KIDS BOMB!!!! Any thoughts LT? Backgrounds? No backgrounds? Backgrounds for the smaller ones, no backgrounds for the big ones? I personally feel they all look fine without BGs, since they have a black outline around them. LT: No backgrounds, but I hate the sprites. Only one's I'm feeling are the rock-face guy on the bottom lieft, the globe that's holding (not pulling back) the slingshot and the 3rd/running mummy. And my next attempt at those final four from Puzzle Bobble 2... Thoughts? They use very dark violets, greens, and such. LT: The blue BG robot guy looks...aight, but I'm not feeling 'em. Not sure what else is left to try on these. :'-(
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