Devyn Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 There's a Wiimote icon by the 'How To Play' section - Maybe this things played with the Wiimote rather than the classic controller?
Arek the Absolute Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 ugh didnt you hear gamecube controller plzkthx
Ninja-san Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Are they still selling new controllers? Mine are all better much messed up.
anthonium Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Think we can say we know some of the new characters in the game based on the music composers? The fact I see the guy that composed Golden Sun music makes me a bit giddy about the possibility of Golden Sun characters in the game.
Arek the Absolute Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 reading the last 80 or so posts of fanboys is pure lol if nintendo did anything right with the site, it was making fanboys squirm
cobaltstarfire Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 D: The song feels a little dead...I hope the rest are better. *hides*
Sir_NutS Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 woah, that's one heck of a list of composers. I mean, even Yuzo Koshiro is there... This could be, as the website states, a historic moment in video game music (as geeky as that sounds). Nice fucking work nintendo.
Ninja-san Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Anyone know where i can grab the main theme by Uematsu?
!Nekko! Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Think we can say we know some of the new characters in the game based on the music composers? The fact I see the guy that composed Golden Sun music makes me a bit giddy about the possibility of Golden Sun characters in the game. Check back at my post on the last page (p. 255). Composers can be independent of their game companies, so don't get your hopes up. The prospect of composing music for their game's character's level is definitely a tasty thought, though.
Devyn Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 ugh didnt you heargamecube controller plzkthx Yeah, like 2,000 years ago. But that wiimote icon is still there on the official site.
The Mutericator Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Sakuraba's a dude, dude. Weird. I always thought he was a girl for some reason... maybe I got him confused with the girl who sings the opening in Phantasia? I have no idea. Here's, again, to Golden Sun characters.
The Author Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Yeah, like 2,000 years ago. But that wiimote icon is still there on the official site. ... As I have often stated: A NINTENDO CANADA HIGH RANKED EMPLOYEE STATED (the same night he gave me my free Wii) THAT SSBB WOULD USE THE WIIMOTE. I even questionned his answer stating that what I heard online was classic controller or gamecube controller. He repeated: "It's a Wii game, it's gonna use the Wiimote."
Dark Chocobo Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 They said that they'd have multiple control schemes. Maybe they'll have an option for the Wiimote and one for the GCN controller.
Drack Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 ...As I have often stated: A NINTENDO CANADA HIGH RANKED EMPLOYEE STATED (the same night he gave me my free Wii) THAT SSBB WOULD USE THE WIIMOTE. I even questionned his answer stating that what I heard online was classic controller or gamecube controller. He repeated: "It's a Wii game, it's gonna use the Wiimote." I'm sorry, but I'm taking that response with not a grain, but a mountain of salt.Answers have been across the board when Nintendo employees have been asked about Brawl's controls. From my perspective, it's easy to see how a classic or gamecube controller would work - just like Melee did! But a Wiimote + Chuck combo isn't likely gonna cut it. You have A attack, B attack, Jump (Not everyone uses up to jump), shield w/ grab, and shield w/o grab. Unless you want to use the D-pad on the wiimote, that's not going to work out. And if you do,it's not going to be comfortable. I predict multiple control schemes, but I don't think many will use the 'mote. Edit: Bolded a statement.
The Author Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 I will personally disregard your theories. Nothing against you, but I prefer to listen to what an official employee (high ranking too) of Nintendo said than to go into the speculation realm of things. Even if I am wrong and you are right, I believe that my information as of now has a semblance of credibility. Your theory is just that, theory.
captaineegee Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Well crap, now I guess I have to buy a Wii. The music alone to me is worth. SSBM is the game that got me to buy a Cube as well.
Theory of N Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 I will personally disregard your theories. Nothing against you, but I prefer to listen to what an official employee (high ranking too) of Nintendo said than to go into the speculation realm of things.Even if I am wrong and you are right, I believe that my information as of now has a semblance of credibility. Your theory is just that, theory. If you go back and check that blog back on p. 243, ( IF this can be considered a credible source and considering he says he got an interview w/ someone very closely related to the dev team, the main focus of the control scheme will be the classic GCN controllers and Nintendo is contemplating putting them back on the market. Players will be able to choose from multiple control options. Main focus is on GC controller, and Nintendo is currently considering redistribution of them.
The Author Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Again, the guy who gave me this information would know about that, he was in the marketing aspect of the company. Deciding to bring back the GC controller would be something he would be well aware of, since almost every issue from putting an item back on the market would be known by him. These issues would also have been known back in october, when I spoke with him. Sadly, my lack of a tape recorder (I was there to win a Wii and not interview marketing people about information concerning a videogame that was far off.) means that I cannot replay the exact discussion, but I remember him clearly stating that brawl would use the Wiimote. And again, the guy was there to give 10 Wiis during a 30 minute lived television show dedicated to the Wii. They did not send Jimmy the coffee boy to do that distribution. As far as I know, at that point in time, they were sure they were gonna use the Wiimote. Unless something dramatically changed, I don't think the game will force people to buy GC controllers or classic controllers.
Silent Mike Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 I really hope they include the Stage 1 song from Star Fox Assault. The game was mediocre but that song would work really well in Smash.
Theory of N Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 I don't think the game will force people to buy GC controllers or classic controllers. and why not? They did something similar with Crystal Chronicles. Besides, at the risk of sounding like a dick(which I don't mean to be), your info is dated and by someone in the production team. This info is hot and by someone on the DEV team. Even if they don't market the GCN controllers again, I'm pretty sure they'll be making it primarily for GCN controllers. Besides, most people who have a wii, more than likely have a GCN and people who get Brawl more than likely got into it from Melee, so they're not really forcing most people to go buy new controllers.
Drack Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Disregarding the flame... Here's a sincere question: If the Wiimote/Chuck is the control scheme of choice, what kind of input mapping could be effective and comfortable?
The Author Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 Isn't there a rule kinda like the Godwin's Law concerning the use of VGcats or Penny Arcade as part of a debate? It kinda feels like there should be one. Edit... this is looking like a Benford's Law of Controversy situation. Anyway, I can assume that they could make the control schemes use motion sensing. Like move your controler quickly up for a jump, down for a jump down, left or right for a dodge/roll move...
Theory of N Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 lol, the point of that was to show that Nintendo's done it before. If you wanted to play multiplayer on FF: CC, you had to go out and buy GCN - GBA cables and if you didn't have one, a GBA as well.
Dunther Posted May 22, 2007 Posted May 22, 2007 If someone wants to download the Menu 1 theme:
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