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I was a little disappointed that Little Mac wasn't a playable character, but I'm still really glad he's a trophy, and especially that they more or less used his design from the original NES game, because I think he looks pretty stupid in Super Punch Out for SNES.

Still, I mean, they have those stupid Ice Climbers as playable characters, and not Mac?

Isn't Killer Instinct technically Rare? And doesn't Rare work for some other company now? They probably won't be able to use any of them. Otherwise they would almost certainly add Fulgore, who I always sort of understood to be the most representative character of the series.

And yeah that DK and Diddy trailer is great. Hard to make someone look badass when they're weilding little wooden guns that spit circus peanuts, but they managed.

Yeah, I was just being sarcastic about the TJ Combo thing, sorry :P

Edit: Finally a pretty decent quality video of the screen up close.


LOL! I've heard that before! "I can WD, but I don't need to." or "Sure I can do it, it just doesn't help me."

Is WDing overrated? Way. But, if you can do it, yet don't do it in a match, you're a fool. There is nothing to lose from using WDing, it will only help you combo and mindgame better. It's that simple.

If you claim to be able to WD, but don't, you are an idiot, or you are Aniki.

I went to a tournament a few months back and people were WD all around me but that made no differnce. I still beat them and made it to the semi finals.

After that I got destroyed by 1 of the top 4. =/ Still quite an experience.

The top 4 players didn't WD either.


hey chaos sorcerer, nice logic

so if you can beat someone who knows how to wavedash, then wavedashing isn't useful

with just a few minutes of practice anyone can master the timing. thousands of people can wavedash. only a handful of these people actually travel to tournaments and are good. what's more, the majority of people who know how to wavedash but aren't good are actually WORSE for wavedashing because they just think "oh, im using this advanced technique, it must be making me better" without knowing why and how it can be useful. wavedashing around a bunch isn't going to get you anywhere, it just makes you play retarded.

nobody said learning how to wavedash is supposed to instantly make you better, and not all people who use it are even good. you say you beat a bunch of wavedashers at this tournament (im guessing a local gamestore tournament); what were there names? are they known AT ALL in the competitive smash community? i wonder why not, maybe it's because they're just "random noob who happens to know how to wavedash #14,786." go to a real tournament and beat a competitive player who is actually good, then talk about how much you know about this game.

I went to a tournament a few months back and people were WD all around me but that made no differnce. I still beat them and made it to the semi finals.

After that I got destroyed by 1 of the top 4. =/ Still quite an experience.

The top 4 players didn't WD either.

I apologize if that came off as a bit harsh, but I remain unconvinced. Look, is effectively WDing in a game, and using it to string together combos going to hurt you? I'll point out also, that to be able to pull a WD is one thing. To know when to use it in a match is another. I learned WDing through a painstaking process of repetition, until I could WD back and forth across FD. But it took much longer to incorporate the technique into my game. People tend to say that they don't need it, or fail to see how it helps, if they can't pull it off in a match. Eventually, it becomes an accessible move, no different than a button press, and you can pull it off instantly without thinking. Right after mastering the WD, you have to think about it before pulling it off in a match.

*Laughs* I thought of my brother who is learning now. He has the WD mastered, but can't effectively use it in matches yet. He'll wait until I'm a good distance away, and then do one, and then sort of stop like, "I did it!" rather lamely. Seriously, familiarize yourself with its uses, because saying that it won't help you is just wrong.

As for the tournament you spoke of, assuming the story is true, those who could WD were obviously not that good. WDing does NOT make you good. I played a guy at one tournament who was new to the game. He had spent hours learning moves like shffling and WDing, but he had a very poor understanding of the game's physics in general. At that time, I had been playing melee for a long time, but had limited skills in the advanced techs. Now, I don't know how well these guys you spoke of were WDing either. Like I mentioned earlier, they could have been guys that merely memorized the move combination, and popped a few random ones in matches to show, "Yeah, that's right, I can wavedash." I know that happens, because at my first tournament ever, that was me.

Sigh, I don't know why I can't be happy with how far I have come since then.

You guys who went to E for All.

Is Ike a monster or what? Fuck...I didn't expect him to be that good. He dominated so many matches.

Ooh! Did you see what his Final Smash was?...


Hey, did you notice at the end of that second page earlier, that accelerator thing that throws pit/mario is just like the ones from flying battery in Sonic and Knuckles. Wonder if that's supposed to be a reference.

Hey, did you notice at the end of that second page earlier, that accelerator thing that throws pit/mario is just like the ones from flying battery in Sonic and Knuckles. Wonder if that's supposed to be a reference.

It's also a technique used in Kirby Superstar.

hey chaos sorcerer, nice logic

so if you can beat someone who knows how to wavedash, then wavedashing isn't useful

with just a few minutes of practice anyone can master the timing. thousands of people can wavedash. only a handful of these people actually travel to tournaments and are good. what's more, the majority of people who know how to wavedash but aren't good are actually WORSE for wavedashing because they just think "oh, im using this advanced technique, it must be making me better" without knowing why and how it can be useful. wavedashing around a bunch isn't going to get you anywhere, it just makes you play retarded.

nobody said learning how to wavedash is supposed to instantly make you better, and not all people who use it are even good. you say you beat a bunch of wavedashers at this tournament (im guessing a local gamestore tournament); what were there names? are they known AT ALL in the competitive smash community? i wonder why not, maybe it's because they're just "random noob who happens to know how to wavedash #14,786." go to a real tournament and beat a competitive player who is actually good, then talk about how much you know about this game.

The whole "I'm too good for wavedashing" is incredibly LMAO. Obviously this wasn't a real tournament with any shred of real competition.

In any case, from everything I hear about Brawl from all my friends that went to E For All, it seems like a pretty sweet deal we're going to get. I hear quite a bit about the lack of wavedashing but wavelanding is still possible. Also I hear a bit about sweet spotting... seems like you can grab edge easily from what I hear... kinda like Mario's "magnet hands" in Melee. Anyone that was there able to add anything to that?

Also my friend says Zero Suit Samus's Final Smash is just her getting her suit back, but if you're close to her when she gets the suit back, you just get annihilated. Awesome, I guess, but it seems like Zero Suit Samus isn't selectable from the start. Many people were saying how they were holding buttons and what not before matches to find out if you could start off as her. I hope this won't be the case in the final game.

Edit: Kiyosuki, where in Cali are you from?


Yeah, this week wasn't that great at all. Oh well. Hopefully next week Captain Falcon, Geno, and Megaman will be announced as playable characters.

Yeah, this week wasn't that great at all. Oh well. Hopefully next week Captain Falcon, Geno, and Megaman will be announced as playable characters.

I'm a little surprised. I expected at least one stellar update this week, especially following the announcement of the delay.

Yes, I know they had Sonic. But that was before. Now they need another good announcement to distract us. Great news, then terrible news, then great news. It's like a disappointment sandwich.


so there's this new thing in brawl:

you know how in melee if you're in the middle of running and you mash the control stick the opposite way, you're character will do this big fat laggy turn around animation (there are ways to get around this)? well in brawl apparantly instead, your character will actually FALL DOWN. but this is a good thing, because you can instantly cancel your fall down animation with anything like a grab or attack. what does this mean? you can be running and then essentially pivot with an attack or grab or whatever instantly. this has already been possible with dashdancing, but not with actually running.

dashdancing is cancelling your original dash animation with a dash the other way. there are two parts to running: the original lunge forward (the normally cancellable animation) and the part after, where the character is actually running. in melee pivoting out of your initial dash animation with an attack is possible but way more difficult because you literally have a one-frame window. in brawl you can still dash-dance (and it's yet to see if you can pivot out of initial dash like in melee) but now you can pivot out of actually running, so that's a pretty big thing, and it seems like it's really intuitive and easy.

so there's this new thing in brawl:

you know how in melee if you're in the middle of running and you mash the control stick the opposite way, you're character will do this big fat laggy turn around animation (there are ways to get around this)? well in brawl apparantly instead, your character will actually FALL DOWN. but this is a good thing, because you can instantly cancel your fall down animation with anything like a grab or attack. what does this mean? you can be running and then essentially pivot with an attack or grab or whatever instantly. this has already been possible with dashdancing, but not with actually running.

dashdancing is cancelling your original dash animation with a dash the other way. there are two parts to running: the original lunge forward (the normally cancellable animation) and the part after, where the character is actually running. in melee pivoting out of your initial dash animation with an attack is possible but way more difficult because you literally have a one-frame window. in brawl you can still dash-dance (and it's yet to see if you can pivot out of initial dash like in melee) but now you can pivot out of actually running, so that's a pretty big thing, and it seems like it's really intuitive and easy.

Awesome! Thanks for that bit of info.

Yeah, this week wasn't that great at all. Oh well. Hopefully next week Captain Falcon, Geno, and Megaman will be announced as playable characters.

If that happened, I would cease all bitching about this game, even about it's delay.

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