friendlyHunter Posted July 21, 2007 Posted July 21, 2007 N N III CCCC EEEE W W OOOO RRR K KNN N I C EEEE W W W O O R R KKKN NN I C E W W W O O RR K KN N III CCCC EEEE W W OOOO R R K K Made me laugh =) [Edit] WOOOOOOOAH!!! WOWOWOWHWHWHWOWHO!!! I FOUND A WAY TO TYPE IN ALL CAPS! (It was trying to remove the capital letters inside the code tags) >=[ [Edit] In case you're totally confused by my awful, awful post, the "NICE WORK" was directed at Bigfoot, for the niceness of his work.
Strike911 Posted July 21, 2007 Posted July 21, 2007 man would i ever boil over into giddy 12 year old mode if there was a hydralisk in brawlgod damn you know, technically, StarCraft 64 was on a Nintendo console... soooo .... (in the spirit of the last few posts) ES POSSIBLE!!! ... with a hat on the last "E." ^_~ ^_~ ^_~ Seriously though... crackers, der ain't no sense fo realz in dis. I'm just sayin', fo realz. Okay, I can see bowser. I can even see Ridley if I try hard. But... i don't see anything else... oh you speculative cards... keep it up. It's way more interesting this way.
Amayirot Akago Posted July 21, 2007 Posted July 21, 2007 4 Hydralisks 3 Marines 2 Terran Wraiths And a braaand neeew S-C-V!
Strike911 Posted July 21, 2007 Posted July 21, 2007 So, uh, don't know where this is from exactly, but it seems that in an interview here Sakurai says that they're waiting for a final confirmation from Sega to officially state Sonic as being in the game. Guess we'll know in a few days...? The guy that made that very fake article is a poster on the Nintendo forums named Milox4. He's admitted to making it up. Again, he's admitted that he started a huge fake scan to cause trouble. Seriously though, the article says something along the lines that Sonic is already in Brawl and Nintendo is just waiting for confirmation from Sega. That's not how things in the gaming world work, you gotta talk a lot with the companies beforehand and settle money issues and stuff before they hand over the rights to an IP, and "confirm" stuff. *sigh* BUT, the guys over at IGN are confident Sonic will be in the game. I mean, it looks good for that, especially with the fact that Sonic+Mario at the Olympics. I mean, Sega and Nintendo's relationship seems pretty good... so, meh, it could go anyway. I bet they'll somehow incorporate Mii's into the WireFrame badguys... or those things that were in the new update... I bet they will !!! Hmm... hey everybody, look in the clouds, I see Robotnik!!!!! HEE HEE! MWHAHA. EVIL! okay... in the clouds of my mind... not the pic.
Amayirot Akago Posted July 21, 2007 Posted July 21, 2007 I would really like to see Mii integration in some way, whether as replacement for Polygon/Wireframe team, playable char (doubtful), or Assist Trophy. Just wondering if they were in the game, what attacks would they possess? Smacking ppl in the face with a Wiimote, or using it like a gun seems likely.
DJ Tempora Posted July 21, 2007 Posted July 21, 2007 Well, there's always the "Elephant Trunk" Wiimote gun from Wario Ware. That thing is pretty cool.
Kureejii Lea Posted July 21, 2007 Posted July 21, 2007 The guy that made that very fake article is a poster on the Nintendo forums named Milox4. He's admitted to making it up. Again, he's admitted that he started a huge fake scan to cause trouble. Drat. Well, you kinda hafta take these kinds of things with a grain of salt, I guess. Or a whole shaker.
Drack Posted July 21, 2007 Posted July 21, 2007 CLOUDZ!!!!! Red = Bowser face and hand Blue = Ridley face Teal = This guy: And the cloud left of him looks like there's one of these: Obbiously, this game has a fighting alien team, to replace the fighting polygon team.
Jam Stunna Posted July 21, 2007 Posted July 21, 2007 Ha, Drack is the guy on the neighborhood watch posters.
!Nekko! Posted July 21, 2007 Posted July 21, 2007 I'm pretty sure I can see the three stooges in there too - three playable characters for sure (or... replacement for Ice Climbers???) CAN'T RULE IT OUT!
Bigfoot Posted July 21, 2007 Posted July 21, 2007 I read a rumor today that 50 Cent will an unlockable character. confirm/deny?
Bigfoot Posted July 21, 2007 Posted July 21, 2007 Weekends are so boring nowadays... You could always gather with some friends and play some Smash.
Mastertoku Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 Okay, since I got wholly ignored last time - I've been wondering about a lot of the Fire Emblem characters. Given that they pretty much included Roy in Brawl to promote the release of his game in Japan, I'm thinking it could be likely that the Fire Emblem folks might include a character or two from Goddess of Dawn to promote it, as well as satiate its newfound North American fans like myself. I figure there are a couple of possible candidates, whether from Goddess of Dawn or not. Ike comes to mind, or the Black Knight, as well as Hector, or even Greil! And it occurs to me that the Black Knight would be just plain awesome. (For those who don't know what he looks like:) A fanciful screenshot alteration, of course. Well? Thoughts?
The Author Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 Dont let this get on the internet, people are gonna go crazy...
BigBoss Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 Crazy until they realize that the font is all wrong and it's just a screenshot from the actualy FE title.
The Author Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 Crazy until they realize that the font is all wrong and it's just a screenshot from the actualy FE title. Dude, clouds. CLOUDS Seriously...
BigBoss Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 Dude, clouds.CLOUDS Seriously... The clouds are a dead giveaway that SEPHIROTH WILL BE IN BRAWL
Mastertoku Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 Crazy until they realize that the font is all wrong and it's just a screenshot from the actualy FE title. Yes, so I said below the picture. Thank you. Besides, since they've done that intro movie already, they have no need for the whole "omg!!! newcomer has apeered!!!" headline thing anymore, right?
Mastertoku Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 The clouds are a dead giveaway that SEPHIROTH WILL BE IN BRAWL No, no - if you look at the cloud just to the left of the Halberd, you can clearly see the outline of... Master Chief. There. Infallible proof that he's going to be in Brawl.
Jam Stunna Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 I don't get it. My wife is the only person I've met who actually gets better by not playing. She just beat me with Dr. Mario, despite the fact that I haven't seen her use him in months. I fear for my ego in the future.
Red Shadow Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 Are you going to train little stunna to be a smash pro
Jam Stunna Posted July 22, 2007 Posted July 22, 2007 Yes, I'm already planning to live vicariously through his success.
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