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I've heard people say Kirby was 'overpowered', but now he's 'balanced'. I can't believe some of these arguments... Kirby is too light, his attacks aren't very effective on certain characters, especially Link and the larger characters, and he has a tendency to fly VERY quickly.

I was a little pissed off when they said 'Kirby had changed the least' on the blog. Hopefully what they did change will make him a more powerful character. He went from being one of my best characters (along with Ness) to one I could only used due to experience. If I had just started on Melee I would have never picked up Kirby, which is sad.

The way Ness and Kirby were weakened from their previous iterations really was my biggest gripe with Melee. I lost a lot of power from my two faves. Hopefully I won't have to redo my repetoire again for brawl, except by adding some of the new characters.


I was a little pissed off when they said 'Kirby had changed the least' on the blog. Hopefully what they did change will make him a more powerful character. He went from being one of my best characters (along with Ness) to one I could only used due to experience. If I had just started on Melee I would have never picked up Kirby, which is sad.

I understood his appearance had changed the least... thats sure what they make it out so sound like in the blog.

He’s the only character who really hasn’t changed much from his appearance in Super Smash Bros. Melee. He’s round' date=' pink, and soft[/b'].

Albeit we have seen just about all his B moves in the trailers... and they don't seem to be any different... but that doesn't mean he doesn't play entirely different!


also they totally need to get rid of someone Kirby's Moveset and add some classic abilities found in his game.

hammer, cutter, and rock aren't classic abilities?

hammer, cutter, and rock aren't classic abilities?

Seriously, they should give Kirby a bazooka, I think that's more his speed than that stupid rock. Who the hell came up with that dumb rock move anyway? It's not like it's from any of the games or anything. Just... retarded. And while they're at it they should change him from pink to being camouflage, because pink is a ghey color... Kirby needs an image makeover. The games really need to cater to a more adult audience because the entire concept of Kirby is really deserving of better "classic" material. In fact, they should also get rid of that stupid sword because we all know a gun is better than a sword. And additionally, they should change Kirby's voice to a really deep raspy voice instead of a high pitch wiener voice... and maybe add some stubble so it looks like Kirby's been through hell, and maybe some smokes. Seriously, why should I be afraid of Kirby? He's not classic at all in Smash Brothers... gay moves that they just made up in the first Smash bros that they decided to keep in melee. how retarded. And they should also make dreamland a desolate post-apocalyptic setting instead of the super happy style they've been portraying for years. Why is that game so happy. It needs to be more adult, and evil, and just better in general. There is nothing classic about Kirby in Smash Brothers and Nintendo needs to get their act together in the future if they expect me to stay a fanboy... no lie. They need more classic moves for Kirby in Smash Bros. Seriously. None of them are classic except for his eating ability.

If you don't feel this way you're stupid and uneducated. Get it right Sakurai and stop being an idiot with all this made up crap in Smash Brothers.


Kirby players may maul me, but I think Cutter and Hammer are annoying as hell. Beam, Sword, and Wheel plz.

And Strike, I don't even know why you quoted Eulogic. I can't tell if it was an accident or you missed the point totally.

hammer, cutter, and rock aren't classic abilities?

yeah. also fireball and his throws (back drop) cutters changed alittle but after replaying Kirby's adventure I have re-relized how badass some of the other powers he has at his disposal. so if they keep his move set the same from melee.

like I said before is that the enemies could be assist trophies and sucking them in could change his B moves like sucking in any other charcter does. so he wouldn't change. they would just put in the assist trophies like Knuckle Joe. and if he get them as his assist trophy then he could suck them up.

also maybe, he has multiple final smashes. like Cook will do ALOT of damage to one person while a different final smash would affect everyone and not do as much damage.

And Strike, I don't even know why you quoted Eulogic. I can't tell if it was an accident or you missed the point totally.
Seconded. Wtf? :|

He was being sarcastic... I think. lol

Also, why would Kirby have more Final Smashes than every other character? Sounds kind of unfair to me.

He was being sarcastic... I think. lol

Yeah, I got the sarcasm. But whatever point he was trying to make (that people complain about cartoon-y characters?) really didn't have anything to do with Eulogic's post (that Kirby's moves really do draw from his old-school heritage).

Last night, I placed 3rd in a tournament of about 40 people, only to be BARELY (last stock down to the wire) eliminated by goofing up at the end of a match against "meeps" who is currently ranked #15 in Northern California.

Well done, man. Did you record any matches? I'd like to see them. I still need to discuss melee stuff with you on aim. I should be free later this evening.

I recorded some more friendlies yesterday. Some of the matches are pretty freaking funny. We did a mock Bowser challenge and I pwned (mainly because my friends were being stupid, but hey I still won.)

He was clearly agreeing with him through use of sarcasm

... I contradict myself a hundred times, how could you possibly take me seriously, not to mention that I said in the very first line that I want Kirby to have a Bazooka to be more classic. What the hell?! That's so "classic"... you know, with all those Kirby games where Kirby's wailing on people with a bazooka.

I quoted Eulogic because he was true. Miss the point totally?! Pfft, no, and it has nothing to do with cartoony characters...

Almost everything about Kirby is classic in the Smash series. Someone said Kirby's moves weren't classic enough so I suggested some overtly ridiculous moves and ideas that were clearly NOT classic, because Kirby as a character in Smash is exactly what everyone would expect from him. And to make sure people didn't take me seriously, I underscored it by taking it really far so I wouldn't have to explain it all later... which... I should have just explained in the first place apparently.


: )

... I contradict myself a hundred times, how could you possibly take me seriously, not to mention that I said in the very first line that I want Kirby to have a Bazooka to be more classic. What the hell?! That's so "classic"... you know, with all those Kirby games where Kirby's wailing on people with a bazooka.

I quoted Eulogic because he was true. Miss the point totally?! Pfft, no, and it has nothing to do with cartoony characters...

Almost everything about Kirby is classic in the Smash series. Someone said Kirby's moves weren't classic enough so I suggested some overtly ridiculous moves and ideas that were clearly NOT classic, because Kirby as a character in Smash is exactly what everyone would expect from him. And to make sure people didn't take me seriously, I underscored it by taking it really far so I wouldn't have to explain it all later... which... I should have just explained in the first place apparently.


: )

You were more or less describing Kirby with Snake's power.

You were more or less describing Kirby with Snake's power.

... so true. That is a keen observation sir that I didn't catch actually. Only thing missing is the bandana. Snake is the definition of awesome though, I have to admit.

Let's face it, Kirby + Solid Snake is clearly Kirby's ultimate form. Hehe. ^_~ I can't wait to see that.


Cutter is occasionally useful, but against some characters (esp. Falco and Fox), it is almost impossible to use it without at least decent tactics. On the other hand, fox can cut you down in your tracks with his pistol, then use firefox or that lightning move and decimate you.

Basically I want more balance. I love using Kirby... to me he's like the epitome of Smash. A pink, child-like character who nonetheless can deliver massive damage, and float around and crap.

If Kirby ONLY had faster reaction time, most of my gripes would be nonexistent. I would like to see some new moves for him, but if I could actually pull of moves as quickly as I pressed, without a delay that seems monumental compared even to Bowser, it would be great. New moves or no new moves, they just need to make him a better player. Smash should be fun, not this competitive crap everyone is up to. Tournaments are fine, but video games are fun first, a challenge second. The fun aspect can be sucked away when you were clearly superior in a fight, but got your butt kicked because of the character, though.


Agreed, that will be awesome. :)

In the first smash, I remember absorbing Ness, and then PK Fire juggling people mercilessly, followed by an UP smash. AHAHAHAHAHAHA that was awesome.

Actually now I think of it, that chain was sort of like fox's pistol, except there was a small chance of escape.

I'm just ranting.... more new characters, I'm getting hyped on using my mains again! Come on Sakurai, UPDATE US! lol

Today's update will be Captain Falcon along with his moves. His knee will be twice as powerful.

I don't know, two character in a row? I think it's gonna be something smaller. I hope I'm wrong though.....

Also, MGS song is fucking sweet!!

Edit: well it's actually bigger than I expected. I'm glad to see Trophies are back!

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