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  Cerrax said:

Itreally seems like they're bringing back a lot of the old N64 stuff. I miss the old SSB64. I hope it plays similar to it as well. I'd die happy if they gave Link back his old running-A move from the 64 version.

True. The most noticeable are the flashes when the characters hit each other. I noticed that right away since the first trailer.

Still hoping for Onix and Hitmonlee to come back.

  Cerrax said:
Itreally seems like they're bringing back a lot of the old N64 stuff. I miss the old SSB64. I hope it plays similar to it as well. I'd die happy if they gave Link back his old running-A move from the 64 version.

Speaking of the 64 version, I hope Nintendo releases SSB 64 for the Virtual Console. It would be perfect if they released it on the original December 3rd promised date, which happens to be a VC Monday.


I wonder if they'll have more hidden moves in Brawl. Like Samus' Homing Grapple.

I thought it was cool to include stuff like that. Hopefully more (all) characters get something similar.

  ChaosSorcerer said:
True. The most noticeable are the flashes when the characters hit each other. I noticed that right away since the first trailer.

Still hoping for Onix and Hitmonlee to come back.

It'd be awesome if Hitmonlee was back! I had forgotten about him but played the 64 version a few days ago and one popped out. It greatly amused me.


i had one seriously weird dream last night

ok so i was in my room playing brawl and i was playing as kirby and i had peach and dk with me and we were jamming through dk's forest so we could get back to kirbys warpstar

when we finally got to it k.rool was there and dk was like ah hell nah i got this kirby you get the fuck out of here *with motions of course because from we gathered in the trailers, noone actually talks* and dk charged at k.rool and kirby and peach dashed for the warpstar and flew the fuck out of there

so kirby and peach were flying back to the halberd because kirby had to fly back there and while flying there peach noticed mario running towards bowsers keep so she pointed down and kirby flew low to the ground and peach jumped off and used her umbrella to fly to the ground so then peach reunited with mario and kirby flew off by himself because he is a bad ass and doesnt need anyone to assist him

then it cut to metaknight watching from a tree somewhere as kirby flew back to the halberd and metaknight flew there too and whoa suddenly im playing as metaknight

so im on the halberd all my peeps are attacking me so i figured that the black mage looking dude who we saw in the beginning trailer really took over the halberd and so im metaknight trying to get it back

i bust through the level and suddenly it goes to the map of the halberd that you see in kirby super star except its completely redone in 3d and it showed an explosion on the right wing

then it goes back to kirby and flies onto the right wing and i play as him busting through the level and kicking some ass and i go into the main cockpit area then it goes to the map and shows the right wing blow up

then it goes to a cutscene where metaknight and kirby meet up and kirby is like wtf and metaknight just glares and kirby whips out his sword and then metaknight does because even though they have similar goals they are still rivals you know so then it goes to a battle and im controlling kirby which is not bad since i figured you know i must have been playing through his arc of the story anyways

so the fights over and metaknights on the floor owned and kirby moves forward to the room where the blackmage is and they fight and when the fights over it goes back to the 3d map with the whole halberd blowin up and going down and then it goes back to kirby and i apparently have to get the fuck out of there so im running and theres this timer and im like shit i gotta gtfo but i dont make it in time but wait metaknight all of a sudden flies and grabs me and we fly off of the halberd and it lands in the ocean completely owned and metaknight drops off kirby and then like disappears

then i woke up and when i did i wondered why i dreamed of that instead of some hot lovin

seriously though it was pretty odd yet cool but even though it was pretty epic i know the game won't be nearly as cool with each person going against their major enemy in an awesome story style like that


  BardicKnowledge said:
I really enjoyed the Saffron City stage...it'd be nice if some of those classics return.

Failing Saffron City's actual return (which I hope it returns as well), you can probably make a similar setup using the stage editor. Dunno if you could make the moving platforms and you couldn't remake the pokemon door, but you could make the bare skeleton of the stage work, at least... and give it Pokemon music or something.

But yeah, in a lot of ways Brawl looks like a hybrid of Melee and Classic Smash in how it does things with a huge, fresh dose of new stuff thrown in too. I think that's what makes me so excited for it; it's a great mix of old and new. ....Which is really the essence of the series to begin with.

  Triad Orion said:
But yeah, in a lot of ways Brawl looks like a hybrid of Melee and Classic Smash in how it does things with a huge, fresh dose of new stuff thrown in too. I think that's what makes me so excited for it; it's a great mix of old and new. ....Which is really the essence of the series to begin with.


And it seems this thread's post count has reached yet another milestone value. Assuming each post has, on average, a power level of 1, and that the total power level of the thread is the sum of the power levels of each of its posts, we can therefore assume that the thread's post count p is approximately equal to its power level p'. So without further ado, I'll cut straight to the ceremonies:


What does the Brawl thread say about its power level?



Update is a little late......could this mean another character????


Jeez. THREE taunts? And entire buttons assigned to the controllers for taunts only? I think they got a bit too zealous there. But I wish the rest of the game is extravagant and outlandish enough to justify it.

  Nicholas said:
patience dude

This usually happens with a character update, yes?

I wanna wait but if the update is not up in about 15 mins I'll have to call it a night. I have work early in the morning.

  Neo Samus said:
Ahem.....*takes deep breath*.....




I sure hope they go overboard and make each "account" have not just 3 custom taunt phrases, but 3 custom taunt phrases per character. Then you could come up with such in-context taunts as:

"I am under a box!"

"Oh. A fairy."

"I'm curling myself in some sort of new stretch."

"I give a shout on the spot."


I like what you did with the pic and my post very nice. :wink:

Well I checked the Japanese site and it has been updated.....to what I'm not sure....

Edit...again....UK site has it. talks about Handicap. Interesting.

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