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I just saw that Munchlax's name in French is Goinfrex. I think that sounds awesome.

Just putting that out there -

EDIT: Oh, JESUS are some people going to be disappointed. An Assist Trohy?


holy krapya (12:01:38 AM): FUCKING SHIT

"Bongo Bill" (12:01:54 AM): I JUST SAW IT

"Bongo Bill" (12:01:55 AM): FUCKING

"Bongo Bill" (12:01:56 AM): SHIT FUCK

holy krapya (12:01:46 AM): FUCK

holy krapya (12:01:47 AM): FUCKF UCK

"Bongo Bill" (12:01:59 AM): SHIT AND FUCK

holy krapya (12:01:48 AM): DAMN IT

"Bongo Bill" (12:01:59 AM): ASS

"Bongo Bill" (12:02:01 AM): COCK

holy krapya (12:01:53 AM): FUCKING ASS BICTH

"Bongo Bill" (12:02:05 AM): DAMN PISS

holy krapya (12:02:02 AM): CROTCH ROT DAMN FUCK

"Bongo Bill" (12:02:20 AM): GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY

"Bongo Bill" (12:02:25 AM): TWENTY THREE SKIDOO

holy krapya (12:02:23 AM): CARN FLAB IT


"Bongo Bill" (12:02:36 AM): CHEEZE IT

holy krapya (12:02:32 AM): PIMPMOBILE

"Bongo Bill" (12:02:46 AM): HELL AND ANOTHER HELL

I liked Lyn, but I'm totally cool with her being an assist trophy.

I'm cool with this. I hope we see a few more Fire Emblem assist trophies as there are some sweet characters from that franchise.

Yeah, this ain't bad. It's kind of a compromise in a way. I mean, I don't think they want to have twenty sword-wielding playables, but this way some of the recent FE main characters (and others?) still get to make an appearance.


Still, it's pretty nice that we have all of these varying characters from different games. Smaller players still can pop up on the field, who wouldn't have made it in as playables. It's better than nothing, Lyn fans.


Maybe they should have had this girl as the playable and Ike as the assist trophy. But they made the correct decision, what, we have 3 sword chars confirmed already?


It would be cool if she appeared in her Blade Lord outfit with that giant novelty rapier of hers. But I guess she's more recognizable in her standard gear.


If Volke's in the game, he'll probably be a clone of Solid Snake. :( Then again, if they don't do clones this time around, they'll probably do assists in lieu of it.

I was hoping for better, but an assist isn't the worst thing to happen. I probably would have taken her as a replacement for Marth, but at least this way she's in the game. It's almost as if the assist is a lame consolation for not fully including the character.

I heard the screams of many fanboys, and it was terrifying indeed.

Maybe they should have had this girl as the playable and Ike as the assist trophy. But they made the correct decision, what, we have 3 sword chars confirmed already?

Link, Meta-Knight, Ike, Pit.

Then Marth or Roy if they return.

Then Ganon if they give him a new moveset based of WW/TP.

So yeah. Enough swordswingers. I'm glad she's not fully playable.

Link, Meta-Knight, Ike, Pit.

Then Marth or Roy if they return.

Then Ganon if they give him a new moveset based of WW/TP.

So yeah. Enough swordswingers. I'm glad she's not fully playable.

Plus don't forget that Zero Suit Samus has a whip, and young link is still up in the air.


I personally think that Ganondorf will return, based on TP Ganondorf designs. He will probably use his sword - and if they're smart, they'll make him completely different - give him his sword, etc. Just something to differentiate him completely from Capt. Falcon. If you want an example, try taking a look at how much of a leap Capt. Falcon made from SSB to SSBM. No one seemed to mind. :) And we all know how much ass would be kicked if he morphed into his boar/beast form for Final Smash, right?

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