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I thought they said they would like to have it online, but that the online feature might not support 4-player battles. Lets be honest with ourselfs, no one really will really mind that much if there are no 4-player online battles.

I thought they said they would like to have it online, but that the online feature might not support 4-player battles. Lets be honest with ourselfs, no one really will really mind that much if there are no 4-player online battles.

Seriously, look how many people still play SSBM like it just came out last week.

If you can't L-Cancel, wavedash, or avoid down-smashes you know are coming, I wouldn't begin to consider myself good.

Elitist much? You don't have to do any of that (okay, maybe the last one) to be above average. And unless he's against people who can wavedash, and wavedash well, he could stand a chance.

Might I suggest taking Marth for a spin? He can counter with his Down+B, and you sound like an agility fighter (aren't we all?).

I'm confused about the presence of Solid Snake... doesn't he belong to Sony? :?

I think the story went something like this:

The maker of MGS and SSB know eachother quite well. Maker of MGS wanted to let them put Snake in Melee, but there wasn't enough time. Now that there is another SSB, Snake is going to be a character.

I could be wrong though because I forgot where I heard this.

Sorry I'm not good with remembering famous names of Japanese people.

Maybe they're friends now, but the way I heard it, Kojima just called and asked him if he could put Snake in the next Smash, but he had to tell him they where too late in the process to put Snake in. Otherwise, it's the same

I'm relatively certain that Sakurai (the director of Smash Brothers) and Kojima (the creator of MGS) have been friends for several years now, from before Melee was created.

If you can't L-Cancel, wavedash, or avoid down-smashes you know are coming, I wouldn't begin to consider myself good.

Elitist much? You don't have to do any of that (okay, maybe the last one) to be above average. And unless he's against people who can wavedash, and wavedash well, he could stand a chance.

Might I suggest taking Marth for a spin? He can counter with his Down+B, and you sound like an agility fighter (aren't we all?).

Elitist? Not really. More like I know what it takes to be considered really good when it comes to Smash. I've played around with it enough to know. Sorry if I sounded elitist, but I'm just far too used to playing with tournament players/winners/top 20 Southern California and my friends and I know what needs to be done before you can even start to think you are good.

I just might be used to a higher standard of what "good" is based on the people I play with. I was just challenged recently by a good number of people who tell me how good they are at Smash and how they know how to wavedash and L-Cancel. I haven't said a word about where I stand in terms of skill, and that's when I 3 or 4 stock them. Kinda silly to say you're good.

Hell, I don't even tell people I'm good. At least that way I don't even need to save face when I lose.

Edit: I'm going to Ken's this weekend. Anyone else coming?

Hey, wouldn't it be really funny if, just for the heck of it, they put in the Great Giana Sisters?

No, probably not.

Actually, yeah, it'd probably just piss people off.

I can see it now:

OMG teh Giana sister were not Nintendo WTF
I think Marth is a fine role model for young homosexual men everywhere.

Don't hate him because he's beautiful.

Although, one of my friends has suggested that the headband Marth wears is actually a tiara.


Ruminations on the new trailer, reposted from the Wii thread:

• One of my only complaints with SSBM was the "feel" of the violence. The blows seemed softer, as though you were hitting the person with a well-stuffed pillow instead of a hard, blunt object like in the original. The combat in Brawl looks like it'll be a little flashier than what I've been used to, but on the whole I think the visceral feel will be an improvement over Melee.

• I wasn't sold on zero suit samus. Truth be told, a big element of this was the color scheme- I prefered the more gritty Samus seen in Metroid Prime to the bland yellow-haired version of the sequel. (Similar feelings with fox- His new look might be the biggest motivator for me to try out the new characters.) However, the clips of her fighting- and, to be honest, the determined expression- are winning me over. I'll definitely give the character a try. Although if they emphasize breast physics I'm going to hurt somebody.

• To me, the change in the music score indicates a change in the overall mood of the games. The score of the first two games was unique and reinforced the whole "What the hell is this strange new creation?" feel. With Brawl, however, it feels to me like the series has an established presence as a classic and is acknowledging that while maintaining the tongue-in-cheek feel. It's a new direction, but I don't mind.

• By the looks of it crawling just introduces a small additional dimension by letting us avoid attacks in a different manner. I mostly see myself using it to close the distance with an opponent. It'd also be nice if you can immediately crawl away after landing on the ground.

• Great to see they're still doing those "profile" clips. I loved watching those in melee- remember when Bowser made a friend?

• Snake was totally checking Samus out.

Is most of this just me?

I think Marth is a fine role model for young homosexual men everywhere.

Don't hate him because he's beautiful.

Although, one of my friends has suggested that the headband Marth wears is actually a tiara.

I will hate him because of c-stick spammers

Hey GUYS!!!!! I just joined SmashBoards. My username is TheGeneral so, say hello if you see me on there.

Eazy-P, yeah, Marth pretty much is a jerk...I'm still trying to figure out how you instantly tech off FD when he's edgegaurding with his sword. I see people do it all the time, but I think my timing is off.


My name is EazyP on there. I've done that quite a few times, it's all about practice

Melee Tourney in Fresno, CA on November 25th (Saturday), it's first come first serve in the Pacific West portion of Smashboards > Tournament Regions part. Anyone up for it?


Am I the only one who gets the impression that there are gonna be a lot more 1P side-scrolling type levels? The trailer seemed to show a lot of lateral movement, and the crawling would fit into said levels.

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