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hah, everything i've dreamed of when i was a kid: fire-hydro-solar beam-blast-pump

Yeah, but just think... If Ivysaur was doing razorleaf in this combination, the whole thing would've changed.

The flames would've charred the leaves and the water would've put them out. So in essence, the Pokemon Trainer's Final Smash would've been a flurry of burnt soggy leaves. Not very effective!:tomatoface:


You know it would seem weird seeing this hit Pikachu, Piichu, and Mewtwo

since you know none of them are weak to Fire, Grass, or Water..in fact if memory serves Pikachu is resistant to water


"Super effective" should be the new "pwned" or whatever you internet kids say these days >_> :D

I too had a good chuckle when I read it :)

I'm loving the updates lately; nothing too spoilerific and nothing too un-interesting.

When is Smash coming out again?

Wow, that's so much awesome, I don't even know how to describe it. And, I totally agree, Eulogic, that text box makes it so very much better.

The fact that it's Super Effective? That makes it so much more demoralizing. ^ ^

--Jack Kieser

Sakurai said that it isn't really super effective; look at the text box, the attack is being used on Fox. It might be interesting if suddenly they all acquired elements Pokemon style, but it's just an effect.

That said, it does look like a really cool attack. Finally something other than fire.. or a big beam... three beams! ^^

I'm going to seriously investigate the Pokemon Trainer now. :)


So I wonder how it's going to work at the beginning of a battle with the pokemon trainer. You only fight with the pokemon right? So which pokemon comes out first? Maybe it's random unless you hold a certain button (kinda like how in melee you can start as shiek instead of zelda). Also if the switch isnt instant, which it doesnt appear to be since he recalls the pokemon out and then throws a new poke ball out into battle, it could be an interesting way to avoid attacks instead of shielding or air dodging.

Sakurai said that it isn't really super effective; look at the text box, the attack is being used on Fox. It might be interesting if suddenly they all acquired elements Pokemon style, but it's just an effect.

That said, it does look like a really cool attack. Finally something other than fire.. or a big beam... three beams! ^^

I'm going to seriously investigate the Pokemon Trainer now. :)

I know that it won't actually do more damage based on 'Super Effective-ness" (although that would totally rock); what I meant is that if that text box wasn't there, it wouldn't be nearly as demoralizing to get hit by that attack. Getting nailed by a Final Smash? That sucks. It always being 'Super Effective' on your scrawny ass? Way worse.

--Jack Kieser

Also if the switch isnt instant, which it doesnt appear to be since he recalls the pokemon out and then throws a new poke ball out into battle, it could be an interesting way to avoid attacks instead of shielding or air dodging.

Probably wouldn't be a very good tactic. If it's anything like I believe it to be, there's probably going to be a slight delay between when you hit the command to when the pokémon is recalled, during which you are vulnerable to attack.


The Trainer's profile also says switching out too much isn't good for your Pokemon. Remember, they have stamina as well.

The order of the pokemon appearance is also in that profile. I think it always starts with Squirtle.

The Trainer's profile also says switching out too much isn't good for your Pokemon.

That's only half the story. The full quote is as follows:

If you keep fighting with the same Pokémon, or if you change them out too often, it’s not so good for the Pokémon.

So, you have to know when to switch, but....not too often? Seems like either everyone will have something to learn about this, or we're making a bigger deal out of it than we should be.

That's only half the story. The full quote is as follows:

If you keep fighting with the same Pokémon, or if you change them out too often, it’s not so good for the Pokémon.

So, you have to know when to switch, but....not too often? Seems like either everyone will have something to learn about this, or we're making a bigger deal out of it than we should be.

I know, but I meant in the context of using the switching out to avoid attacks.

Since switching out is bad for the poke's (granted that we don't know how it will affect them) I figured switching out would not be some uber dodge technique like someone might have thought. :)

Probably wouldn't be a very good tactic. If it's anything like I believe it to be, there's probably going to be a slight delay between when you hit the command to when the pokémon is recalled, during which you are vulnerable to attack.

Yeah, I'd have to imagine this would be the case. A pokemon would probably stand still for a split second while he is sent back into his ball to compensate for the split second it takes to through a new ball out.

sakurai sounds a little annoyed/pissed off/in a rush in this update

Yea...I love the way he has a go at people with no friends. He's going Tourney mode is good to play with friends, if you have friends, but if you don't it's okay cos you can still play...it's just much better with friends. But it's okay cos there are computers to play with, but they're not really friends are they? It's good to have friends. :-P

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