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"Will Link still have his bombs?"

"I would assume so, I doubt they'd remove them."

I think he was wondering because it looks like Link can crouch and shoot arrows, which going by Melee's controls would mean you hold down and press B, which is what you press for bombs. I'm really curious to see what they're doing with crouching, with all this crouchwalking and everything.

"Will Link still have his bombs?"

"I would assume so, I doubt they'd remove them."

I think he was wondering because it looks like Link can crouch and shoot arrows, which going by Melee's controls would mean you hold down and press B, which is what you press for bombs. I'm really curious to see what they're doing with crouching, with all this crouchwalking and everything.

Most likely crouching will be a separate button, for example X on the GameCube controller.


I remembering Sakurai saying that all the third party guys have to be unlocked. I think that the originals from SSB will be the first guys you can use and unlock.

Most likely crouching will be a separate button, for example X on the GameCube controller.

But then you wouldn't be able to get a bomb. You'll have to hold X and then press the B button. Unless it's a toggle, it could get a bit tricky.


I love the way link looks in this game. The captured his Twilight Princesses design perfectly. Mario looks really good as well. So far this game looks like it is going to have some nice lighting and animation. Hopefully they can release running smoothly at 60 fps throughout.

"Will Link still have his bombs?"

"I would assume so, I doubt they'd remove them."

I think he was wondering because it looks like Link can crouch and shoot arrows, which going by Melee's controls would mean you hold down and press B, which is what you press for bombs. I'm really curious to see what they're doing with crouching, with all this crouchwalking and everything.

Acutally Its just the bombs. Im a big bomb freak.

Also i hope they didnt take the sheild power out. I piss my freind alot just stopping in front of him so the sheild knocks it out.

I love the way link looks in this game. The captured his Twilight Princesses design perfectly. Mario looks really good as well. So far this game looks like it is going to have some nice lighting and animation. Hopefully they can release running smoothly at 60 fps throughout.

The graphics look really good from what I've seen. Definitely a jump over the last Smash Brothers. But they will look truly good if it holds 60 fps.

I like the background in the sky stage. Really pretty. I think that this game will have more of an 'epic' feel and less of a campy feel as compared to the last few Smash Brothers.

"Will Link still have his bombs?"

"I would assume so, I doubt they'd remove them."

I think he was wondering because it looks like Link can crouch and shoot arrows, which going by Melee's controls would mean you hold down and press B, which is what you press for bombs. I'm really curious to see what they're doing with crouching, with all this crouchwalking and everything.

Well, Up is jump, but you can still do up+button attacks without too much problem. I don't see why being able to crouch/crouch walk would be different. I guess you'll have to get used to quickly hitting down+B instead of holding it down.


Perhaps you can hold B to initiate the arrow pull. Then you can adjust his stance with up and down, possibly and optionally, the angle with left and right?

That would be simple and easy...

or even possibly simpler, maybe you'll have "Smash attacks" for your special moves... Down+B=bomb, downward Smash+B=crouching arrow? Meh, I don't know how that would work.

Perhaps that's just Links full animation now when he's pulled back his arrow as far as it can go? *shrugs*

Hell, it could just be pictures of Sakurai's ass...

hehe. You sir have an idea for the best Smash Bros Brawl level ever...

no seriously... EVER.

I actually like the arrangement of Menu 1 done by Motoi Sakuraba. It may not be orchestrated but its still got that charm to it.

I doubt most people would be able to tell the difference anyway, if they didn't already know.


So I want this damn game. The hype has a grip around my throat. I'm 90% sure they'll wind up probably including Waluigi (since they've got Wario), and I'd love to see them include Samurai Goroh. Also, a feature I'd REALLY like to see is heavy customization of costumes - have like, different outfit pieces to choose from and all that, and then also let you change the color of each part. Stuff like that. Just having different color schemes for the one outfit would be lame in this, particularly online where it would be nice to have some kind of personal touches (think the icon in Mario Kart DS, things like that).

And yeah Arek, I agree that the theme they have up there didn't really impress me...I don't know quite what it was about it. Partially the arrangement and the instruments too. I hope they fix it up a bit. The remake of that theme that played in Final Destination in Melee was much better, I thought.


btw, Antipode, cool album preview you got there. :)

Thanks, man! :-D


Hmm the character model for Link doesn't seem to be the one from TP as far as face and hair goes. Doesn't the link in TP have brown hair and the face look a bit more human like? Anyway not a big deal, just noticing.

Hmm the character model for Link doesn't seem to be the one from TP as far as face and hair goes. Doesn't the link in TP have brown hair and the face look a bit more human like? Anyway not a big deal, just noticing.

Not really...


I think the lighting makes it look browner. If you look at the art and stuff (not gameplay) you'll see it's pretty blonde. And what do you mean more human?

The shield is what gets me. The Brawl version of it just seems to pop out, when the TP one doesn't as much. If you look close enough it looks about the same but it's much more accentuated in Brawl.


Also, is it just me or does it seem like the characters interact with each other more. Like, they look almost directly at the character they're attacking. In that second picture of the Gooey Bomb entry, Mario is looking back as he's running away and in the fourth one, mario looks all dejected. I wonder if that's going to be part of gameplay or if they're just images.


i would imagine the looking at the closest character thing is feasible. 3D Fighting games have done that for years... it'll be a welcome addition to Smash's look. I had yet to notice it, so thanks for mentioning!

Smash bros Melee had a low level of experessions from the characters. It looks like they're really expanding on the animations. The only thing is I doubt we'll ever really notice them too much in game. They're hella sweet though.

gooey bomb!! Sounds fun, like a really lethal hot potato... I can imagine a ton of neat scenarios with that item...

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