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Stop your bitching. It is just an additional feature, not something mandatory that you have to use.

Don't like it? DON'T USE IT.

im saying that this ONCE AGAIN is something that has the potential to be an excellent feature but they make it useless

all theyd need to do is add a RANKING SYSTEM (HOW THE HECK DO THEY NOT HAVE ONE) and you could select to watch matches among higher ranked players if you chose or if youre a beginner you can choose to watch lower ranked matches

then if they REALLY wanted they could still keep them anonymous but at least youre picking what you wanna watch

this also presents a major flaw with their wifi play

after two months of xbox live i really appreciate ranked matches

when i go to unranked ones i get the balls beaten out of me every time, but when i play ranked im playing people like me

the lack of ranked matches is going to discourage all new players from playing online as theyll more often than not get the living garbage beaten out of them

aside from friend code (gay) matches the entire wifi play is a complete joke

so yeah i threw the whole live thing in there again but this isnt like its an exclusive live thing it is an ESSENTIAL aspect to any kind of online game

Have you guys ever watched computers fight on Melee? It's so boring, and they do stupid things for no reason(like Captain Falcon doing up+b when nobody is even near him multiple times). Let's not even get started Luigi's over+b, haha.

I actually do that, with Luigi. I like to watch him whoosh, whoosh around until he BAMS across the screen, especially when he shoots right off the screen. I lol hard when he does that.


Seriously, anyone who doesn't see what Nintendo is doing wrong, and gives two shits about online play, should get an Xbox 360, play some online games, then go back to the Wii.

There is absolutely no reason why you have to fight or watch nameless faceless opponents. None whatsoever.


Do you have any idea how difficult it would be to have a "watch matches played by Joe Blow" option? Let's say Joe Blow's a hardcore player, and plays an average of 10 online matches a day. Now, suppose 20% of these matches are recorded and sent to Nintendo. So, every day, the "search for matches played by Joe Blow" option would have 2 new matches for you to watch. Now, multiply Joe Blow by tens of thousands of Smash players - that replay data would quickly build up into an absolutely MASSIVE amount. Now let's say Nintendo only keeps the replays for, say, one week, or maybe one day. So on any given day, you'd have maybe 5 or 10 Joe Blow matches to watch, several of which you've probably already watched. However you tweak the numbers around, you'll always have either have too much stress on Nintendo's (for their FREE SERVICE), or a minuscule amount of replays to watch. I'll shut up if anyone can show me a widely played game out that has this same feature and does it well.

If you want to watch matches by Joe Blow, TELL HIM TO SEND YOU HIS REPLAYS!

If you want to watch only CPU players fight each other, YOU ARE VERY EASILY AMUSED!

The broadcast is like a TV station. ONE TV station. The Brawl channel. Brawl Broadcasting Corperation, if you will. Sure, it might be nice to have more than one channel, but really, do we need more than one? Just because it's a great game doesn't mean it needs everything you want.

so it should be fun to have people in different environments watch and cheer the same match.

Again, Sakurai's chosen more of a "TV" philosophy here, rather than a "YouTube" one.

Plus, betting would be impossible if it wasn't "broadcast" style. I'm just wondering if this betting option will nudge people towards (or away from) gambling addictions?? I'm sure Jack Thompson can't wait to hear about it......

I will admit, their method of random "data collection" looks unbelievably lame.


Why is there no "submit" button here?? Why would random matches be more entertaining (or more fun to bet on) than ones people specifically submit to Nintendo??? Bah, if they decide to make the broadcast show replays that people sumbit, it'll probably delay the game another two months.

...Wii games can get patches, right? =D

all theyd need to do is add a RANKING SYSTEM (HOW THE HECK DO THEY NOT HAVE ONE)

That's a good question. I'm really hoping they have a "choose your skill level" thing - without it, online play would be pretty awful. Really, the only reason I'd want to play with people I don't know is when the people I DO know are a different skill level than me. If half of my online opponents are either way better or worse than I am (which is bound to happen if there's no skill levels or ranking), then, well... my time might be better spent betting on anonymous Brawl players or playing with stickers.

...Wii games can get patches, right? =D

no because nintendo finds hard drives to be useless, the little bit of memory it has aint gonna cut it at all

thats why all the unfortunate souls that bought guitar hero 3 for the wii cannot play co op quick play and cant download song packs


It's all propaganda at the moment. There is absolutely no reason why Nintendo can't pull it off technically. They're playing all frumpy and hard to get just because the competitors are onto it. I bet the next gen Nintendo system will have all of the above. Or not, if they're REALLY that knuckleheaded about PC technology.

I'm still waiting in anticipation as to whether the SSBB game replay will show the best players going at it.

no because nintendo finds hard drives to be useless, the little bit of memory it has aint gonna cut it at all

thats why all the unfortunate souls that bought guitar hero 3 for the wii cannot play co op quick play and cant download song packs

Hey do you know how many songs a 1GB SD card can hold. It's kind of a lot.

I really doubt space is the issue.

Hey do you know how many songs a 1GB SD card can hold. It's kind of a lot.

I really doubt space is the issue.

a song pack (3 songs) is almost 100 MB

so not that much


I don't really get their big fuss over anonymity, do they really think it's security issue for some stalker/pedophile to know a kid's online handle? Even if they insist on keeping voice chat out, would it really hurt to display player names in replays and wi-fi matches?


Does the Wii support any size SD card? Don't they have 8gb or 16gb ones out now?

I don't really get their big fuss over anonymity, do they really think it's security issue for some stalker/pedophile to know a kid's online handle?

They really need to get over it. There's this thing called parental controls, and parents need to get involved and use them so it'll stop ruining things for everyone else :P

I don't really get their big fuss over anonymity, do they really think it's security issue for some stalker/pedophile to know a kid's online handle? Even if they insist on keeping voice chat out, would it really hurt to display player names in replays and wi-fi matches?

actually the problem lies in friend codes

because they use numeric codes and not usernames you cant display their unique identity over their head

otherwise if you could put any old name over your head everyone could end up with the same name or they could be explicit (OH NO!)

even if i was a pedophile and i saw some kid's name I COULDNT EVEN TALK TO HIM so what the heck is the problem


No voice chat? That sucks hard. Most games have been using voice chat on consoles since SOCOM(More than likely before that).

As for the online handle, I'm still pissed off that my custom guy in Pokemon Battle Revolution is unable to say his custom lines in there. How can you go wrong with someone saying at the beginning of a fight "For America!!!" and spinning a little pojeball on his finger.


Clearly some of you guys haven't noticed that the updates are pretty thin in content. Most special move updates don't even showcase all four special moves. To assume that EVERYTHING about online play has been revealed already is just plain ol' ignorant, and to bitch about things like "no voice chat, no online ranking system, spectator mode is so limiting, etc etc etc" is godamn pointless. Why? When they revealed Pit's special moves, did you freak out about "OMGWTFBBQ PIT ONLY HAS TWO SPECIAL MOVES, WTF SAKURAI?!?!".....? Clearly there's more content coming for every aspect of the game, including online, so would people please stop whining about features that have not been confirmed/denied at all. :|

Clearly some of you guys haven't noticed that the updates are pretty thin in content. Most special move updates don't even showcase all four special moves. To assume that EVERYTHING about online play has been revealed already is just plain ol' ignorant, and to bitch about things like "no voice chat, no online ranking system, spectator mode is so limiting, etc etc etc" is godamn pointless. Why? When they revealed Pit's special moves, did you freak out about "OMGWTFBBQ PIT ONLY HAS TWO SPECIAL MOVES, WTF SAKURAI?!?!".....? Clearly there's more content coming for every aspect of the game, including online, so would people please stop whining about features that have not been confirmed/denied at all. :|

obviously you dont read the updates

rankings are confirmed to not be there

handles are confirmed to not be there

voice chat AHAHAHA not gonna go there

so yeah everything ive said is right


He needs a nap?

I honestly don't care a whole lot about the online bit being set up the way it is, gamers that really want to get into it will network anyway, or try really hard to. What I'm hoping for is a list that's big enough to handle that, it seems a lot of games in the psat have insignificantly sized lists.

Then again I don't really mind anonymous non rated battles either, sure I might run into people that'll cream me, or be too easy, but if I play against the former often enough my skill will eventually increase.

Yeah, ok so I'm a go with the flow sort, really it's no fun to get ones undies in a bunch over something that won't be there, and probably won't be regardless of how much windging is done. meh..

Seriously, anyone who doesn't see what Nintendo is doing wrong, and gives two shits about online play, should get an Xbox 360, play some online games, then go back to the Wii.

There is absolutely no reason why you have to fight or watch nameless faceless opponents. None whatsoever.

Quoted for emphasis.

Why must everyone who's not friended be anonymous? Why the friend codes? Nintnedo needs to realize that children of overprotective parents are NOT THEIR ONLY AUDIENCE.

Blocking names, voice chat, etc. should be under parental controls, not mandatory. That, and they need to have a nintendo.com login name - based online service, something like Xbox live does.

The "Add rival" feature in metroid prime hunters was a baby step in the right direction.

chill the fuck out atma

i think you need some more time off of the net


i think someone needs to get these stupid fanboy faggots to wake up and realize everything nintendo is doing wrong, or could do better

not make retarded justifications because its nintendo and they love it so much

ive said it a zillion times and its been said by others also

play on xbox live for a week then go back to the wii

you will find a zillion problems with it


so you think it's okay to kill the fun everyone is having?

are you some kind of demon that feeds off other people's sadness? Why the shit would you come in to make other people feel bad about what they like? If it is all for your ego, then you might need some one to tell you about every thing you're doing wrong.

go live a happy and friendly life for a week, then go back to being an ass. You'll see that there are a trillion things wrong with your personality.


Just because atma is being douchy about it doesn't make him any less right. Nintendo sucks hard when it comes to online, and despite high expectations Brawl is looking to be more of the same. Trying to get people to wake up and see that is apparently a lost cause.


You seem to be under the assumption that the reason we're all so excited about brawl is that we "don't get it," or "don't see it."

We get it. It's not xbox live. We can't use it to question the sexuality of random people while we play them.

We still think it's gonna be an awesome game. Do you understand this, or is it completely beyond your comprehension that there's more to gaming than being able to question the sexuality of random nobodies while they massacre and/or teabag you?


actually i used to be the happy jolly person like all of you who got excited for everything nintendo and thought they could do no wrong

then i bought a wii

and im sure the offline component will be extremely excellent

i am to criticize nowadays

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