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BadAss: Boss Themes: Volume III - History

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On 2/28/2016 at 4:27 PM, djpretzel said:

We can promise *SOMETHING* related to BA3 on Monday... followed by something else, a week later.


Larry's been sick and I'm wrapping up a grad class, but the evil... it is near.

The album is so BadAss, that something is promised for LEAP MONDAY (which, if you think about it, only happens once every 28 years, right?).

2 hours ago, The Joker said:

I love the trailer, but... "the final Volume of the BadAss trilogy?" 

 Hopefully someone will beat this Undead nightMare into more volumes!

Overheard in super-secret OCR staff chat:


Today at 2:10 PM
yeah I secretly hope it's not the last; series has been great, concept could keep going... but trilogies are certainly tidy stopping points


2 hours ago, pu_freak said:

Nobody said there couldn't be another trilogy ;) but I'm going to focus on GoodAss/NiceAss/the hero themes album after the release of BA3

Hmmm... then I may have a hypothetical something for this hypothetical something... hypothetically.

8 minutes ago, The Joker said:

Hmmm... then I may have a hypothetical something for this hypothetical something... hypothetically.

Interesting... hypothetically ;)

For another teaser: the version of Dancing Mad you're going to hear isn't just any version, it's the Super-Omega Ultimate Destroyerking Chaos-Explosion Deathbringer Stormgod Hellsmash Superiority Mix of Final Versionific Dragondoomed version (yes, that's the actual name of the file Lashmush sent me)

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