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SZRC - The Sonic Zone Remix Competition 2014 [TheGuitahHeroe wins - complete ZIP available!]

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Posted (edited)
I feel bad for getting excited for this as I didn't really follow the first sonic zone compo. I sort of just dismissed it thinking it would never be as great as the Mega Man ones. After the compo was over, I downloaded all the entries and find myself really enjoying what everyone created. Then I watched a montage about a wagon full of pancakes. That part was amusing.

Don't feel bad! :-D Just follow and vote on the compo this time around! It's going to be great!

And wait, someone made a montage about a wagon full of pancakes and this compo? :shock: I missed that? I remember this:

So then, it has been settled. The people with blue signatures representing Sonic have been established as lizards. We shall grant them no quarter. We shall rob them of their dimes and nickels. You lizards had better be able to blend in, because if any of us Robotnik bracket people finds ya, we will destroy you in a way only men can: with music. Oh wait I keep forgetting I have to fight people in my own bracket. Nevermind.

and this:

If the Sonic bracket is all lizards

then the Robotnik bracket should all be pancakes

Bottom line: Sonic bracket stacked as hell. TOO MANY DAMN LIZARDS.

but not a montage of a

. Edited by SuperiorX

but not a montage of a


Wait, didn't Sir Jordanius make a montage about lizards and pancakes?

Well anyway I'll definitely participate in the voting this time around. All that pancake talk made me think of that video that's all. It surprisingly holds up pretty well.

Wait, didn't Sir Jordanius make a montage about lizards and pancakes?

Well anyway I'll definitely participate in the voting this time around. All that pancake talk made me think of that video that's all. It surprisingly holds up pretty well.

Sir J did make a couple random videos as well as a megamix of a bunch of the compo songs. And Gario's final song featured a lot of pancake-centric lyrics (provided by KingTiger). There was a lot of lizard and pancake talk regardless, hahaha

But yeah, the compo is gonna rock! :-D


hahahah I forgot about the Pancakes thing!!! What were the other guys? It was pancakes vs lizards or something? And I think that all stemmed from a drunk someone (maybe brandon strader?) calling us a bunch of liars! lia rds!! lizards!!!! hahahahahah!!!

Edit: ahhh ok so yes it was lizards. Didn't see you other guys' posts.

'Fraid I can't make it this time, guys :/ much as I want to. BUUUTTT that will only give me the chance to enjoy all y'all's lizard & pancake mixes that much more!!



Aww that's a bummer. you're the one that kept asking me when I was going to host another one too! :( but yeah you better follow and vote then at least! :wink:


Hey Matt, if we choose a source from Sonic Adventure, do we just get the whole shebang for action stage (like Casinopolis 1-4) or is that limited to just specific songs in the action stage? I would assume that we could use all of them, but the tracks in Sonic Adventure vary largely within zones.


I'm pretty sure that in a similar fashion to the Unleashed sources and the Sonic 2 2-player stages, the separate tracks for stages on Sonic Adventure would count as two separate places if they are extremely distinct from another (like in your Casinopolis example).

So if someone wants to compete with "Run Through the Speed Highway", while another person would use "At Dawn", both for SA1's Speed Highway... then I don't see a problem. But I guess we'll see what Matt thinks.

Any reason why Sonic and the Secret Rings and Sonic and the Black Knight aren't allowed to be used? I don't think anyone would use them mind you, just curious :)

because it's devil worship music. bad soundtrack.


also... no KingTiger? T_T

good luck to everybody. gotta pass on this, but I'll be sure to vote. Going to re-work the 2012 megamix I did and I hope to make a megamix for this year as well towards the end of the compo.

Hey Matt, if we choose a source from Sonic Adventure, do we just get the whole shebang for action stage (like Casinopolis 1-4) or is that limited to just specific songs in the action stage? I would assume that we could use all of them, but the tracks in Sonic Adventure vary largely within zones.

Hmm, Tuberz had Skydeck from Sonic Adventure last year and I don't recall this question coming up. On his zone roster spreadsheet I had both themes listed for him. For Sonic Adventure, I think I'd say, yeah if you picked something like Casinopolis then you could get to use all the sources from that zone. In most cases, the different themes generally incorporate some of the same melodic elements and instrumentation, so it seems like it'd be more hassle to split them up.

However, like Rexy mentioned, for other games that do have distinct differences, such as the Day & Night themes from Sonic Unleashed, the 2-player zones from Sonic 2, the US & JP soundtracks of Sonic CD, and the Genesis & Saturn soundtracks of Sonic 3D Blast, then those I'd definitely count as separate and distinct themes people could pick. Although if someone does pick a Sonic Unleashed source this year, I think I'd be fine with them using both the Day & Night themes because they are more along the lines of the Sonic Adventure sources (i.e., more similar than different).

Any reason why Sonic and the Secret Rings and Sonic and the Black Knight aren't allowed to be used? I don't think anyone would use them mind you, just curious :)

Yeah, I consider those Sonic "storybook" games to be more like spin-offs and not part of the core Sonic series, which is why they were left off the list. And partially this...

because it's devil worship music. bad soundtrack.


Going to re-work the 2012 megamix I did and I hope to make a megamix for this year as well towards the end of the compo.

Awww yeah! Your 2012 megamix from the SZRC was awesome, and I'd love it if you made another one from this edition of the compo! :-D

because it's devil worship music. bad soundtrack.


the music ain't no devil worship. the game itself is.

yeah, probably will have to skip out. I've got way too many other things that I'm tryna get outta the way. education, actual work, Project M (sorta bragging about that one heh heh heh), Project Beat Demon and stuff.

if you do this next year, maybe I won't be so busy that month. I'd love to do this.

if you do this next year, maybe I won't be so busy that month. I'd love to do this.

Same here, guys. I've gotta stick to my guns and get/keep some priorities straight before I can participate in any music-related stuff, but that won't stop me from being on the sidelines :D


I've been meaning to try doing one of these, and the timing is pretty good. My big work project should be finishing up about the time that mixing starts. Count me in!

That said, now I gotta figure out what my picks are going to be. Oh no, guess I'll have to start listening to a bunch of sonic music to review the options.

I've been meaning to try doing one of these, and the timing is pretty good. My big work project should be finishing up about the time that mixing starts. Count me in!

That said, now I gotta figure out what my picks are going to be. Oh no, guess I'll have to start listening to a bunch of sonic music to review the options.

YAYYYYYY. Too bad you misspelled Sanic.

Also, I am so in on this compo. I will find a way. And I will represent all the under-appreciated Game Gear titles yet again.

YAYYYYYY. Too bad you misspelled Sanic.

Also, I am so in on this compo. I will find a way. And I will represent all the under-appreciated Game Gear titles yet again.

Wait. Does this mean I can remix the music from Sanic R? The best sanic heghog gaem evar?

Posted (edited)

I may be interested in participating, but I don't know how much time I'll have. If there's excessive interest, maybe having up to 48 participants (3 brackets) would be an option? Just a thought.

In the meantime, I decided to be the person with too much time on his hands (for this task anyway), and compiled this list of all presumably acceptable zones for this contest.

Based on what SuperiorX has already said, and assuming 'unreleased zones' (although I think only Wood Zone has music which isn't available elsewhere) and tutorials are unacceptable, here's every zone I believe can be chosen for this contest:

Sonic the Hedgehog (8-bit MasterSystem/Game Gear):

1) Green Hill Zone

2) Bridge Zone

3) Jungle Zone

4) Labyrinth Zone

5) Scrap Brain Zone

6) Sky Base Zone

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (8-bit MasterSystem/Game Gear):

1) Underground Zone

2) Sky High Zone

3) Aqua Lake Zone

4) Green Hills Zone

5) Gimmick Mountain Zone

6) Scrambled Egg Zone

7) Crystal Egg Zone

Sonic Chaos (GameGear):

1) Turquoise Hill Zone

2) Gigapolis Zone

3) Sleeping Egg Zone

4) Mecha Green Hill Zone

5) Aqua Planet Zone

6) Electric Egg Zone

Sonic Triple Trouble (GameGear):

1) Great Turquoise Zone

2) Sunset Park Zone

3) Meta Junglira Zone

4) Robotnik Winter Zone

5) Tidal Plant Zone

6) Atomic Destroyer Zone

Sonic the Hedgehog (Genesis):

1) Green Hill Zone

2) Marble Zone

3) Spring Yard Zone

4) Labyrinth Zone

5) Star Light Zone

6) Scrap Brain Zone

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis):

1) Emerald Hill Zone

2) Chemical Plant Zone

3) Aquatic Ruin Zone

4) Casino Night Zone

5) Hill Top Zone

6) Mystic Cave Zone

7) Oil Ocean Zone

8 ) Metropolis Zone

9) Sky Chase Zone

10) Wing Fortress Zone

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2-player, Genesis):

1) Emerald Hill Zone

2) Casino Night Zone

3) Mystic Cave Zone

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (Genesis):

1) Angel Island Zone

2) Hydrocity Zone

3) Marble Garden Zone

4) Carnival Night Zone

5) Icecap Zone

6) Launch Base Zone

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2-Player, Genesis):

1) Azure Lake Zone

2) Balloon Park Zone

3) Chrome Gadget Zone

4) Desert Palace Zone

5) Endless Mine Zone

Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (PC):

4) Carnival Night Zone

5) Icecap Zone

6) Launch Base Zone

Sonic & Knuckles (Genesis):

1) Mushroom Hill Zone

2) Flying Battery Zone

3) Sandopolis Zone

4) Lava Reef Zone

5) Hidden Palace Zone

6) Sky Sanctuary Zone

7) Death Egg Zone

Sonic 3D Blast/Flickies' Island (Genesis/Saturn):

1) Green Grove Zone

2) Rusty Ruin Zone

3) Spring Stadium Zone

4) Diamond Dust Zone

5) Volcano Valley Zone

6) Gene Gadget Zone

7) Panic Puppet Zone

Sonic CD (JP/EU, CD):

1) Palmtree Panic Zone

2) Collision Chaos Zone

3) Tidal Tempest Zone

4) Quartz Quadrant Zone

5) Wacky Workbench Zone

6) Stardust Speedway Zone

7) Metallic Madness Zone

Sonic CD (US, CD):

1) Palmtree Panic Zone

2) Collision Chaos Zone

3) Tidal Tempest Zone

4) Quartz Quadrant Zone

5) Wacky Workbench Zone

6) Stardust Speedway Zone

7) Metallic Madness Zone

Sonic Adventure (Dreamcast):

1) Emerald Coast

2) Windy Valley

3) Casinopolis

4) Ice Cap

5) Twinkle Park

6) Speed Highway

7) Red Mountain

8 ) Sky Deck

9) Lost World

10) Final Egg

11) Hot Shelter

Sonic Adventure 2 (Hero Story, Dreamcast):

1) City Escape

2) Wild Canyon

3) Prison Lane

4) Metal Harbor

5) Green Forest

6) Pumpkin Hill

7) Mission Street

8 ) Aquatic Mine

9) Route 101

10) Hidden Base

11) Pyramid Cave

12) Death Chamber

13) Eternal Engine

14) Meteor Hard

15) Crazy Gadget

16) Final Rush

Sonic Adventure 2 (Dark Story, Dreamcast):

1) Iron Gate

2) Dry Lagoon

3) Sand Ocean

4) Radical Highway

5) Egg Quarters

6) Lost Colony

7) Weapons Bed

8 ) Security Hall

9) White Jungle

10) Route 280

11) Sky Rail

12) Mad Space

13) Cosmic Wall

14) Final Chase

Sonic Adventure 2 (Last Story, Dreamcast):

1) Cannon's Core

Sonic Advance (Game Boy Advance):

1) Neo Green Hill Zone

2) Secret Base Zone

3) Casino Paradise Zone

4) Ice Mountain Zone

5) Angel Island Zone

6) Egg Rocket Zone/Cosmic Angel Zone (I assume these are grouped together)

Sonic Advance 2 (Game Boy Advance):

1) Leaf Forest Zone

2) Hot Crater Zone

3) Music Plant Zone

4) Ice Paradise Zone

5) Sky Canyon Zone

6) Techno Base Zone

7) Egg Utopia Zone

Sonic Advance 3 (Game Boy Advance):

1) Route 99 Zone

2) Sunset Hill Zone

3) Ocean Base Zone

4) Toy Kingdom Zone

5) Twinkle Snow Zone

6) Cyber Track Zone

7) Chaos Angel Zone

Sonic Rush (DS):

1) Leaf Storm Zone

2) Water Palace Zone

3) Mirage Road Zone

4) Night Carnival Zone

5) Huge Crisis Zone

6) Altitude Limit Zone

7) Dead Line Zone

Sonic Rush Adventure (DS):

1) Plant Kingdom

2) Machine Labyrinth

3) Coral Cave

4) Haunted Ship

5) Blizzard Peaks

6) Sky Babylon

7) Pirates' Island

8 ) Hidden Islands (1-5, 14, & 16)

Sonic Heroes (PS2/Xbox/GC):

1) Seaside Hill

2) Ocean Palace

3) Grand Metropolis

4) Power Plant

5) Casino Park

6) BINGO Highway

7) Rail Canyon

8 ) Bullet Station

9) Frog Forest

10) Lost Jungle

11) Hang Castle

12) Mystic Mansion

13) Egg Fleet

14) Final Fortress

Sonic the Hedgehog (2006, PS3/Xbox360):

1) Wave Ocean

2) Dusty Desert

3) White Acropolis

4) Crisis City

5) Flame Core

6) Radical Train

7) Tropical Jungle

8 ) Kingdom Valley

9) Aquatic Base

10) End of the World

Sonic Unleashed/World Adventure (PS3/Xbox360/Wii/PS2):

1) Windmill Isle/Apotos

2) Rooftop Run/Spagonia

3) Savannah Citadel/Mazuri

4) Cool Edge/Holoska

5) Dragon Road/Chun-nan

6) Arid Sands/Shamar

7) Skyscraper Scamper/Empire City

8 ) Jungle Joyride/Adabat

Sonic Colors (Wii):

1) Tropical Resort

2) Sweet Mountain

3) Starlight Carnival

4) Planet Wisp

5) Aquarium Park

6) Asteroid Coaster

7) Terminal Velocity

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode I (DLC):

1) Splash Hill Zone

2) Casino Street Zone

3) Lost Labyrinth Zone

4) Mad Gear Zone

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 - Episode II (DLC):

5) Sylvania Castle Zone

6) White Park Zone

7) Oil Desert Zone

8 ) Sky Fortress Zone

Sonic Lost World (Wii U/3DS):

1) Windy Hill Zone

2) Desert Ruins Zone

3) Tropical Coast Zone

4) Frozen Factory Zone

5) Silent Forest Zone

6) Sky Road Zone

7) Lava Mountain Zone

Sonic Lost World (DLC):

1) Nightmare Zone

2) Yoshi's Island Zone

Edited by Xenonetix
Updated List

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